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Everything posted by GwilliamP

  1. Could I also ask for the code you mentioned as I have a couple of RC2A sites I would like this on?Thanks, Paul.
  2. Can anyone help with a script problem? I have set up cron jobs to run sitemonitor.php (permisiions set to 744) for each domain daily. The report is emailed to me. Today the reports contained a list of files as below. Found a new file named shop/admin/fckeditor/editor/css/index.php Found a new file named shop/admin/includes/boxes/index.php Found a new file named shop/admin/includes/local/index.php Found a new file named shop/googlesitemap/Google-XML-Sitemap-Feed/index.php Found a new file named shop/googlesitemap/media/index.php Found a new file named shop/images/default/index.php Found a new file named shop/images/infobox/index.php Found a new file named shop/includes/local/index.php This was going to take a while to delete manually using FileZilla so I decided to write a script as follows. rm /home/www/<mydomain>/shop/admin/includes/boxes/index.php rm /home/www/<mydomain>/shop/admin/includes/functions/index.php rm /home/www/<mydomain>/shop/admin/includes/languages/english/modules/index.php rm /home/www/<mydomain>/shop/admin/sitemonitor_log_022_12_2012.txt rm /home/www/<mydomain>/shop/admin/sitemonitor_log_023_12_2012.txt rm /home/www/<mydomain>/shop/admin/sitemonitor_log_024_12_2012.txt rm /home/www/<mydomain>/shop/admin/sitemonitor_log_025_12_2012.txt rm /home/www/<mydomain>/shop/admin/sitemonitor_log_026_12_2012.txt rm /home/www/<mydomain>/shop/admin/sitemonitor_log_027_12_2012.txt rm /home/www/<mydomain>/shop/Images/Seed and Bugle/Mixed/index.php rm /home/www/<mydomain>/shop/webim/js/source/index.php Unfortunately each line returned an error as follows rm: cannot remove `/home/www/<mydomain>/shop/admin/fckeditor/editor/_source/internals/index.php\r': No such file or directory I had used ConTEXT as the editor which has never caused issues before yet running the script appears to have appended \r to each line. I viewed it in vi and could see no odd characters so believe it is 'clean'. Any ideas?
  3. @Mention Thank you for that. 6/7 are in catalog/includes/google/src which appears to contain a lot of irrelevant files. is catalog/includes/google even needed? I have managed to eventually get the login.php to show/use the buttons by moving the code below <tr> <td><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"> <tr> <td class="main" width="50%" valign="top"><b><?php echo HEADING_NEW_CUSTOMER; ?></b></td> <td class="main" width="50%" valign="top"><b><?php echo HEADING_RETURNING_CUSTOMER; ?></b></td> <? Unfortunately checkout_shipping.php is causing problems as 2.2 RC2a does not contain any of the code referred to in the instructions. I gather the new code is an account verification/redirection but, as my PHP is not at all good, am not sure where to insert the new code. I am pretty sure it needs to go in the following section. Can I be cheeky and ask how :blush: require('includes/application_top.php'); require('includes/classes/http_client.php'); // if the customer is not logged on, redirect them to the login page if (!tep_session_is_registered('customer_id')) { $navigation->set_snapshot(); tep_redirect(tep_href_link(FILENAME_LOGIN, '', 'SSL')); } // if there is nothing in the customers cart, redirect them to the shopping cart page if ($cart->count_contents() < 1) { tep_redirect(tep_href_link(FILENAME_SHOPPING_CART)); } // if no shipping destination address was selected, use the customers own address as default if (!tep_session_is_registered('sendto')) { tep_session_register('sendto'); $sendto = $customer_default_address_id; } else { // verify the selected shipping address if ( (is_array($sendto) && empty($sendto)) || is_numeric($sendto) ) { $check_address_query = tep_db_query("select count(*) as total from " . TABLE_ADDRESS_BOOK . " where customers_id = '" . (int)$customer_id . "' and address_book_id = '" . (int)$sendto . "'"); $check_address = tep_db_fetch_array($check_address_query); if ($check_address['total'] != '1') { $sendto = $customer_default_address_id; if (tep_session_is_registered('shipping')) tep_session_unregister('shipping'); } } } require(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'order.php'); $order = new order; Thanks, Paul.
  4. Sorry for the double post but this issue has come up after creating both APIs. I am running 2.2 RC2a so will it work at all? If so, which query is suitable? Thanks (again), Paul.
  5. I am in the process of installing this for the first time by loading it into my sandbox. I am a little concerned by the 7 dwsync.xml files found in _notes folders in 7 locations. below are just 2 of the files and their content as examples. catalog/_notes/dwsync.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <dwsync> <file name="googleloader.php" server="www.conzept.de/oscommerce_2.3.1_raw/catalog/" local="129877090390519490" remote="129877855800000000" Dst="2" /> </dwsync> catalog/includes/google/src/contrib/_notes/dwsync.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <dwsync> <file name="apiAnalyticsService.php" server="www.conzept.de/oscommerce_3.02/" local="129755636660000000" remote="129876282600000000" Dst="2" /> <file name="apiAdsenseService.php" server="www.conzept.de/oscommerce_3.02/" local="129755636660000000" remote="129876282600000000" Dst="2" /> <file name="apiBigqueryService.php" server="www.conzept.de/oscommerce_3.02/" local="129755636660000000" remote="129876282600000000" Dst="2" /> <file name="apiBloggerService.php" server="www.conzept.de/oscommerce_3.02/" local="129755636660000000" remote="129876282600000000" Dst="2" /> <file name="apiCustomsearchService.php" server="www.conzept.de/oscommerce_3.02/" local="129755636660000000" remote="129876282600000000" Dst="2" /> <file name="apiFreebaseService.php" server="www.conzept.de/oscommerce_3.02/" local="129755636660000000" remote="129876282600000000" Dst="2" /> <file name="apiBooksService.php" server="www.conzept.de/oscommerce_3.02/" local="129755636660000000" remote="129876282600000000" Dst="2" /> <file name="apiCalendarService.php" server="www.conzept.de/oscommerce_3.02/" local="129755636660000000" remote="129876282600000000" Dst="2" /> <file name="apiLatitudeService.php" server="www.conzept.de/oscommerce_3.02/" local="129755636660000000" remote="129876282600000000" Dst="2" /> <file name="apiGanService.php" server="www.conzept.de/oscommerce_3.02/" local="129755636660000000" remote="129876282600000000" Dst="2" /> <file name="apiOauth2Service.php" server="www.conzept.de/oscommerce_3.02/" local="129755636660000000" remote="129876282600000000" Dst="2" /> <file name="apiPagespeedonlineService.php" server="www.conzept.de/oscommerce_3.02/" local="129755636660000000" remote="129876282600000000" Dst="2" /> <file name="apiModeratorService.php" server="www.conzept.de/oscommerce_3.02/" local="129755636660000000" remote="129876282600000000" Dst="2" /> <file name="apiPredictionService.php" server="www.conzept.de/oscommerce_3.02/" local="129755636660000000" remote="129876282600000000" Dst="2" /> <file name="apiPlusService.php" server="www.conzept.de/oscommerce_3.02/" local="129755636660000000" remote="129876282600000000" Dst="2" /> <file name="apiOrkutService.php" server="www.conzept.de/oscommerce_3.02/" local="129755636660000000" remote="129876282600000000" Dst="2" /> <file name="apiSiteVerificationService.php" server="www.conzept.de/oscommerce_3.02/" local="129755636660000000" remote="129876282600000000" Dst="2" /> <file name="apiShoppingService.php" server="www.conzept.de/oscommerce_3.02/" local="129755636660000000" remote="129876282600000000" Dst="2" /> <file name="apiTasksService.php" server="www.conzept.de/oscommerce_3.02/" local="129755636660000000" remote="129876282600000000" Dst="2" /> <file name="apiTranslateService.php" server="www.conzept.de/oscommerce_3.02/" local="129755636660000000" remote="129876282600000000" Dst="2" /> <file name="apiUrlshortenerService.php" server="www.conzept.de/oscommerce_3.02/" local="129755636660000000" remote="129876282600000000" Dst="2" /> <file name="apiWebfontsService.php" server="www.conzept.de/oscommerce_3.02/" local="129755636660000000" remote="129876282600000000" Dst="2" /> <file name="apiAdsenseService.php" server="www.conzept.de/oscommerce_2.3.1_raw/catalog/" local="129755636660000000" remote="129877855800000000" Dst="2" /> <file name="apiAnalyticsService.php" server="www.conzept.de/oscommerce_2.3.1_raw/catalog/" local="129755636660000000" remote="129877855800000000" Dst="2" /> <file name="apiBigqueryService.php" server="www.conzept.de/oscommerce_2.3.1_raw/catalog/" local="129755636660000000" remote="129877855800000000" Dst="2" /> <file name="apiBloggerService.php" server="www.conzept.de/oscommerce_2.3.1_raw/catalog/" local="129755636660000000" remote="129877855800000000" Dst="2" /> <file name="apiCustomsearchService.php" server="www.conzept.de/oscommerce_2.3.1_raw/catalog/" local="129755636660000000" remote="129877855800000000" Dst="2" /> <file name="apiBooksService.php" server="www.conzept.de/oscommerce_2.3.1_raw/catalog/" local="129755636660000000" remote="129877855800000000" Dst="2" /> <file name="apiCalendarService.php" server="www.conzept.de/oscommerce_2.3.1_raw/catalog/" local="129755636660000000" remote="129877855800000000" Dst="2" /> <file name="apiFreebaseService.php" server="www.conzept.de/oscommerce_2.3.1_raw/catalog/" local="129755636660000000" remote="129877855800000000" Dst="2" /> <file name="apiLatitudeService.php" server="www.conzept.de/oscommerce_2.3.1_raw/catalog/" local="129755636660000000" remote="129877855800000000" Dst="2" /> <file name="apiOauth2Service.php" server="www.conzept.de/oscommerce_2.3.1_raw/catalog/" local="129755636660000000" remote="129877855800000000" Dst="2" /> <file name="apiGanService.php" server="www.conzept.de/oscommerce_2.3.1_raw/catalog/" local="129755636660000000" remote="129877855800000000" Dst="2" /> <file name="apiPagespeedonlineService.php" server="www.conzept.de/oscommerce_2.3.1_raw/catalog/" local="129755636660000000" remote="129877855800000000" Dst="2" /> <file name="apiModeratorService.php" server="www.conzept.de/oscommerce_2.3.1_raw/catalog/" local="129755636660000000" remote="129877855800000000" Dst="2" /> <file name="apiPredictionService.php" server="www.conzept.de/oscommerce_2.3.1_raw/catalog/" local="129755636660000000" remote="129877855800000000" Dst="2" /> <file name="apiPlusService.php" server="www.conzept.de/oscommerce_2.3.1_raw/catalog/" local="129755636660000000" remote="129877855800000000" Dst="2" /> <file name="apiOrkutService.php" server="www.conzept.de/oscommerce_2.3.1_raw/catalog/" local="129755636660000000" remote="129877855800000000" Dst="2" /> <file name="apiSiteVerificationService.php" server="www.conzept.de/oscommerce_2.3.1_raw/catalog/" local="129755636660000000" remote="129877855800000000" Dst="2" /> <file name="apiShoppingService.php" server="www.conzept.de/oscommerce_2.3.1_raw/catalog/" local="129755636660000000" remote="129877855800000000" Dst="2" /> <file name="apiTasksService.php" server="www.conzept.de/oscommerce_2.3.1_raw/catalog/" local="129755636660000000" remote="129877855800000000" Dst="2" /> <file name="apiTranslateService.php" server="www.conzept.de/oscommerce_2.3.1_raw/catalog/" local="129755636660000000" remote="129877855800000000" Dst="2" /> <file name="apiUrlshortenerService.php" server="www.conzept.de/oscommerce_2.3.1_raw/catalog/" local="129755636660000000" remote="129877855800000000" Dst="2" /> <file name="apiWebfontsService.php" server="www.conzept.de/oscommerce_2.3.1_raw/catalog/" local="129755636660000000" remote="129877855800000000" Dst="2" /> </dwsync> I intend to delete all of these files before uploading as they contain references to another domain. This raises 2 questions. Will this break my sandbox install? Why were they included in the first place? Q1 - should I upload a zero byte file instead? Do I need a _notes folder in the first place? Thanks, Paul.
  6. As I have previously stated, this is one of the best 'peace of mind' contributions I have running. Unfortunately one of my less important domains is regularly hit by script kiddies dropping PHP files and other into the store/images folder. I confess that I do not have all available security addons installed but have changed every password including FTP and SSH without success. Without Site Monitor running as a CRON job I could have a lot of problems. Cleaning up after the nuisances was a pain! I eventualy tired of FTP deleting the junk so slowly eveolved the following that may be of use to anyone in a similar situation. I added a .htaccess file in the store/images folder to block running the files. That blocks anything other than dropping the file there in the first place. DO THIS even if you do nothing else below. I then created (from Googling a lot of PHP forums etc.) a method of deleting the offending files. Once proven to work I cleaned it up and added it to whos_online.php which I always have loaded. It is fast and with whos_online.php refreshing at 30 second intervals should mean that any script kiddy is unable to run anything from the store/images folder so should give up quite quickly. How to install. Create a .htaccess file in the store/images folder containing the following # $Id$ # # This is used to restrict access to this folder to anything other # than images # Prevents any script files from being accessed from the images folder <FilesMatch "\.(php([0-9]|s)?|s?p?html|cgi|pl|exe)$"> Order Deny,Allow Deny from all </FilesMatch> Create a clean-images.php file in store/admin/includes/functions containing the following <?php /* $Id: clean-images.php 10-09-2012 Paul Gwilliam */ function clean_images($mask) { $files = glob($mask); if(count($files) > 0){ foreach (glob($mask) as $filename){ if (file_exists($filename)){ echo "<p><b>$filename</b> size " . filesize($filename) . " Date/Time " . date ("d-m-Y H:i:s.", filemtime($filename)) . "</p>"; fclose($filename); chmod($filename, 0666); $do = unlink($filename); if($do=="1"){ echo "<p><font color=#00ff00>The file was deleted successfully.</font></p><p><hr></p>"; } else { echo "<p><font color=#ff0000>There was an error trying to delete the file.</font></p><p><hr></p>"; }} else { echo "<p>****** The file $filename does not exist ****** </p>"; } } } else { echo "<p><font color=#00ff00>****** No " . $mask . " files found to delete ******</font></p>"; } } $mask="" ?> Now open your store/admin/whos_online.php and look for </table> </td> <?php $heading = array(); $contents = array(); $heading[] = array('text' => '<b>' . TABLE_HEADING_SHOPPING_CART . '</b>'); Add the following before the </table> <tr> <td class="smallText" colspan="9"> <?php // Begin Clean Images Folder (uses includes/functions/clean-images.php) $path_to_file = "../images"; chdir($path_to_file); $mask = "*.php"; clean_images($mask); $mask = "*.cgi"; clean_images($mask); $mask = "*.pl"; clean_images($mask); $mask = "*.html"; clean_images($mask); $mask = "*.shtml"; clean_images($mask); $path_to_file = "../admin"; chdir($path_to_file); // End Clean Images Folder ?> </td> </tr> This can easily be modified to add other file types if desired. If you have found the correct placing it should add the output just after the section that informs you of your IP address. Test it by FTPing a few PHP or other files into your store/images folder. Suggestions on how to block the offending files being added in the first place would be welcom by PM as I do not wish to clutter this thread with irrelevant chatter.
  7. Thank you for that. All working nicely now. In case anyone else wants a working copy. <?php /* $Id: sitemonitor-CRON.php,v 1.0 31-07-2112 by Paul Purpose - Run runSitemonitor function twice, once for each config, with delay between */ require('includes/functions/sitemonitor_functions.php'); echo "Setting variables for config 0"; $instance = '0'; $logFile = 'sitemonitor_log' . '_' . $instance . '.txt'; $referenceFile = 'sitemonitor_reference' . '_' . $instance . '.txt'; echo "RUNNING config 0"; require('sitemonitor_configure' . '_' . $instance . '.txt'); runSitemonitor($referenceFile, $logFile, $verbose); echo "Sleep"; sleep(60); require('sitemonitor_configure_1.txt'); echo "Setting variables for config 1"; $instance = '1'; $logFile = 'sitemonitor_log' . '_' . $instance . '.txt'; $referenceFile = 'sitemonitor_reference' . '_' . $instance . '.txt'; echo "RUNNING config 1"; require('sitemonitor_configure' . '_' . $instance . '.txt'); runSitemonitor($referenceFile, $logFile, $verbose); echo "FINISHED"; ?> The results are emailed as per ususal. I would recommend removing or commenting out the debugging echo lines once you have tested it.
  8. Why is it that the simple things in life often turn out to be complicated? Taking your advice above I decided to write a simple .php file for CRON to run. The file, in theory, runs each config in turn. <?php /* $Id: sitemonitor-CRON.php,v 1.0 31-07-2112 by Paul Purpose - Run runSitemonitor function twice, once for each config, with delay between */ require('includes/functions/sitemonitor_functions.php'); echo "Setting variables for config 0"; $instance = '0'; $logFile = 'sitemonitor_log' . '_' . $instance . '.txt'; $referenceFile = 'sitemonitor_reference' . '_' . $instance . '.txt'; echo "RUNNING config 0"; runSitemonitor($referenceFile, $logFile, $verbose); echo "Sleep"; sleep(60); echo "Setting variables for config 1"; $instance = '1'; $logFile = 'sitemonitor_log' . '_' . $instance . '.txt'; $referenceFile = 'sitemonitor_reference' . '_' . $instance . '.txt'; echo "RUNNING config 1"; runSitemonitor($referenceFile, $logFile, $verbose); echo "FINISHED"; ?> The echo statements are purely for debugging. After uploading I entered the URL in the browser expecting to see the echo lines appear one at a time. The page blanked and eventually came back with I checked the logs but nothing was updated. I did not get either of the expected emails. Am I missing something obvious? As this is a bit off topic I do not mind if you do not wish to deal with this.
  9. Hi, A CRON related request but I am not sure if it belongs here or on a completely different forum about server management. I have successfully installed/configured this on 2 domains on the same hosting account. I have set up 2 CRON jobs that run once a day. One of my stores now has such a huge number of images that I am encountering time-outs. I have tested running two configs. One for the main osC excluding images, the other for images only. Works like a charm. Now my problem - I am limited to 2 CRON jobs only. Splitting one domain as above means I want to run three CRON jobs. I am thinking of putting the commands into a script file and just running the script as a single CRON job. /home/www/domain1.com/shop/admin/sitemonitor.php 0 /home/www/domain2.com/shop/admin/sitemonitor.php 0 /home/www/domain2.com/shop/admin/sitemonitor.php 1 I have 2 questions; Is this viable? Is there a way of adding a delay between the execution of each line? If not appropriate here, could you recommend a suitable forum? P.S. I can't thank you enough for the peace of mind this brings me each morning. Occasionally the lesser important domain gets a .php file dumped in the images folder but that is protected by a run block in .htaccess so I just delete it. This contribution alone has reduced my stress/worry level no end.
  10. FTP upload (V3) problem - probably a Google issue. Up to now I have been manually down/up loading my products file. I had not previously set up an FTP account. When I saw that V3 was announced I decided to bite the bullet and upgrade and also use FTP to simplify the process. Unfortunately the FTP side of things does not seem to be working. Here is what I have done so far. Upgrade to V3 (using DiffMerge to identify and migrate the settings to the new googlefeeder.php) Run a manual check to verify it is working "Create and do not upload a GoogleBase datafeed" Create an FTP account with Google (http://www.google.co.uk/merchants/ftpsettings) Wait 24 hours even though it stated only 15 minutes for account to become live Run Create and Upload a GoogleBase datafeed - no sign of errors, usual results page displayed Wait 24 hours even though a manual upload is processed within an hour or so Check the Google Merchant Centre Dashboard to see the current products status - STILL showing expiring products! Open a browser page for ftp://uploads.google.com/ - no file Access ftp://uploads.google.com/ with FileZilla to verify above - no file Manually FTP (FileZilla) upload the file. Transfer without errors but no file appeared at Google's end? No matter what I do I can not see a file at ftp://uploads.google.com/. No errors, just no file! One odd thing I did notice was a 'sort of' error from the FileZilla upload log Status: File transfer successful, transferred 1,829,630 bytes in 39 seconds Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: TYPE I Response: 200 Type set to I. Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (72,14,245,21,4,82) Command: LIST Response: 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for directory listing. Status: Invalid character sequence received, disabling UTF-8. Select UTF-8 option in site manager to force UTF-8. Response: 226 Transfer complete. Status: Directory listing successful I am unsure about the UTF-8 message though the final result is a transfer and listing success. Where is the file? Does anyone have any suggestions for the next step in debugging or fixing this?
  11. The UPI is a UNIQUE (global) code for your product. Bar Code number etc. Google Info Page. If your products have one then it needs to be included. My products never will so I contacted Google and got an exception which allowed the products to be listed and searchable. Exception Request Page. This is not best practice but got my products back in the listings.
  12. Thank you. File deleted and new reference file(s) created.
  13. "WARNING: Database tables have changed." After uploading new images and products to the store I decided to run "Delete Reference File" so that daily monitoring emails from a CRON job would only report valid changes. On opening the Site Monitor Admin page there was a Red line across the top of the page stating the above. I downloaded a database backup and, using DiffMerge, compared it with the latest weekly backup I had stored locally. DiffMerge shows a huge number of differences but, as far as I can see, they all relate to normal activity such as new customer details, shopping cart content, orders, new products and associated entries in categories etc. None of the Site Monitor text files on the server appear to contain any information to help me discover where the offending change might be. Am I missing something? I could edit the backup files to remove all field data leaving the Drop Table/Create Table info to see if the structure has been tampered with but that is a big job I would prefer to avoid if possible as I am up to my neck in day to day stuff as it is. Is there a way of determining what Site Monitor perceives as the change? [Edit] I just checked the Site Monitor configuration and logging is enabled but looking at the log the only occurrences of the term 'database' relate to PHP files. [/Edit] Does anyone have any suggestions on how to deal with this situation.
  14. Well spotted that man! When I started the process you suggested I found a recent change I had forgotten - I had set monitoring to start at the root (seemed sensible) rather than the store. In the root I have a 'sandbox' store plus other private areas. It all adds up to 3-4 times an osC set of files. DoooH! I will now start adding them back a bit at a time to see where it falls over.
  15. Interesting. I deleted the session using phpMyAdmin. I deleted all cookies for the domain from FireFox. Obviously I had to log in again then retried but still get the same error all be it with a new session number.
  16. Will the new version fix this issue? I have 2 domains running osC RC2 on a multi-domain hosting service. Site monitor V3.0 runs fine on one but on the other I get the following when trying to "Delete Reference File". 2006 - MySQL server has gone away select count(*) as total from sessions where sesskey = '0d8e110e397489ad4ab552596153ff42' [TEP STOP] I have uploaded the files again in case one got corrupted during FTP (unlikely) but no change. Both sitemonitor_configure_0.txt and sitemonitor_db_reference.txt are set to 644. The osC set up is near identical for both domaind but the problem one has thousands more images. I have Automatic Thumbnail for osC installed and have emptied the thumbs_cache folder before running to reduce the number of files to process.
  17. Thanks for the information Jack. I have deleted the file and re-run the Admin. Delete Reference File routine which recreated it. That has cleared the warning. I cheched with an even older db backup and found nothing alarming. I had a good look at the readme.txt file and admit I had missed that reference. While checking I spotted this bit in IMPORTANT NOTES 1) How do I "enable ssl for your admin"? I can find no option in either this contributions admin or the osC configuration apart from Configuration, Sessions, Check SSL Session ID (currently false) but I am not sure what this is for.
  18. A few weeks ago I added V3.0 to 2 RC2a domains hosted on a multi-domain hosting account. Both run as cron jobs around 06:00 as recommended. Thank you for the peace of mind this brings. In the last few days the quieter of the 2 domains has the following error at the top of the sitemonitor_admin.php admin page. I backed up and downloaded the database then compared with a backup from a few days before using DiffMerge. The only changes are to counter values in Counter (counter) and products_description (products_viewed). The other more active domain is not reporting this. I have re-uploaded all original files apart from sitemonitor_configure_0.txt just in case there was a problem with the original FTP upload. Any ideas why this is happening and what I should do to prevent it?
  19. faiza, I am far from an expert but did recently encounter a cron issue that was caused by insufficient file access rights. Check that the file(s) permissions are 755.
  20. I was hoping that setting line 55 to use manufacturer and pre-filling EP manufacturer field with the store name would fulfil one of Google's requirements. The unique identifiers issue might be satisfied if the following conditions can be met. (http://www.google.co...B&answer=160161) Unfortunately I, and probably a few other here, am not a web-master or coder. I needed a website so have struggled to learn what is needed to make a site work through necessity. My goal is to fulfill Google's requirements by somehow submitting the existing Manufacturer and Products Model data as 'brand' and UPI. I already have a unique Products Model for each item stocked. I can pre-fill manufacturer with the store name or abbreviation (The Store in Devon = TSID). I am just trying to work out how to achieve this goal.
  21. Success = Google granted an exemption. Search clicks are beginning to return to their previous level. I would like to include as much information as possible such as 'Brand' but as I previously posted; I use Easy Populate for bulk uploads and can not find 'brand' in there either. In EP I can automatically populate the field 'manufacturer' to our store name and then make the following change in googlefeeder.php line 55 define('OPTIONS_BRAND', 'name'); Change to define('OPTIONS_BRAND', 'manu'); I can not think of any way of generating a UNIQUE product identifier for each of our products - suggestions welcome. This has been documented so that anyone else in a similar situation can find a possible solution to this issue.
  22. Sorry for the double post. Results from the latest feed upload are that the following errors are reported; Missing Unique Product Identifiers 1,613 items 52% of total Broken images 3 <1% The images I can live but 52% of UPI is a real problem. I did some digging in the Google help pages and have learned that following; The config of googlefeeder.php has the following option define('OPTIONS_BRAND', 'name'); //leave blank to load from the database field named products_brand, set to "name" to substitute the products name, manu to substitute the manufactueres name or model to substitute the products model I set this to 'name' but the products we list often have the same 'name' which does not help. I have searched a sql dump of the database and can not find products_brand anywhere so that does not seem to be an option. Even if name or brand worked I still need an additional UPCEAN, JAN or MPN which we do not have. We sell loose jewellery making products which we buy in bulk and resell in smaller quantities. I am sure we are not alone in stocking products that do not have these numbers. I am going to try to get an exemption http://www.google.co...ue_id_exemption after readin the following. It will take up to 3 days but is worth a shot if it gets our products back in the search results.
  23. We run an 'own brand' website so never use any of those fields. I have enabled Brand and set it to 'name' in googlefeeder.php. The output file now appears to contain what Google want so I uploaded it and am waiting to see what the results are - fingers crossed.
  24. I upgraded from V1.2 as all my products were disapproved when Google made the changes. ALL products now approved - thanks for that. However, search clicks have dropped to zero (looking at Merchant Center, dashboard). The data quality lists errors Error type Percentage Count Missing Unique Product Identifiers 50% 1,502 Broken images 100% 2,992 I created a feed file and examined it. The ID field has a unique number in each line assuming that this is the Unique Product Identifier Google are referring to. Idiots guide request; The image_link field was a mess. I have now worked out why. I misunderstood the config line in googlefeeder.php define('DOMAIN_NAME', 'http://thestoreindevon.com'); //your correct domain name (don't include www unless it is used) What is needed here is NOT the domain name but the URL of the store WITHOUT the leading http://. My correct entry is now define('DOMAIN_NAME', 'thestoreindevon.com/shop'); //your correct domain name (don't include www unless it is used) This produces a valid image link for Google. Could the comments be modified to better indicate what is required? I am uploading the latest text file in the hopes it improves search clicks while the 'Unique Product Identifier' issue is being sorted out. Any idea why I am getting "Missing Unique Product Identifiers 50%"? I can post config or output if requested.
  25. A simple request to assist lesser PHP/SQL capable people such as myself. In admin/googlefeeder.php, line 16 could the instructions be made just a bit clearer? define('FTP_ENABLED', (isset($_GET['noftp']) ? '0' : '1')); //set to 0 to disable I found it difficult to work out what to change to disable as I do not use the FTP option. After numerous attempts I eventualy worked out that it is the LAST '1' that needs to be changed. Could I suggest; define('FTP_ENABLED', (isset($_GET['noftp']) ? '0' : '1')); //set the last value to 0 to disable Thanks.
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