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Posts posted by oldworldcharms

  1. I have 2 more questions. On my website I do not put my items in the same category as I do in quickbooks. When adding items to the shop will it match only if I have the categories and subcategories match?


    I sometime have an item in more than one category, what happens when I do this?


    ok make that 3 questions java script:emoticon(':-"', 'smid_6')



    At times I will change a category name to try for better placement on the search engines. What happens to matching of items between qb and shop here?



  2. Worked right out of the box!

    I am trying to get streamline for next year so I installed this contribution. There were no problems that I could tell except the fact that this year I was learning how to use quickbooks and what a learning curve which i still did not conquer. I am considering either upgrading to quickbooks pro or downgrading to simple start. Either way I will start with a entire new quickbooks file which leads to the questions below.


    Any advise on keeping everything in sync.

    I would like to keep some sold items on my site, is there a way that code can be written that the iif file does not import data from this year?

    If I decide on quickbooks simple start will this be compatable?

    How long do you think I will be able to import iif files as apposed to the new file format xml and will it be hard to update.


    Thank you


  3. Can somone add the ability to send a customer invoice with this contribution?


    For example a customer asks a question about an item and decides to purchase it. I sent an invoice to them with which maybe can be added here. they click on the link in the invoice and add shipping and billing info and pay for the item.

    Basically we would need is an amount due so when the client creates and account, they can click on a button to pay.


    possibly using the offsite link into shopping cart contribution which works nicely http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contri...arch,buy+button


    Can anyone please help me with this?

  4. Hi Ken

    Did you ever get this to work with margin reports. I am having the same problem.





    We use Order Editor a lot (great contribution), but we also use Margin Report and the two don?t seem to be totally compatible. Amendments made to products and costs with Order Editor, do not seem to be reflected in Margin Report.


    Anyone else had this problem?





  5. Hi Fredrik

    Good question so I tested it on my site. I added an order via the contribution in the admin, adding the product. there are fields where there is the cost, the shipping and a couple blank fields where you are able to imput anything you want, example any extra charge. I know that part works well. I never tried to add a coupon so I added a coupon code and in the cost column added a -15.00. it did work, I looked in my order history and it showed the coupon and value subtracting the coupon value from the total. hope this helps.





    I have the margin reports contribution installed. within this contribution is margin_reports2 which shows a report with all the items purchased along with the cost of the item. The problem is if I add an order via the step by step the cost of the item does not cary over to the margin_reports2. are there any fixes for this.




  6. Hi Simon

    Ok I didnt know that these would remain part of the sales that makes sense but what about the coupons that were not used. I would like the ability to delete those. A good option is if the coupon is not used then the ability to delete and if used a warning / message that the coupon was used and part of the sales report.


    Can you or someone add code for this.




  7. Can someone tell me where to find the code below. My shop items pages title tags work but I used to have an echo of my shop name after the products name, now I dont. I would like to figure out how get this working again. Thanks


    $metatitle.=$title .' '.STORE_NAME;













    There could be many reasons that it might be slower...




    php version etc.


    It is running queries to get the dat so there is more work to load a pgae and if you have have alot of products and cats it will take long.


    How many do you have?


    That is why I built in a cache option to it so there was not the added queries on page load.


    Look around line 127 for :

    $metatitle.=$title .' '.STORE_NAME;


    that is where the store name is loading for the product_info pages.


    you can comment that line.




    How many Prods and Cats do you have?


    What are your server specs?

  8. I have this contribution installed but the link target doesnt work. Any ideas how to get this working?

    <?php echo '<a href="java script:popupImageWindow(\'' . FILENAME_POPUP_IMAGE . '?page=' . $pages['pages_id'] . '\')">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'icon_popup.gif', 'View Page') . '</a> ' . $pages['pages_title']; ?>





  9. I have the Label Shipping (print shipping and pay for label) working but I cant get the Label customer to work. I keep getting this error. any ideas or can someone post a working file?


    Error 404: Servlet Not Found: com.usps.shipping.domestic.servlets.ShipmentPrepServlet




  10. Wow nice contribution, its going to save me lots of time! One question, right now it its set up to open the differentshipping.php page, to be able to print a shipping label you have to be logged in. To make it a little smooterh is it possible to change the link to open 2 pages at the same time. The top page is the login page and the bottom page is the page with the shipping info. This way I could login, close the window and continue with the shipping. Thank you for taking the time to write this one!



  11. Thanks for you reply. I tried the code above and it does not work. I do get the text links but the previous button takes you to the link http://oldworldcharms.net/-p-N.html


    and the next button takes you to http://oldworldcharms.net/-p-.html


    Is it possible that the code does not work with Ultimate SEO contribution.

    The link also shows 1 of (this is the code that shows how many items are in the category) is it possible to remove that.




  12. I wanted the description under the Website Name (name is a link) and never found the answer how to do this. The way the links page was set up to diplay really bugged me. If anyone knows how this can be done automatically I would apreciate your help.


    What I did is not as automatic as I would like but then again I will not have to do this reguarly so that is ok. What I did is in admin and first configuration - links

    Display Link Image - blank

    Display Link URL - 0

    Display Link Title - Blank


    then went to the Links Manager -> selected the website from the list > edit button, then copied the text the webmaster completed in the description field and pasted into the appropriate part of the html below, then copied this back into the description field, now I have the description under the website name which is also a link


    <BR><B><A href="http://www.domain_name.com/">Name of Site</A></B><BR> Website description here.




  13. I installed the prev/next contribution and want to change the image links to text links. The links are on the products_info.php page and the image links to the next item in the category. would anyone know how to do this?



    <td align="center" class="main"><a href="<? echo tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO, "products_id=$previous&cPath=$cPath"); ?>"><?php echo tep_image_button('button_prev.gif', IMAGE_BUTTON_PREVIOUS); ?></a></td>

    <!-- <td align="center" class="main"><?php echo (PREV_NEXT_PRODUCT); ?> <?php echo ($position+1 . "/" . $counter); ?><br><?php echo (PREV_NEXT_FROM) ?> <?php echo ($category_name_row['categories_name']); ?></td> -->

    <td align="center" class="main"> <?php echo ($position+1 . " of " . $counter); ?></td>

    <td align="center" class="main"><a href="<? echo tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO, "products_id=$next_item&cPath=$cPath"); ?>"> <?php echo tep_image_button('button_next.gif', IMAGE_BUTTON_NEXT); ?></a></td>





  14. thanks, The checkout_shipping and checkout_confirmation uses the same English file


    but for some reason the checkout_confirmation uses a semicolon and parenthesis. I found the semicolon in the includes/modules/shipping/indivship.php but the not the parenthesis. Very minor though...I think I am going to move on to much more important things like trying to figure out why when I add a second shipping price and two items are put into the basket it still uses the first shipping price. Any ideas where to start looking to fix this problem?


    Also I want to say thanks for answering and for who wrote this contribution or added to it Thank you for taking the time to write and support it.




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