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  1. No sorry, its still doing something weird... I haven't fixed it. lol.... It is something to do with the totals and stuff though, as if I use Subtotal it doesn't show up at all unless its a logged in customer, and if I use Total it behaves a bit weird, as if you have say £55 goods, and £5 shipping showing from another shipping module it will offer the choice of free shipping as the Total is £60, but as soon as you pick the free shipping module then the total has gone down to £55.
  2. The built in free shipping only seems to work on a whole country 'national' level, but this way I can offer free shipping just to some postcode areas. In the UK parcel delivery prices vary a lot according to postcode, so if I want to offer free shipping over £50... its okay for most of the country where it will only cost me £6, but I simply cant afford to subsidise someone on a remote Scottish island for £18 worth of delivery on a £50 order. It was a silly error on my part, as I was trying to get this particular shipping module to only show if the cart subtotal is over £60, but for some reason it doesn't work for a first time visitor, but does once they are logged in. if ($this->enabled == true) { global $order; if ($order->info['subtotal'] > '60'){ $this->enabled = true; } else { $this->enabled = false; } But does work perfectly for both first time visitors and logged in customers if I use total instead of subtotal. if ($order->info['total'] > '60' Thanks for the speedy response, even if it was my own strange error that I had created rather than being something built in the contribution.
  3. I have a tiny problem, and have had a quick look through some of the pages, but cant for the life of me find the fix for it. I am using the latest 3.7 Version, on a 2.3.4 BS site... If I have a shipping module that gives out a cost of 0.00 it does not show up in the list of delivery options for a customer who is not logged in, but does bring it up if the customer is logged in. If I used that same shipping module and get it to output a price of 0.01 it does come up, so don't think its anything to do with the store country being missing or anything like that, it simply doesn't give it as an option as it has a price of 0.00 Massive thanks to anyone that can help me out with this one.
  4. Thanks for the speedy reply Gary, do you know the name of any of the working modules? As I cant find any, apart from ones that are 5-10 years old.
  5. Until now I have been using a bit of a self customised version of an older UK Postcode based shipping module, cant remember the name exactly but was ukpostarea.php and think it had been modified along the way by someone else to work with TNT zones. I have just changed to the newer 2.3.4 BS, and my host is now forcing a change to PHP7 at the end of the month, and I cant get my existing setup to work, as soon as the customer gets passed onto the checkout_shipping.php page it throws a 500 error. Have ran the files for the shipping module through a validator, and all comes out okay... so don't know what else to do. I have had a look through the contributions and cant find anything else newer that will do what I want, and wondered if anyone else knew of one that would meet my needs. I basically need something that takes a UK postcode, splits it in half, checks the first half against a zone number stored in the DB... and then gives a delivery charge according to the zone. I am tearing my hair out trying to get it working, my host has let me stay on PHP5.6 for now, and my existing set up works... but have until the end of September before they force a switch to PHP7. I am currently switching back and forth between 5.6 and 7 using the .htaccess file whilst I try stuff out, but it is a live site, so is a real nightmare. Or if anyone has any ideas or suggestions of where I should start looking for my problem in my existing shipping module, that would also be greatly appreciated.
  6. I dont know why its worked this time, and never worked before, but can now confirm that its working for me. http://www.mysite.co.uk/login.php?action=paypal_login or if using an SSL https://www.mysite.co.uk/login.php?action=paypal_login
  7. I too am having problems getting the 'Login with Paypal' to work, and am getting the same error... I am using a BS 2.3.4 with the PayPal App v4.039 Relying Party Validation error: client_ID or redirect_uri provided in the request does not match any of the registered clients. Please check the request. I have made sure that I am using the right credentials for the Live API, and that all the information requested is set up the same in osC and on the PayPal developer site, so am assuming its the return url problem. On the PayPal pop up window that has the error message the 'Back to the Site' link takes you to http://www.mysite.co.uk/login.php?action=paypal_login I have tried setting the Return URL on the PayPal Developer site to the same thing, but doesn't make any difference, and have now set the Return URL on the developer site to http://www.mysite.co.uk/login.php?action=paypal_login_process to see if it would change the link in the pop up window, but it doesn't. If I look in my catalog/includes/modules/content/cm_paypal_login.php the only references to the return are as follows: $return_url = tep_href_link(FILENAME_LOGIN, '', 'SSL'); $return_url = tep_href_link(FILENAME_LOGIN, 'action=paypal_login_process', 'SSL'); I just don't know what the return URL should be that you put on the PayPal developer site, and even if you change it the 'Back to the Site' link on the error box always says the same, and cant even find whats generating that URL.
  8. I am running a bootstrapped version of 2.3.4 and the PayPal app v4.039, and I want to be run a few different PayPal modules, but use different ones depending on how the customer wants to checkout. Basically I want to use the PayPal Express so that the 'Checkout with PayPal' button comes up in the cart, but if someone goes through the checkout normally I want to use PayPal Pro Hosted. Obviously if I have both enabled then when the customer gets to checkout_payment.php they have two PayPal choices to pick from, which may cause some confusion. Has anyone got any idea where I need to tweak to stop the PayPal Express from showing up as a choice on the checkout_payment.php page? Thanks in advance.
  9. I am having one other odd problem, dont know if there is a simple fix for this one... If I start a 'New Order' and dont select a customer, and put an POS order through it shows up fine is osc admin, linked to the 'In Store Customer' account which was set up by Ollacart. If I create a new customer, that customers details shows up fine in osc admin, but the order comes through showing blank customer details. If I look in the db the order has the right customer id attached to it, but all the other details are blank. Same thing happens if I select an existing customer, their details fill all the boxes in Ollacart, but when the order come through the only thing that shows up in the db is the customer_id. I haven't changed the names of any of the tables or fields, the table is still called 'orders' and fields are 'customers_name' 'customers_street_address' same as a standard install, and that bit must work fine as Ollacart manages to send orders through okay when its on the 'In Store Customer' account. Hopefully someone has an idea, as want to start using it properly this week. Thanks in advance for any help.
  10. If I manually set my store country in functions the Tax works fine for me now.. I changed: $country_id = $country_id_result['zone_country_id']; to: $country_id = "222"; So looks like because I don't use zones it wasn't able to work it out the store country.
  11. I have been trying to get ollacart working, but still having no luck with the Tax even though I have made the changes. I think the problem is that my site doesn't use 'Zones' so when it tries to do that table join to look up the rates it doesn't return anything. All my products have a 'products_tax_class_id' of either 1 or 2, 1 for goods with no Tax, 2 for goods with Tax. And my tax rates are set up both with a 'tax_zone_id' of 1 How can I tweak the tax functions in Ollacart so it doesn't need to do the 'store_zone' look up bit from the configuration table, but somehow ends up at the right tax_zone_id to suit my tax classes.
  12. Slight glitch... it worked fine when a customer is not logged in and your just switching between countries using the drop down menu in the ship in cart. Once a customer was logged in you no longer have the countries drop down, and just uses the info from the customers address book, so have had to change it to using country_id instead. if ($this->enabled == true) { global $order; if ($order->delivery['country_id'] == '// YOUR COUNTRY ID HERE') { $this->enabled = false; } }
  13. if ($this->enabled == true) { global $order; if ($order->delivery['country']['iso_code_2'] == 'GB') { $this->enabled = false; } } I managed to get there in the end, thanks for telling me I was along the right lines, which made me stick with it. Works as intended now, many thanks.
  14. Had a little think, and is there some way I can use the bit from in Flat rates to do what I want to do in my Zone rates? As in Flat rates there is the option of only aplying it to only one zone... so would make sense this can be reworked to exclude one zone in Zone rates. $this->enabled = ((MODULE_SHIPPING_FLAT_STATUS == 'True') ? true : false); if ( ($this->enabled == true) && ((int)MODULE_SHIPPING_FLAT_ZONE > 0) ) { $check_flag = false; $check_query = tep_db_query("select zone_id from " . TABLE_ZONES_TO_GEO_ZONES . " where geo_zone_id = '" . MODULE_SHIPPING_FLAT_ZONE . "' and zone_country_id = '" . $order->delivery['country']['id'] . "' order by zone_id"); while ($check = tep_db_fetch_array($check_query)) { if ($check['zone_id'] < 1) { $check_flag = true; break; } elseif ($check['zone_id'] == $order->delivery['zone_id']) { $check_flag = true; break; } } if ($check_flag == false) { $this->enabled = false; } }
  15. The one that came with it didn't work properly for me, it only worked if people typed the postcode in with the gap in it, as think that's just where it does some sort of preg split. So if someone just put in AB12 it worked, and if you put in AB12 3CD it worked as splits it using the gap. If someone enters AB123CD with no gap it throws an error. Check yours, as that's what happened in mine, and was why I had to find another way.
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