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Everything posted by teamwhatever

  1. I've managed to get this to work, except that I get /googlesitemap/ in the middle of my category urls. It is basically entering the folders name into the url. I managed to fix this for everything else (my DIR_FS_CATALOG was actually the folder name using SCRIPT_FILE, for some reason it works ok for the usual running of the shop but not here?). Can anyone tell me where else the code for directing to the root directory is for the creation of the urls? I have looked at and messed about with hrefLink, but this does not contain anything for the root, so I'm assuming it must be somewhere else? cheers
  2. Hi, is there anyway of limiting the friendly url used for the links to the products page. Trying to clarify my post a bit by saying that my products are listed on a categories page, with no products info page per se. Currently everything works nicely but the urls are displayed as maincategory/productcategory/productname.html. Whereas within the normal navigation (and in google's index) they are maincategory/productcategory/ and no mention of the product name or html at the end. What code would I need to amend to get rid of the unwanted part of the url? cheers
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