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Everything posted by IGonza

  1. Hello, I tried to installed latest version (2.3b). It got me some problems: I cannot save the prices for the attribute. They always equals 0. Then I just replace 2.3b with 2.1 version and it works for me. Also I have the question about the attribute qty. Is it real to add the quantity field for each attribute value? Thanks, Igor.
  2. Hello, I spent much time but couldn't resolve my problem. How can I disable the manufacturers dropdown menu? I don't have any manufacturers, so I want just hide it. Thanks, Igor.
  3. http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,2823
  4. Hello, I found strange bug and unfirtunaly I could not fix it yet. Maybe someone can help me with it. The problem is : The customer adds the product to the basket, clicks checkout, confirm the order and get checkout_success.php. Then click on Continue button and it redirects you to login.php page. If I turn off the SEO module in admin, then all works fine. Any idea? Thanks, Igor
  5. Missing configure.php inside 'includes' folder.
  6. thatsright , check your configure.php file in admin. There should be defined all paths like HTTP_CATALOG_SERVER DIR_WS_CATALOG .... For example , define('HTTP_CATALOG_SERVER', 'http://localhost'); (for my locahost) or define('HTTP_CATALOG_SERVER', 'http://www.yourdomain.com'); for you. Thanks, Igor.
  7. Does form_check.js.php work for you at create_account.php page ? Thanks, Igor.
  8. Thanks bkellum. In this case I will need to change many files to separate js script from the code. Maybe I will do as you said... But for now I have an idea. Why we cannot start capture at the end of application_top and finish it at the begin of column_left ? Then find all code between <head> </head> and display it . In this case all js will work. What do you think about this idea? Thanks, Igor. P.S. Sorry for my english. Let me know if you don't understand anything.
  9. Found small bug. I noticed that after this contribution was installed I got an error on product_reviews_info.php page. It displayed wrong information. I fixed that but this way : replaces all variables $review with $review_pr . And it works correct now for me. Thanks, Igor.
  10. Hello, thanks for great contribution. I have high modified osc shop. I installed your contribution and all works fine after a few changes. But I have the problems with the js. If any file like product_info.php has a javascript in the code, then it doesn't work. I have many files with js script inside and all of them stopped work with js. Could you help me with the problem? Thanks, Igor. P.S. I use only sts_template.html and default module for all pages.
  11. Hello. There is a js- calendar on the /admin/categories.php?cPath=&action=new_product . If I need to use not only the date, my products will available on exactly time. So for example, 2005-07-13 10:30 . Any ideas how to resolve it? Thanks, Igor. P.S. Sorry for my english.
  12. Hello. When I try to delete an order I have an error : Fatal error: Call to undefined function: tep_add_customer_balance() And I didn't find this function in my files. So... maybe I lost it or you forgot to add it in instruction? Thanks.
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