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    Martin Onan

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  1. Since my business originates in Canada, Is the Fedex Ship Manager API at fedex.ca the same as the Fedex Ship Manager Direct API at fedex.com? Allowing the module to retrieve the live rates domestically and internationally in CAN dollars? Thanks in advance!
  2. I'm stumped. :blink: For some reason I can't get the truncated description to show up underneath the image & product name etc. columns. It appears to create a display a duplicate column of the far right column. I followed Illicious's install file to the teeth, double checked my editions, I have everything set in Admin (desc set to 99). I've got only SECv2.2 MS2 and no other mods. I'm wondering if anyone has the same problem or have a solution to this dilema! Thanks in advance
  3. ^ Whoops nevermind, forgot to enable it in orders_total module in admin... :oops: Great job Ian!
  4. Same problem here, with complete fresh install, the gv_ tables are not being updated with the purchase of gift vouchers.
  5. I've got the exact same problem! :cry: Does anybody have a solution?
  6. Ok, i'm figuring out a way to upgrade Kenneth Wang's & Jian Wang's Canadian Seperate Tax Hack 1.2-4 for MS1 which by the way is a great contrubution because it simply does not modify any files in order for it to work and includes a separate shipping tax display, but i need major help! http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contri...ions,289/page,2 Right now I only have it partially working for the files ot_tax_gst.php and ot_tax_pst.php (it will display proper GST, GST#, & PST values, however, both GST and PST always appears to be visible despite tax zones: includesmodulesorder_totalot_tax_gst.php <?php /* $Id: ot_tax_gst.php,v 1.14 2003/02/14 05:58:35 hpdl Exp $ osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions http://www.oscommerce.com Copyright (c) 2003 osCommerce Released under the GNU General Public License */ class ot_tax_gst { var $title, $output; function ot_tax_gst() { $this->code = 'ot_tax_gst'; $this->title = MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_TAX_GST_TITLE . ' #' . MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_TAX_GST_NUMBER; $this->description = MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_TAX_GST_DESCRIPTION; $this->enabled = ((MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_TAX_GST_STATUS == 'true') ? true : false); $this->sort_order = MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_TAX_GST_SORT_ORDER; $this->output = array(); } function process() { global $order, $currencies; reset($order->info['tax_groups']); while (list($key, $value) = each($order->info['tax_groups'])) { if ($value > 0) { $this->output[] = array('title' => $this->title . ' ( 7% ):', 'text' => $currencies->format($order->info['subtotal']*(0.07), true, $order->info['currency'], $order->info['currency_value']), 'value' => $value); } } } function check() { if (!isset($this->_check)) { $check_query = tep_db_query("select configuration_value from " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " where configuration_key = 'MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_TAX_GST_STATUS'"); $this->_check = tep_db_num_rows($check_query); } return $this->_check; } function keys() { return array('MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_TAX_GST_STATUS', 'MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_TAX_GST_SORT_ORDER', 'MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_TAX_GST_NUMBER'); } function install() { tep_db_query("insert into " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, set_function, date_added) values ('Display Tax', 'MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_TAX_GST_STATUS', 'true', 'Do you want to display the order tax value?', '6', '1','tep_cfg_select_option(array('true', 'false'), ', now())"); tep_db_query("insert into " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, date_added) values ('Sort Order', 'MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_TAX_GST_SORT_ORDER', '2', 'Sort order of display.', '6', '2', now())"); tep_db_query("insert into " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, date_added) values ('GST Number', 'MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_TAX_GST_NUMBER', '', 'input your business's GST Number.', '6', '3', now())"); } function remove() { tep_db_query("delete from " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " where configuration_key in ('" . implode("', '", $this->keys()) . "')"); } } ?> includesmodulesorder_totalos_tax_pst.php <?php /* $Id: ot_tax_pst.php,v 1.14 2003/02/14 05:58:35 hpdl Exp $ osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions http://www.oscommerce.com Copyright (c) 2003 osCommerce Released under the GNU General Public License */ class ot_tax_pst { var $title, $output; function ot_tax_pst() { $this->code = 'ot_tax_pst'; $this->title = MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_TAX_PST_TITLE; $this->rate = MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_TAX_PST_RATE; $this->description = MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_TAX_PST_DESCRIPTION; $this->enabled = ((MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_TAX_PST_STATUS == 'true') ? true : false); $this->sort_order = MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_TAX_PST_SORT_ORDER; $this->output = array(); } function process() { global $order, $currencies; reset($order->info['tax_groups']); while (list($key, $value) = each($order->info['tax_groups'])) { if ($value > 0) { $this->output[] = array('title' => $this->title . ' ( ' . $this->rate . '% ):', 'text' => $currencies->format($order->info['subtotal']*($this->rate / 100), true, $order->info['currency'], $order->info['currency_value']), 'value' => $value); } } } function check() { if (!isset($this->_check)) { $check_query = tep_db_query("select configuration_value from " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " where configuration_key = 'MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_TAX_PST_STATUS'"); $this->_check = tep_db_num_rows($check_query); } return $this->_check; } function keys() { return array('MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_TAX_PST_STATUS', 'MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_TAX_PST_RATE', 'MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_TAX_PST_SORT_ORDER'); } function install() { tep_db_query("insert into " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, set_function, date_added) values ('Display Tax', 'MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_TAX_PST_STATUS', 'true', 'Do you want to display the order tax value?', '6', '1','tep_cfg_select_option(array('true', 'false'), ', now())"); tep_db_query("insert into " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, date_added) values ('PST Rate', 'MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_TAX_PST_RATE', '8', 'PST Rate (%, i.e. input 8 for 8%)', '6', '2', now())"); tep_db_query("insert into " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, date_added) values ('Sort Order', 'MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_TAX_PST_SORT_ORDER', '3', 'Sort order of display.', '6', '3', now())"); } function remove() { tep_db_query("delete from " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " where configuration_key in ('" . implode("', '", $this->keys()) . "')"); } } ?> If anybody knows how to code a comparison between the billing zone with the appropriate tax zones, by all means please share (im a php newbie). By comparing the billing zone & tax zones I think it would be possible to make the GST and/or PST visible and invisible when both zones match or mismatch respectively. This current contribution works for late november versions. I just don't know how or why its not working for current snapshots! :shock: -Martin.
  7. Just wondering, has anyone got any of the Display Canadian Tax contributions to work with MS1?
  8. I just noticed, is anybody else having problems displaying the GST, PST & Shipping Tax of the Canadian Seperate Tax Hack 1.2-4 with the latest snapshot (02/11/03)? For some reason they are not displayed anymore. Previously it was working with pre-2003. I think some variables have changed since, i've already tried my very best (with my limited php skills) to correct the coding but failed. Can anyone provide a simple update or solution to this dilema? http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contri...ions,289/page,2
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