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Everything posted by GLWalker

  1. It is strongly advised to move away from the 2.2 platform, especially when doing a fresh instalation. 2.3.X is structured in such a way that STS is no longer needed for ease of theming. With the time you may very well spend working on STS and building out a theme you are satisfied with, the same could be accompished using the most up to date and secure version of osCommerce. Another factor to think of is any future addons or updates.
  2. admin products_attributes.php has to be the most difficult beast of all time - HTML wise

    1. GLWalker


      The beast is now purring like a kitten. That's the nicest thing I can say.

  3. Well done Guys. Congratulations

  4. http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/4135
  5. Apparently you did not learn too much. You cant even figure out how to make a new field show up in the customers account? It doesn't matter if it's in the install instructions or not. You have several examples in the existing customers.php file, and, after going through the new files several times, you couldn't figure out what to code a new field as? Go ahead and install a huge contribution with your bad self then. Just make sure when you CANT do it, yougo blame it on the people that FREELY work hard creating the code for you to FREELY use. You truly are a victim, all arrogance aside, total ignorance abounding.
  6. <?php echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_SHIPPING, '', 'SSL') . '">' . tep_image_button('button_checkout.gif', IMAGE_BUTTON_CHECKOUT) . '</a>'; ?> I normally wouldnt answer this, as YOU need to do the work. It is not hard to look for a peice of code that contains a checkout button.
  7. Just remove the block of code for the checkout button it in shopping_cart.php and then place a redirect in checkout_shipping.php, checkout_payment.php and checkout_confirmation.php thatsends back to shopping_cart.php.
  8. Try version 2.2 here: http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/2610
  9. This contribution has the option to put in a text box or textfield, your customer can then fill it out and you will get the details in the admin orders page. http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/160
  10. If anyone besides me still uses newsdesk here is a simple code add on that will work automatically with newsdesk. It will use the newsdesk article and category name for meta title and keyword and logo text. It will use the newsdesk articles Summary as meta description, so you cannot use HTML in the summary, but give and take right? Its about as automatic as I could make it. Just place it in catalog/includes/header_tags.php above the line that reads : // ALL OTHER PAGES NOT DEFINED ABOVE //NEWSDESK_INDEX case (basename($PHP_SELF)==FILENAME_NEWSDESK_INDEX): $pageTags_query = tep_db_query("select * from " . TABLE_HEADERTAGS . " where page_name like '" . FILENAME_NEWSDESK_INDEX . "' and language_id = '" . (int)$languages_id . "'"); $pageTags = tep_db_fetch_array($pageTags_query); $catStr = "select categories_name as htc_title_tag, categories_name as htc_desc_tag, categories_name as htc_keywords_tag from " . TABLE_NEWSDESK_CATEGORIES_DESCRIPTION . " where categories_id = '" . (int)$current_category_id . "' and language_id = '" . (int)$languages_id . "'"; $sortOrder['title'][0] = $pageTags['page_title']; $sortOrder['description'][0] = $pageTags['page_description']; $sortOrder['keywords'][0] = $pageTags['page_keywords']; $sortOrder['logo'][0] = $pageTags['page_logo']; $sortOrder = GetCategoryAndManufacturer($sortOrder, $pageTags, $defaultTags, $catStr); if ($pageTags['append_default_title'] && tep_not_null($tmpTags['def_title'])) $sortOrder['title'][$pageTags['sortorder_title']] = $tmpTags['def_title']; if ($pageTags['append_default_description'] && tep_not_null($tmpTags['def_desc'])) $sortOrder['description'][$pageTags['sortorder_description']] = $tmpTags['def_desc']; if ($pageTags['append_default_keywords'] && tep_not_null($tmpTags['def_keywords'])) $sortOrder['keywords'][$pageTags['sortorder_keywords']] = $tmpTags['def_keywords']; if ($pageTags['append_default_logo'] && tep_not_null($tmpTags['def_logo_text'])) $sortOrder['logo'][$pageTags['sortorder_logo']] = $tmpTags['def_logo_text']; FillHeaderTagsArray($header_tags_array, $sortOrder); break; // NEWSDESK_INDEX.PHP etc case (basename($PHP_SELF)==FILENAME_NEWSDESK_INFO): case (basename($PHP_SELF)==FILENAME_NEWSDESK_REVIEWS_ARTICLE): case (basename($PHP_SELF)==FILENAME_NEWSDESK_REVIEWS_WRITE): switch (true) { case (basename($PHP_SELF)==FILENAME_NEWSDESK_INFO): $filename = FILENAME_NEWSDESK_INFO; break; case (basename($PHP_SELF)==FILENAME_NEWSDESK_REVIEWS_ARTICLE): $filename = FILENAME_NEWSDESK_REVIEWS_ARTICLE; break; //case (basename($PHP_SELF)==FILENAME_PRODUCT_REVIEWS_INFO): $filename = FILENAME_PRODUCT_REVIEWS; break; case (basename($PHP_SELF)==FILENAME_NEWSDESK_REVIEWS_WRITE): $filename = FILENAME_NEWSDESK_REVIEWS_WRITE; break; default: $filename = FILENAME_NEWSDESK_INFO; } $pageTags_query = tep_db_query("select * from " . TABLE_HEADERTAGS . " where page_name like '" . $filename . "' and language_id = '" . (int)$languages_id . "'"); $pageTags = tep_db_fetch_array($pageTags_query); $the_newsdesk_info_query = tep_db_query("select p.newsdesk_id, pd.newsdesk_article_name, pd.newsdesk_article_shorttext from " . TABLE_NEWSDESK . " p left join " . TABLE_NEWSDESK_DESCRIPTION . " pd on p.newsdesk_id = pd.newsdesk_id where p.newsdesk_id = '" . (int)$_GET['newsdesk_id'] . "' and pd.language_id ='" . $languages_id . "'"); $the_newsdesk_info = tep_db_fetch_array($the_newsdesk_info_query); $header_tags_array['news_article'] = $the_newsdesk_info['newsdesk_article_name']; //save for use on the logo $tmpTags['news_title'] = (tep_not_null($the_newsdesk_info['newsdesk_article_name'])) ? $the_newsdesk_info['newsdesk_article_name'] : ''; $tmpTags['news_desc'] = (tep_not_null($the_newsdesk_info['newsdesk_article_shorttext'])) ? $the_newsdesk_info['newsdesk_article_shorttext'] : ''; $tmpTags['news_keywords'] = (tep_not_null($the_newsdesk_info['newsdesk_article_name'])) ? $the_newsdesk_info['newsdesk_article_name'] : ''; $catStr = "select c.categories_name as htc_title_tag from " . TABLE_NEWSDESK_CATEGORIES_DESCRIPTION . " c, " . TABLE_NEWSDESK_TO_CATEGORIES . " p2c where c.categories_id = p2c.categories_id and p2c.newsdesk_id = '" . (int)$the_newsdesk_info['newsdesk_id'] . "' and language_id = '" . (int)$languages_id . "'"; $sortOrder['title'][0] = $pageTags['page_title']; $sortOrder['title'][10] = $tmpTags['news_title']; //places it at the end of the list $sortOrder['description'][10] = $pageTags['page_description']; $sortOrder['description'][0] = $tmpTags['news_desc']; $sortOrder['keywords'][0] = $tmpTags['news_keywords']; $sortOrder['keywords'][10] = $pageTags['page_keywords']; $sortOrder['logo'][0] = $pageTags['page_logo']; $sortOrder['logo'][10] = $tmpTags['news_title']; $sortOrder = GetCategoryAndManufacturer($sortOrder, $pageTags, $defaultTags, $catStr, true); if ($pageTags['append_default_title'] && tep_not_null($tmpTags['def_title'])) $sortOrder['title'][$pageTags['sortorder_title']] = $tmpTags['def_title']; if ($pageTags['append_default_description'] && tep_not_null($tmpTags['def_desc'])) $sortOrder['description'][$pageTags['sortorder_description']] = $tmpTags['def_desc']; if ($pageTags['append_default_keywords'] && tep_not_null($tmpTags['def_keywords'])) $sortOrder['keywords'][$pageTags['sortorder_keywords']] = $tmpTags['def_keywords']; if ($pageTags['append_default_logo'] && tep_not_null($tmpTags['def_logo_text'])) $sortOrder['logo'][$pageTags['sortorder_logo']] = $tmpTags['def_logo_text']; FillHeaderTagsArray($header_tags_array, $sortOrder); break;
  11. If using information pages unlimited here is a simple code that will echo your page title in the pages title meta description and keywords. I would love to use the Information pages description as metadescription but cannot figure out how to strip html out of that description, so everything uses the title for now. Just place it in catalog/includes/header_tags.php above the line that reads : // ALL OTHER PAGES NOT DEFINED ABOVE // INFORMATION.PHP case (basename($PHP_SELF)==FILENAME_INFORMATION): $pageTags_query = tep_db_query("select * from " . TABLE_HEADERTAGS . " where page_name like '" . FILENAME_INFORMATION . "' and language_id = '" . (int)$languages_id . "'"); $pageTags = tep_db_fetch_array($pageTags_query); $information_query = tep_db_query("select information_title, information_description FROM " . TABLE_INFORMATION . " WHERE visible='1' AND information_id='" . (int)$info_id . "' AND language_id = '" . (int)$languages_id . "'"); $information = tep_db_fetch_array($information_query); $header_tags_array['information'] = $information['information_title']; //save for use on the logo $tmpTags['information_title'] = (tep_not_null($information['information_title'])) ? $information['information_title'] : ''; $tmpTags['information_description'] = (tep_not_null($information['information_title'])) ? $information['information_title'] : ''; $tmpTags['information_keywords'] = (tep_not_null($information['information_title'])) ? $information['information_title'] : ''; //$sortOrder['title'][0] = $pageTags['page_title']; $sortOrder['title'][0] = $tmpTags['information_title']; $sortOrder['description'][10] = $pageTags['page_description']; $sortOrder['description'][0] = $tmpTags['information_description']; $sortOrder['keywords'][10] = $pageTags['page_keywords']; $sortOrder['keywords'][0] = $tmpTags['information_keywords']; $sortOrder['logo'][0] = $pageTags['page_logo']; $sortOrder['logo'][10] = $tmpTags['information_title']; if ($pageTags['append_default_title'] && tep_not_null($tmpTags['def_title'])) $sortOrder['title'][$pageTags['sortorder_title']] = $tmpTags['def_title']; if ($pageTags['append_default_description'] && tep_not_null($tmpTags['def_desc'])) $sortOrder['description'][$pageTags['sortorder_description']] = $tmpTags['def_desc']; if ($pageTags['append_default_keywords'] && tep_not_null($tmpTags['def_keywords'])) $sortOrder['keywords'][$pageTags['sortorder_keywords']] = $tmpTags['def_keywords']; if ($pageTags['append_default_logo'] && tep_not_null($tmpTags['def_logo_text'])) $sortOrder['logo'][$pageTags['sortorder_logo']] = $tmpTags['def_logo_text']; FillHeaderTagsArray($header_tags_array, $sortOrder); break;
  12. Dont know whattool tip is?? ALT TEXT? Mouseover= ALT TEXT? What is your language? Try asking in your language, many from around the world post here. Maybe someone will understand.
  13. For a few more tags you can open your header_tags_social_bookmarks.php and replace everything under line 5 with the following: <tr> <td><table border="0" align="right"> <tr> <td><a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="http://www.google.com/bookmarks/mark?op=edit&output=popup&bkmk=<?php echo $URL . '&title=' . $TITLE; ?>"> <img src="images/socialbookmark/google.png" alt="<?php echo 'Add ' . $NAME . ' to Google'; ?> " title="<?php echo 'Add ' . $NAME. ' to Google'; ?> " border="0"></a></td> <td><a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="https://favorites.live.com/quickadd.aspx?marklet=1&mkt=en-us&url=<?php echo $URL . '&title=' . $TITLE; ?>"> <img src="images/socialbookmark/live.png" alt="<?php echo 'Add ' . $NAME . ' to Windows Live'; ?> " title="<?php echo 'Add ' . $NAME. ' to Windows Live'; ?> " border="0"></a></td> <td><a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="http://myweb2.search.yahoo.com/myresults/bookmarklet?t=<?php echo $TITLE . '&u=' . $URL; ?>"> <img src="images/socialbookmark/yahoo.png" alt="<?php echo 'Add ' . $NAME . ' to Yahoo'; ?> " title="<?php echo 'Add ' . $NAME. ' to Yahoo'; ?> " border="0"></a></td> <td><a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="http://myjeeves.ask.com/mysearch/BookmarkIt?v=1.2&t=webpages&url=<?php echo $URL . '&title=' . $TITLE; ?>"> <img src="images/socialbookmark/ask.png" alt="<?php echo 'Add ' . $NAME . ' to Ask'; ?> " title="<?php echo 'Add ' . $NAME. ' to Ask'; ?> " border="0"></a></td> <td><a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="http://www.netscape.com/submit/?U=<?php echo $URL . '&title=' . $TITLE; ?>"> <img src="images/socialbookmark/netscape.png" alt="<?php echo 'Add ' . $NAME . ' to Netscape'; ?> " title="<?php echo 'Add ' . $NAME. ' to Netscape'; ?> " border="0"></a></td> <td><a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="http://del.icio.us/post?url=<?php echo $URL . '&title=' . $TITLE; ?>"> <img src="images/socialbookmark/delicious.png" alt="<?php echo 'Add ' . $NAME . ' to del.icio'; ?> " title="<?php echo 'Add ' . $NAME. ' to del.icio'; ?> " border="0"></a></td> <td><a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="http://digg.com/submit?phase=2&url=<?php echo $URL . '&title=' . $TITLE; ?>"> <img src="images/socialbookmark/digg.png" alt="<?php echo 'Add ' . $NAME . ' to Digg'; ?> " title="<?php echo 'Add ' . $NAME . ' to Digg'; ?> " border="0"></a></td> <td><a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="http://www.newsvine.com/_wine/save?popoff=1&u=<?php echo $URL . '&title=' . $TITLE; ?>"> <img src="images/socialbookmark/newsvine.png" alt="<?php echo 'Add ' . $NAME . ' to Newsvine'; ?> " title="<?php echo 'Add ' . $NAME . ' to Newsvine'; ?> " border="0"></a></td> <td><a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="http://technorati.com/cosmos/search.html?url=<?php echo $URL . '&title=' . $TITLE; ?>"> <img src="images/socialbookmark/technorati.png" alt="<?php echo 'Add ' . $NAME . ' to Technorati'; ?> " title="<?php echo 'Add ' . $NAME . ' to Technorati'; ?> " border="0"></a></td> <td><a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="http://furl.net/storeIt.jsp?t=<?php echo $URL . '&title=' . $TITLE; ?>"> <img src="images/socialbookmark/furl.gif" alt="<?php echo 'Add ' . $NAME . ' to Furl'; ?> " title="<?php echo 'Add ' . $NAME . ' to Furl'; ?> " border="0"></a></td> <td><a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="http://reddit.com/submit?url=<?php echo $URL . '&title=' . $TITLE; ?>"> <img src="images/socialbookmark/reddit.gif" alt="<?php echo 'Add ' . $NAME . ' to Reddit'; ?> " title="<?php echo 'Add ' . $NAME . ' to Reddit'; ?> " border="0"></a></td> <td><a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="http://ekstreme.com/socializer/?url=<?php echo $URL . '&title=' . $TITLE; ?>"> <img src="images/socialbookmark/Socializer16.png" alt="<?php echo 'Add ' . $NAME . ' to The Socializer'; ?> " title="<?php echo 'Add ' . $NAME . ' to The Socializer'; ?> " border="0"></a></td> </tr> </table></td> </tr>
  14. I think you can fish for it. Here fishie fishie in the sea, come and bite my hook for me.
  15. When inside phpMyadmin, use the tab that says SQL and then paste your code into there. Then hit the go or run button.
  16. Well I have no idea what payment module you need help with. What one did you download? Does it have an install file? If not, are you sure you downloaded a full package and not an update? Most payment mods install very easy, just place in the catalog/includes/modules/payments/ directory plus your luanguage file as well, some take a bit of work. Please be more specific so you can be helped.
  17. Hello Sam, Thanks for starting this thread and giving us a good starting point with this editor. Is there a chance you could post any code from the newsletter file? I have it working perfect, sending images and populating when going back with emails, and it sends images just fine when using the newsletter, but when I go to review or edit an existing newsletter the content is then deleted. Thanks
  18. Would you rather have paid advice? Its much quicker.
  19. It does not replace Ultimate SEO urls. It does replace header tags controller. It will work with Ultimate SEO urls Drop the header tags controller 2.6.3 from your list and use this header tags SEO mod instead. It is based off of 2.6.3 If your using the dynamicsitemap with the option to create the xml sitemaps from the admin, then you can drop the google sitemap generator and submit your xml generated sitemaps to google via google webmaster tools account. Spiders.txt is a Spiders.txt, you should have one. All product is good to have, and there is also an all categories somewhere. I use them both. The header tags seo is really worth the install time. Its freaken great. I have it up on a demo here: http://demo.nxlcart.com/ Look at the page title, then hover over the logo and read the alt text, then look at the breadcrumb name, then the pages heading title, then the currently viewing text below everything else, PLUS the alt text echoed on every social bookmark icon, and the images alt text. That is a lot of keyword use in one page. A lot. I think it adds a lot of needed weight to a page. I went a lil overboard and added the currently veiwing: text to most pages including categories, topics, manufactures, authors, newsdesk categories and information pages. I couldnt help it. Its worth every bit of work and helps give every page importance.
  20. Youll have to see if Burt has a topic on what it does. I do believe he has some help section about it on his site. But as far as I have seen, that is the only version that will work with an RC version. The other gift voucher mods do not send the discount values thru the checkout process nor do they show the name of the coupon in admin after you create it (only on RC versions). They can be made to work though but it takes a fair knowledge of the checkout process. And the name not showing up is a simple array issue with sql 5. You may want search for the MS2.2 version on sourceforge if the contribution you installed doesnt offer enuff. I dont know what all it does, I just know it was created by a trusted source and he says it works with RC versions.
  21. MS is for mile stones. MS versions are the latest that are stable. RC is for release canidate. RC versions have a wrinkle or three to iron out.
  22. If anyone is interested I have coded some addons for an authors list if you use article manager and for news categories if you use newsdesk. I will post code if anyone wants it.
  23. Theres a forum topic dedicated just to that contribution. You will find help there.
  24. LOL :lol: This is something else now!! It probally did cost him more than its worth in database queries! I would not call it a stinking turd, but it does amaze me how many people do use it though.
  25. If your using an MS, version then Forget about that one and use this one: http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/4135 Use the last version by Vger. Or if your using an RC version use this one: http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/5743 You wont go wrong with contributions by these two!
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