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Everything posted by tom22

  1. I have put this : $breadcrumb->add(NAVBAR_TITLE, tep_href_link(FILENAME_GV_SEND)); $content = CONTENT_GV_SEN; $content_template = TEMPLATENAME_STATIC; include (bts_select('main', $content_template)); // BTSv1.5 require(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'application_bottom.php'); in the php file. Now I see everything but no content from the middle colum. When I taking off that line: [COLOR=red]#[/COLOR]$content_template = TEMPLATENAME_STATIC; I'll see only the middle content but everything else is missing. It seems funny but... I can't see my mistake - maybe another mistake is not to sleep. I will go to have a dream now, a dream with an idea to resolve every difficulties... :-)
  2. Now I see the template - jeahbut only in parts . The right, left colums and the footer are missing. Why?
  3. Right, filenames.php needs to get the specification of new a new file and the depending content. Now I get this beautiful message: Cannot redeclare tep_db_connect()..... And no Idea where to go. It's right to put this: $content = CONTENT_CHECKOUT_PAYMENT; $javascript = $content . '.js.php'; include (bts_select('main', $content_template)); // BTSv1.5 require(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'application_bottom.php'); in place of the html code in the original file - in the tpl file I have to put only the html stuff, is'nt it?
  4. Hi Paul, I've made a gv_send.tpl.php file and put it in /content/ but without an effect. The same with gv_reedem.tpl.php - no template is used! What's wrong? tom
  5. ....Does the BTS have any bugs in working togehter with chemos new cache contrib? tom
  6. I'copied an old tpl-file in content/. Thats the only one now. But it works. Great. Thanx. If everything would be so easy, I could be happy all the time :-) tom
  7. Hi Paul, I don't have anything in templates/your_template/content/ !!! I was surprised. I know the old BTS. The old one has plenty files in templates/your_template/content/ but not the new one. So I have to create a file particulary for checkout_payment.php and call it checkout_payment.tpl.php like the old BTS files? Is that the right way of using the BTS? tom
  8. Hi, I've just installed BTSv1.5d and ccgv_5_11. For running the ccgv_5_11 contrib there has to be putted some small importend code - something like: <?php echo $order_total_modules->credit_selection();//ICW ADDED FOR CREDIT CLASS SYSTEM ?> to get the coupon form field in checkout_payment.php. I don't know were to put this code now. Any idea? tom
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