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Everything posted by dealwititp

  1. Wdepot, This is a great contribution. The install instructions are perhaps the cleanest and clearest that I've ever worked with for such a complex contribution. I've installed v2.0 and upgraded to 2.2 after reading this post. Everything works well. I'm using STS v4.6 with a product_info.php template and I was able to configure the template to display the extra product fields on the product info page. Now, I'm trying to figure out how I would go about calling only specific fields and values from the database to display on the page where I want them to show. For instance, one of my extra fields is labeled "Audio Preview" and the value is a flash button (object embed code) that plays an audio mp3 file. I have two other extra fields and all three are stacked one after another on the product info page. Is there a way that I can isolate code for just the audio preview field to move it to another area on the page? Can you give me an example of the code I might use to query a specific extra product field, and display it as "Label: Value". Once I've figured that out, I think I know how to take each field move it to where I want it to show using the STS contribution. Thanks for your help, Walt
  2. Hi, I've been trying to figure this out for sometime. I want to add some extra product attribute fields to my easypopulate.php file. I'm using easy populate with the sppc (Separate Prices Per Customer) contribution. I modified my product attribute table to include option sort order and option weight. Easy Populate is working great. I can easily update all the standard fields using a csv file, but then I have to manually search for these extra product attribute fields in the admin area to update their values. The store has over 700 products, and I'm adding 10-20 products at a time, so this is a real pain to do. Below are the headings from my product attribute tables in the admin area: ID Product Name Option Name Option Value Sort Order Value Price Prefix Weight to add Hidden Action The fields that I want to include in the easypopulate.php file are: 1. Sort Order 2. Weight to add Is it possible to include these fields in the easypopulate.php file and if so, where do I start? I read in the documentation about how to add extra product fields, but there is nothing about adding extra product attribute fields. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Walt
  3. Hi, I've been trying to figure this out for sometime. I want to add some extra product attribute fields to my easypopulate.php file. I'm using easy populate with the sppc (Separate Prices Per Customer) contribution. I modified my product attribute table to include option sort order and option weight. Easy Populate is working great. I can easily update all the standard fields using a csv file, but then I have to manually search for these extra product attribute fields in the admin area to update their values. The store has over 700 products, and I'm adding 10-20 products at a time, so this is a real pain to do. Below are the headings from my product attribute tables in the admin area: ID Product Name Option Name Option Value Sort Order Value Price Prefix Weight to add Hidden Action The fields that I want to include in the easypopulate.php file are: 1. Sort Order 2. Weight to add Is it possible to include these fields in the easypopulate.php file and if so, where do I start? I read in the documentation about how to add extra product fields, but there is nothing about adding extra product attribute fields. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Walt
  4. Hi, I'm attempting to send an HTML email from the admin. I've installed the TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor, so I can insert html code that I created in FrontPage. When I preview the email it looks as it should, but when I open the sent email in my AOL inbox, the email has numerous unwanted line breaks. In fact, there is a huge gap of space above the email table. I've tried sending a plain text email with the editor, but I still get triple spaced, even quadruple spaced lines. Can anyone point me in the right direction, so that I can solve this mystery. Thanks in advance. Walt
  5. SimpleSi, I am having the sample problem as you with getting the contrib to work with PayPal IPN. After researching this forum and no finding a direct answer, I found that by applying the following changes to the ipn.php file located in catalog/ext/modules/payment/paypal_ipn/ipn.php. Find: $email_order = STORE_NAME . "\n" . Insert this on the line above: // EOF content type fix by AlexStudio // $order variables have been changed from checkout_process to work with the variables from the function query () instead of cart () in the order class //--- Beginning of addition: Ultimate HTML Emails ---// if (EMAIL_USE_HTML == 'true') { require(DIR_WS_MODULES . 'UHtmlEmails/checkout_process_'. ULTIMATE_HTML_EMAIL_LAYOUT .'.php'); $email_order = $html_email; }else{//Send text email //--- End of addition: Ultimate HTML Emails ---// $order = new order($insert_id); The line $order = new order($insert_id); may not be necessary. I added from another mod, I think. Just delete it if it doesn't work for you. Find: tep_mail($order->customer['name'], $order->customer['email_address'], EMAIL_TEXT_SUBJECT, $email_order, STORE_OWNER, STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS); Insert this on the line above: //--- Beginning of addition: Ultimate HTML Emails ---// } if(ULTIMATE_HTML_EMAIL_DEVELOPMENT_MODE === 'true'){ //Save the contents of the generated html email to the harddrive in .htm file. This can be practical when developing a new layout. $TheFileName = 'Last_mail_from_checkout_process.php.htm'; $TheFileHandle = fopen($TheFileName, 'w') or die("can't open error log file"); fwrite($TheFileHandle, $email_order); fclose($TheFileHandle); } //--- End of addition: Ultimate HTML Emails ---// This will generate the HTML email when the paypal ipn is used for checkout, however I'm now having a problem getting my order number to display. If any has an idea of why this is happening, I'm all ears. Also note that I am using PayPal IPN v2.3.3. Thanks, Walt
  6. Hi all, I have 3 osc stores configured with the multi-stores contrib, so they share the same db. Users can log into any store using the same login info. The problem I'm having is that when I use Paypal IPN v2.3.3, the order history for stores 2 and 3 are only displayed in store 1, and the order number does not display on the checkout_success.php page. I get the confirmation emails okay. Strange thing is when I use Paypal Express Checkout, everything works correctly. My intent is to use Paypal IPN for credit card transactions and Paypal Express Checkout only for people with verified Paypal accounts. Does anyone have a clue as to what I might have missed in the multi-stores installation? Perhaps there is some additional code that I need to add to the Paypal IPN mod. Any suggestion is appreciated. Thanks, Walt
  7. I didn't update the ipn.php file. Can you tell me what needs to be changed there? I am using the latest PayPal IPN v2.3.3 mod by AlexStudio. As I stated before Paypal Express Checkout works fine for all three stores. The order number displays and the transaction can be found in the order history page. My plan is to use Paypal IPN for credit card payments and Paypal Express Checkout for persons with verified Paypal accounts. Thanks for your help, Walt
  8. Hi all, I have three online stores configured with the multi-stores contribution. The stores all use the same database. I have also installed paypal ipn v2.3.3 on each store. I ran some live tests with a dummy user account, and in store 1 the paypal ipn works, however the order number does not show up on the checkout_success page. The same is true for orders in stores 2 and 3, in addition the orders are not displaying in the order history section. When I log into store 1, under the same username, I can see my transactions from stores 2 and 3 in the order history section. I receive order confirmation emails okay, the download link is displayed (using the download controller module), but the order info is being transmitted to the wrong store. This only happens with paypal ipn. I thought this might be a multi-store problem, but I also have paypal express checkout installed on each store and it works perfectly. Any ideas as to why this is happening? Thanks, Walt
  9. Hi, I have three online stores configured with the multi-stores contribution. I have also installed paypal ipn v2.3.3 on each store. For store 1, the paypal ipn works as it should, however the transactions for stores 2 and 3 are not displaying in the order history section. When I log into store 1, under the same username, I can see my transactions from stores 2 and 3 in the order history section. I receive order confirmation emails okay, the download link is displayed (using the download controller module), but the order info is being transmitted to the wrong store. This only happens with paypal ipn. I also have paypal express checkout installed and this works fine. Any ideas as to why this is happening? Thanks, Walt
  10. I figured out the answer to this question as soon as I hit the post comment button. All I need to do is create a product attribute for each format and assign a different download file to that attribute. The download module will deliver the selected format.
  11. Hi, Does anyone know of a contribution that would allow a customer to choose a format option on the product info page that would show up as a download at the end of the sale? For instance, if the product is software for Mac or PC, the customer who chooses the PC version would see a link to download this format at the end of sale. Another example might be an audio download that is available as either an mp3 or wav file. I've installed the Downloads Controller contribution, but it does seem to do all that I'm looking for. Thanks for your help. Walt
  12. Hi, I've got this contribution up and running fine, however when I enter a sort order number on the product edit page, it defaults back to 0 each time I go into back to re-edit the product. I can't figure out why it's not holding the number entry like the other boxes. Any ideas why it would do this and how I can fix it? I saw some else had this problem a few topics back, but there was no clear cut answer. Please help. I did alter the code so that the sort order column doesn't display on the index page, but I don't think that's my problem. Thanks, Walt
  13. Could someone please explain in better detail this portion of the ReadMe text for the Category Descriptions contrib: If you're using a command-line MySQL client under Unix or Linux, you can tyoe the following line in a shell (the example assumes your database is named 'catalog' and you have a password on it): cat db_changes.sql | mysql -p catalog ************************************* I need to update the database, but I'm not using MyPHPAdmin. I would like to use the PUTTY command prompt. How would I go about this assuming that my database is named 'catalog' and the db_changes.sql file is on my desktop? It would be great if a better explaination of this could added to the ReadMe file for future installers. Thanks. :rolleyes:
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