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Everything posted by imagixx

  1. It would be preferred to disable the module wqhen the FedEx server is, for whatever reacxhable, not accessible. If someone could produce some code, it wopuld help out more than a few. Thanx.
  2. Ok, more talking to myself. To preserve paragraph breaks in your comment HTML status emails, in: $values=array(HTTP_CATALOG_SERVER,STORE_NAME,STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS, $name, $email_address, EMAIL_TEXT_SUBJECT, $order_no , $order_date, $status_newhtml , $status_newtxt, nl2br($comments), $invoice_url, EMAIL_SEPARATOR); added nl2br() to $comments. But this also adds html to your text message. So, strip html out of your text email as follows, in: tep_mm_sendmail($check_status['customers_name'], $check_status['customers_email_address'], STORE_OWNER, STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS, $output_subject, $output_content_html, strip_tags($output_content_txt)); Added strip_tags() to $output_content_txt. You've been very helpful. Thank you! (Yes, I know, teach a man to fish.)
  3. Anyone here at all? This forum doesn't seem to be monitored. In any even, I'll cast this to the wind: Does anyone know how to keep paragraph breaks in the html email sent by status_update.php ? The comments all run together in HTML. Text outpuit retains the paragraph breaks.
  4. For anyone using Manual Order Entry, http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/1589 Replace where necesary in file admn/create_account_process.php This generastes two emails, one for new password. //*******start mail manager if (file_exists(DIR_FS_CATALOG_MODULES.'mail_manager/create_account.php')){ include(DIR_FS_CATALOG_MODULES.'mail_manager/password_forgotten.php'); include(DIR_FS_CATALOG_MODULES.'mail_manager/create_account.php'); }else{ $email_text .= EMAIL_WELCOME . EMAIL_PASS_1 . $new_password . EMAIL_PASS_2 . EMAIL_TEXT . EMAIL_CONTACT . EMAIL_WARNING; tep_mail($name, $email_address, EMAIL_SUBJECT, $email_text, STORE_OWNER, STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS); } tep_redirect(tep_href_link(FILENAME_CREATE_ACCOUNT_SUCCESS."?Customer=$customer_id", '', 'SSL')); } //*******end mail manager You need also to add, define in your admin/includes/languages/english/create_account_process.php: define('EMAIL_PASSWORD_REMINDER_SUBJECT', STORE_NAME . ' - New Password'); define('EMAIL_PASSWORD_REMINDER_BODY', 'A new password was requested from ' . $REMOTE_ADDR . '.' . "\n\n" . 'Your new password to \'' . STORE_NAME . '\' is:' . "\n\n" . ' %s' . "\n\n"); Works like a charm. Now have to figure out new order ...
  5. OK, working through this on my own. Will try to generate and send separate "New Password" email simultaneously.
  6. Hi All, Great contribution. We do the majority of our business via phone, doing Order placement through http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/1589 Manual Order Entry. Anyone figure how to add the auto-generation of Password normally using admin/crate_account_process.php to the Mail Manager template? Thx. Martin
  7. I just added @ in foreach ($exclude as $remove) if (@strpos($dir_name.'/'.$file.'/', $remove) === 0 ) continue 2; which stopped the error. Donlt know if I merely cut the oil pressure light, leaving the unmderlying problem. Thanx. Martin
  8. Hi Sam, Getting about 200+ these errors: Warning: strpos() [function.strpos]: Empty delimiter in /path_to_admin/includes/functions/backup_site_functions.php on line 28 before your report: Website size: 193.3 MB Estimated compressed file size: 131.44 MB Containing 291 folders with 12450 Files. Thanx. Martin
  9. I think you'tre mistaken. I get only broken images for labels. Let me know if you have any luck. I am having to manually complete FedEx labels = a big PITA.
  10. This in regard to the contribution: http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,2244 What first option? Where ? Am I missing something here that everyone else sees as obvious?
  11. Please. please can we get a post of an updated Automated FedEx Labels?
  12. Yes, please post to the contribution: http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,2244 You would be helping a lot of people. I'm surprised I haven;lt yet found a fix. It would save me some money, too, since I have it our for bid at: http://www.freelancer.com/projects/PHP-Javascript/Fedex-Automated-Label-for-oscommerce.1685280.html I'd post it for free. Thx. Martin
  13. http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/topic/375063-fedex-web-services-v9/page__view__findpost__p__1638528 Hi All, Regarding Automated FedEX labels: 1. I Installed FedEx - Web Services v9 for real time quotes. Now I'm back with quotes. So far so good. 2. Change production server reference in fedexdc.php, and the above replacement suggestions by Joel. But all I get is a broken "Astra Barcode." Hope this motivates someone.
  14. Got somewhere with suggestions at: http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/topic/375063-fedex-web-services-v9/page__hl__fedex%20labels__st__240 1. Installed FedEx - Web Services v9 for real time quotes. 2. Change server reference, and the suggestions by Joel. But all I get is a broken "Astra Barcode." Hope this motivates someone.
  15. Actually, it works like a charm. The change was required by a USPS design change.
  16. OK, State fixed. (may need changfes for non-US country). new usps_ship.php file is available for download at: http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,1498 It works, but the file should be really cleaned up by someone who really knows whgat they're doing.
  17. Fixing 2 digit state. Add below //directory where all support files are //Gets the return & billing address two digit state code $shipping_zone_query = tep_db_query("select z.zone_code from " . TABLE_ZONES . " z, " . TABLE_COUNTRIES . " c where zone_name = '" . $order->delivery['state'] . "' AND c.countries_name = '" . $order->delivery['country'] . "' AND c.countries_id = z.zone_country_id"); $shipping_zone = tep_db_fetch_array($shipping_zone_query); $shipping_zone_code = ($shipping_zone['zone_code'] == '' ? $order->delivery['state'] : $shipping_zone['zone_code']); // if the query result was empty, then use the state name if ($order->billing['state'] == $order->delivery['state']) { // if billing and shipping states are the same, then we can save a query $billing_zone_code = $shipping_zone_code; } else { $billing_zone_query = tep_db_query("select z.zone_code from " . TABLE_ZONES . " z, " . TABLE_COUNTRIES . " c where z.zone_name = '" . $order->billing['state'] . "' AND c.countries_name = '" . $order->billing['country'] . "' AND c.countries_id = z.zone_country_id"); $billing_zone = tep_db_fetch_array($billing_zone_query); $billing_zone_code = ($billing_zone['zone_code'] == '' ? $order->billing['state'] : $billing_zone['zone_code']); // if the query result was empty, then use the state name } Replace <input type="hidden" name="form.deliveryState" value= "<?php echo $order->delivery['state'];?>" id="stateTo"> With //State <input type="hidden" name="form.deliveryState" value= "<?php echo $shipping_zone_code;?>" id="stateTo"> I haven't figured out the result if country is not us. But this fixes the immediate problem.
  18. OK, just add to uspslabelfix.php below global $db; require('includes/application_top.php'); $oID = (int)tep_db_prepare_input($HTTP_GET_VARS['oID']); include(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'order.php'); $order = new order($oID); rename uspslabelfix.php usps_ship.php, drop into your admin folder, and you got the imported data. Now, to try my meager skills at fixing the two letter state.
  19. OK. Why not just name your fix file usps_ship.php and replace the current usps_ship.php? Of cpourse I tried that and the only carry-over is the oID/Reference Number. Why arenlt the other fields populating properly?
  20. Thjis is a bog USPS f-up. No wonder they are going broke, an apparent lack of any customer consideration. What A-holes. I assume there are a lot of people that this will affect. Hope a fix comes soon. This seriously affects our business - but what does USPS care?
  21. Well, where is the function tep_store_date
  22. I'm upgrading to Order Editor 5.061 from 2.9.1. I used Admin Comments Toolbar 4.0 extensively, and dread having to manually type each repetitive comment over and over again. Now, with the ability to edit the comments in 5.061, Admin Comments Toolbar puts its remarks into the first comments field. Naturally I want it to add it only to the New Comments textarea. I know its simply a matter vof identifying the appropriate field, but I have zip knowledge on dcument elements. Admin Toolbar seems fairly popular, and I'm sure the issue has been solved. But, I can't seem to find the specifics. Any help here? All Right, I'm thinking out loud. How do I designate the last element in the textareas array? If you change var myTextarea = textareas.item(0); you can designate the textarea where the comment will be placed: var myTextarea = textareas.item(5); will put it in the last textarea (if you have 3 comments 0, 1, 2, 3). So, how do I designate the last element number? TIA Martin
  23. I'm upgrading to Order Editor 5.061 from 2.9.1. I used Admin Comments Toolbar 4.0 extensively, anmd dread having to manually type each repetitive comment over and over again. Now, with the ability to edit the comments in 5.061, Admin Comments Too;lbar ptts its remarks into the first comments field. Naturally I want it to add it only to the New Comments textarea. I know its simply a matter vof identifying the appropriate field, but I have zip knowledge on dcument elements. Admin Toolbar seems fairly popular, and I'm sure the issue has been solved. But, I can't seem to find the specifics. Any help here? Martin
  24. Do a search on USPS labels. Seems USPS is having a very bad day. My recommendation: don;t change anything until USPS gets their act together, hopefully, soon. Martin
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