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Everything posted by spidometrs

  1. Greetings! Today I installed a new version of 4.08, but received errors when adding the Russian language. Watch the screenshot. I just added Russian and immediately got an error. If I want to edit the language, I get the same mistake again.
  2. Thanks for your help! Are these commands in the description of OScommerce V4 installation? Where is that written? I have not seen such descriptions.
  3. The server has a root directory for the site /www/wwwroot/demo-v4.mysite.com This root directory contains all Oscommerce distribution files. In which file I should prescribe something for: B2B-SUPERMARKET Furniture Printshop Watch ?
  4. CentOS 7.9.2009 x86_64 Apache http server v2.4 PHP v7.4 MySQL 10.7.3-MARIADB
  5. Here, the user also reports a similar mistake, but no one answered him https://github.com/osCommerce/osCommerce-V4/issues/15 Does support work or not?
  6. When I do Cache Control Flush (Smarty, Themes), I get a mistake:
  7. Greetings! I have a server with: Apache http server v2.4 PHP v7.4 MySQL 10.7.3-MARIADB After installing OSC_4_07_53163, I get the main page with chambers and links, this page is in order. Next, I go to the administrative part https://demo-v4.mysite.com/admin/ and everything is in order there, the page opens. Next, I go to the frontend and open any link like https://demo-v4.mysite.com/watch/ and I get a mistake: Why does this error arise? How to fix it?
  8. Greetings! I downloaded the archive of OSC_4_06_51797.Zip here https://www.oscommerce.com/download-oscommerce I have an Inginx server and 10.3.17-mariadb. OSC V4 cannot install. The Mariadb base writes, there are no errors when installing. Configuration files do not record. The administrative part of the site does not open, gives an error 404. Catalogs do not open, gives an error 404. The main page of the site opens normally. What am I doing wrong?
  9. Yes, I have an old store. PHP4 quickly runs on Windows Server 2012. Other PHP5 + have significant problems for Windows. If I install a new store, it's definitely not Oscommerce. Oscommerce. has already died 7-8 years ago. And it's sad ...
  10. The module also uses functions that are not in osCommerce. get_type_options get_linked_listing get_current_listing get_type_id I think that this module could never function on OSC 2.2 .. // BOF - Zappo - Linked Products - Product Types - ONE LINE - Get all Products Type Options $TypeOptions = get_type_options($product_info['type_id']); // BOF - Zappo - Linked Products - Show/Hide Options - Show Linked Product's Options (when viewing 2nd Product Listing) // - Zappo - Replace products_id with selected Linked Product's product_id (for searching Attributes) $LinkOpt_ProdID = $HTTP_GET_VARS['products_id']; $LinkOpt_ID = ''; if ($TypeOptions['type_linked_options'] == 'Linked' && isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['LpID']) && tep_has_product_attributes($HTTP_GET_VARS['LpID'])) { $LinkOpt_ProdID = $HTTP_GET_VARS['LpID']; $LinkOpt_ID = '_' . $HTTP_GET_VARS['LpID']; // Use this to find the correct Options for this product in application_top } // BOF - Zappo - Linked Products - Find current category (And if it's showing products) $TreeArr = get_linked_listing($product_info['products_id']); if (!empty($HTTP_GET_VARS['LcPath'])) { $LcPathArr = (explode('_',$HTTP_GET_VARS['LcPath'])) ? explode('_',$HTTP_GET_VARS['LcPath']) : array($HTTP_GET_VARS['LcPath']); $CurrCatid = $LcPathArr[count($LcPathArr)-1]; } else { if (count($TreeArr) > 1) { // If CatTreeArray has multiple categories (or products) - Set as Current $CurrCatid = 'top'; $LcPathArr[0] = 'top'; } else { foreach ($TreeArr as $CatParent => $Cat) { $LcPathArr[] = $CatParent; $cC = 0; while(is_array($Cat[$cC]) && count($Cat[$cC]) == 1) { // - Zappo - While the current Category has no multiple items... foreach ($Cat[$cC] as $CatParent[$cC+1] => $Cat[$cC+1]) { if (!is_array($Cat[$cC+1]) && count($CatParent[$cC] == 1)) { // Only one item found? $LcPathArr[] = $CatParent[$cC]; $CatParent = $CatParent[$cC]; } else { $LcPathArr[] = $CatParent[$cC+1]; $CatParent = $CatParent[$cC+1]; } $cC++; } } } // Checked the Array --> We've found multiple items and set the parentCats to the $LcPathArr $CurrCatid = $CatParent; // Set found category as Current } } $CurrentArray = get_current_listing($TreeArr,$LcPathArr, $CurrCatid); if (is_array($CurrentArray)) { // Check if $CurrentArray was gathered correctly --> Else drop the whole thing... foreach ($CurrentArray as $ItemID => $ItemVal) { $cat_depth = (!is_array($ItemVal) || $cat_depth == 'products') ? 'products' : 'categories'; } } // EOF - Zappo - Linked Products - Find current category (And if it's showing products) // - Zappo - Added Check for Options, and to hide them if They are currently not needed (Linked Listing and stuff) $HideOptions = (empty($LinkOpt_ID) && $CurrentArray && $cat_depth == 'categories') ? 'Yep' : (($cat_depth == 'products' || !empty($LinkOpt_ID)) ? 'Nope' : 'Yep'); $products_attributes_query = tep_db_query("select count(*) as total from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_OPTIONS . " popt, " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTES . " patrib where patrib.products_id='" . (int)$LinkOpt_ProdID . "' and patrib.options_id = popt.products_options_id and popt.language_id = '" . (int)$languages_id . "'"); $products_attributes = tep_db_fetch_array($products_attributes_query);
  11. Hi guys! I have osCommerce OM v2.2, PHP4, MSQL4. I started installing the Linked Products v1.1.0 module and also got errors. See the screenshot. Line 484 has an error in the admin / product_types.php file. See screenshot 2. Line 484 has eval ($ RowVal ['input']); How can this be remedied? Thank you in advance!
  12. Hi, Rainer @@raiwa, I made changes to two files. Now available to all modules in all browsers. Thank you very much!
  13. I want to clarify: if it is to update the page with the F5. If you press the Apply button module, then all three modules are available. This is normal?
  14. @@raiwa I found another strange error. I installed three shipping module. 1. Module Russian Post. For the whole of Russia. 2. Module Express delivery. For one city. 3. Pickup module with zip code. For one city. If you logged: - Access to all 3 modules. If not logged in: - in Mozilla is available - 3 modules - in Opera is available - 1 module - Module Russian Post. For the whole of Russia. - in Chrome - 3 modules available If not logged in, and reload the page later, then: - Available 1 module - Module Russian Post. For the whole of Russia. - Other modules are not available, or all 3 are available in Mozilla and Chrome. In the Opera is not available. This is a complicated error. This error should be catch attention. But the issue is.
  15. @@raiwa Rainer, tell me, where is the price of style? Price is shown as: <strong>123 EUR</strong> In which file I can edit <strong>123 EUR</strong>, or $order->info['total'] ;? I want to replace in the <div>123 EUR</div> See screenshot http://spido.ru/cart_1.png Thank you in advance!
  16. Can you tell me which shipping module uses the ZIP CODE to calculate the shipping cost?
  17. @@raiwa I replaced the file. Now addon works well. Thank you very much!
  18. @@raiwa Hello, Rainer! Today, I installed two modules of the package http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/9467/v,23 During testing, I found a mistake. I'm doing a test shop. My store has Russian as default 'countries and you. I set up two units of shipment to Russia. shipping is not supported in other countries. I have not logged in. I put the product in the shopping cart and went to the shopping cart. For the first time, module Ship In Cart Me shows that Russia and other countries to choose from. See screenshot 1 http://spido.ru/cart_1.png I choose another country and the module is no longer shows a selection of other countries. See screenshot 2 http://spido.ru/cart_2.png But I'm such a mistake?
  19. Hi guys! I installed to BS Gold: AJAX Attribute Manager - v2.8.14 + Option Types v2 BS http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/9367 AJAX Attribute Manager works 50% / 50% with the types of options. With the options that are options values CUSTOMER-INPUT - does not work. Works with: Select, Radio, Image. Checkbox. Does not work with: Text, TextArea, File. AJAX Attribute Manager will not work with the option value CUSTOMER-INPUT. Can you fix it? Many thanks!
  20. Thank you for your answers! I have another question: how to delete a file? Deleting the file in time - is not working. The administrative part, I set: Delete Uploads older than = -1 days, but the files are not deleted. Have you checked the file deletion? You have it work? Thank you!
  21. I want to add a link to an image, the administrator can download the uploaded image. Reference should be only when the option type - Image. To do this, create a condition if. I can not understand for what variable to catch. Can you help me create the condition? admin/orders.php //BOF - Zappo - Option Types v2 - Removed <nobr>, because Text options can be very long // burt echo '<br /><small> <i> - ' . $order->products[$i]['attributes'][$j]['option'] . ': ' . $order->products[$i]['attributes'][$j]['value']; if ($order->products[$i]['attributes'][$j]['price'] != '0') echo ' (' . $order->products[$i]['attributes'][$j]['prefix'] . $currencies->format($order->products[$i]['attributes'][$j]['price'] * $order->products[$i]['qty'], true, $order->info['currency'], $order->info['currency_value']) . ')'; ///////////// A link to download the file, if that type of option - file if (???????????????????? == 'Image') { echo '<br /> <a href="' . (($request_type == 'SSL') ? HTTPS_SERVER : HTTP_SERVER) . '/images/uploads/' . $order->products[$i]['attributes'][$j]['value'] . '" target="_blank">' . TEXT_TYPE_OPTION_FILE_DOWNLOAD . '</a>'; } ////////////////// echo '</i></small>'; //EOF - Zappo - Option Types v2 - Removed <nobr>, because Text options can be very long Thank you very much for your help!
  22. Hi guys! I want to type the option - file, allows users to upload files: RAR, ZIP? Now it lets you upload images only. What changes should I make to the code? Thank you!
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