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Everything posted by scranmer

  1. To make a backup, just use your DB admin tool. If its phpmyadmin click on the table, then click on the 6th tab "Export" and click on the go button. As for a page I would love to create one but I have no need for one at the moment, as the above is the full SQL you need to run. If you cannot get it to work then just make sure you copy from the end of each comment to the next into the SQL box in your admin tool. Each one gets the part you need. eg ----- how to find new gift cert values spent ----- SELECT ot.orders_id, o.customers_id, o.customers_name, o.date_purchased , o.orders_status, ot.value FROM orders_total ot INNER JOIN orders o ON o.orders_id = ot.orders_id WHERE ot.class = 'ot_gv' ----- how to find new gift cert values bought ----- SELECT op.orders_id, o.customers_id, o.customers_name, o.date_purchased, op.products_model, op.products_name, SUM(op.final_price * op.products_quantity) Value FROM orders_products op INNER JOIN orders o ON o.orders_id = op.orders_id WHERE op.products_model LIKE 'GIFT%' AND o.date_purchased BETWEEN '2005-01-01' AND '2006-01-01' GROUP BY op.orders_id, o.customers_id, o.customers_name, o.date_purchased, op.products_model, op.products_name HTH Simon.
  2. :o :o ********** FORGOT TO ADD ********** :o :o Take a copy of the coupon_gv_customer data first just in case you make a mistake :thumbsup:
  3. I?m afraid that?s more of a procedural thing, most businesses would not refund the item but this is your lucky day, I have just spent all yesterday ensuring I can balance all CCGV transactions so here is a solution if you know how to run SQL against the DB:- Procedures. First you need to find the customers account, Then you delete the account balance but replaceing ?. In the code below . Finally you manually make the cc credit. ----- how to find gift cert balances unused/not sent to a friend ----- SELECT cgvc.customer_id customers_id, CONCAT(c.customers_firstname, ' ', c.customers_lastname) customers_name, c.customers_email_address, cgvc.amount FROM coupon_gv_customer cgvc INNER JOIN customers c ON c.customers_id = cgvc.customer_id WHERE cgvc.amount <> 0 ---- how to delete the account balance ---- DELETE FROM coupon_gv_customer WHERE customer_id = ?. PS for others here are the rest. I think the second SQL could be written to run alot faster by making the source table coupons, but I have not had time to rewtrite it yet. ----- how to find new gift cert values spent ----- SELECT ot.orders_id, o.customers_id, o.customers_name, o.date_purchased , o.orders_status, ot.value FROM orders_total ot INNER JOIN orders o ON o.orders_id = ot.orders_id WHERE ot.class = 'ot_gv' ----- how to find new gift cert values bought ----- SELECT op.orders_id, o.customers_id, o.customers_name, o.date_purchased, op.products_model, op.products_name, SUM(op.final_price * op.products_quantity) Value FROM orders_products op INNER JOIN orders o ON o.orders_id = op.orders_id WHERE op.products_model LIKE 'GIFT%' AND o.date_purchased BETWEEN '2005-01-01' AND '2006-01-01' GROUP BY op.orders_id, o.customers_id, o.customers_name, o.date_purchased, op.products_model, op.products_name ----- how to find new gift cert values bought not released ----- SELECT cgvq.order_id, o.customers_id, o.customers_name, o.date_purchased, cgvq.amount FROM coupon_gv_queue cgvq INNER JOIN orders o ON o.orders_id = cgvq.order_id WHERE cgvq.release_flag = 'N' ----- how to find new gift cert values bought, released, sent to a friend and not yet used ----- SELECT gv.coupon_code, cet.customer_id_sent customers_id, CONCAT(cet.sent_firstname, ' ', cet.sent_lastname) customers_name, cet.emailed_to, cet.date_sent, gv.coupon_amount FROM coupons gv INNER JOIN coupon_email_track cet ON cet.coupon_id = gv.coupon_id WHERE gv.coupon_active = 'Y' AND gv.coupon_type = 'G' ----- how to find gift cert balances unused/not sent to a friend ----- SELECT cgvc.customer_id customers_id, CONCAT(c.customers_firstname, ' ', c.customers_lastname) customers_name, c.customers_email_address, cgvc.amount FROM coupon_gv_customer cgvc INNER JOIN customers c ON c.customers_id = cgvc.customer_id WHERE cgvc.amount <> 0
  4. If you need help visualising the order modules try this HTH Simon.
  5. Hi, Does anyone know if there are any extra updates from 1.7->1.9FR versions except for langage changes and if so what they are. Cheers, Simon. PS Why 1.9 and not 1.8?
  6. Did anyone ever find a solution to this? TA Si.
  7. Just looking at installing the Protx direct interface. I have noticed that there are references to "BLACKLIST" mods i.e. TABLE_BLACKLIST & TEXT_CCVAL_ERROR_BLACKLIST. So.. Anyone else using this or having problems with it? Anyone else using preauth? Anyone written a stage2 process to automatically authorise despatched transactions? Si.
  8. sorry no plan ms2.2 release as I have no real free time at the moment but more importantly I have no ePDQ account to test this on. However I think fourtune is going to have a crack at it and I have sent him information and offered him help if he gets stuck so keep an eye out. Si.
  9. MS1 & 2 have major pyament module changes so my original contribution will not work. What are you trying to do etc? Si.
  10. (just spent 2 hours looking through contributions so please dont slate me for being blind if it exists). I thought I remember someone once writting a contribution to tidy up the db and remove old info on customers who have not logged on for a time period (ie over a year). including customerss basket and orders they had purchased a long time ago. Anyone ?
  11. im sure thats the point of curl (sorry I was given this section of the code) howevere this may be of some use to the community... > New Tutorial on Zend.com > > Using cURL and libcurl with PHP by Jim Thome > > "In this tutorial you will learn what cURL and libcurl are, how to use > cURL on the command line, and how to use libcurl within PHP." > > http://www.zend.com/zend/tut/tutorial-thome3.php
  12. I did S**t loads of mods for someone who has since lost interest and so I have not got a live working version of ePDQ (and why it took soooo long to post as a contribution). One of which was all inc files via a mass search / replace. Si.
  13. Although I am not at my machine and cannot definitely check I am 90% sure that that is the correct directory. I am also 90% sure that the file name is correct. Why .inc_php ? Because I don't like .inc files lying around on a server. If someone was to run / edit it they may show security details. If you have the file ending php etc they should be "run" by then server. Si.
  14. Sorry, thought a message was posted here automaticaly... Please see contributions section for this module. Happy Selling, Si. PS for all of those I have already sent this too... There is only 1 mod - I have moved the company name, passed to epdq, as a db variable.
  15. sorry for the late posting yes I have, if you need info/mod email me offlist. Si.
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