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ewadrel's Achievements

  1. hello all, I noticed that the newsdesk_date_available option is not used in the SQL statment, used to display the list of latest news. How come when it is a necessary option ? I added "and newsdesk_date_available <= now()" on the page /catalog/includes/modules/newsdesk.php but it doesn't show anymore the news with a NULL 'newsdesk_date_available' in the table newsdesk. Only News with a past date are displayed (ie today minus 1,2,3 x days). Do you know why ? WHERE p.newsdesk_id=p2c.newsdesk_id and p2c.categories_id=pc.categories_id and pd.newsdesk_id = p.newsdesk_id and pd.language_id = "' . $languages_id . '" and newsdesk_status = 1 and p.newsdesk_sticky = 0 and newsdesk_date_available <= now() ORDER BY newsdesk_date_added DESC LIMIT ' . MAX_DISPLAY_NEWSDESK_NEWS What is the correct SQL statement ? Thx, Best to all Ewad
  2. I figured out where the problem comes from. I simply deleted the category=$cpath in the catalog_products_with_images.tpl template page. It works. C ya all. Philippe
  3. hello, thanx for this Contrib that I've been looking for a long time. You should have given the name "URL rewriting" in OsCommerce contribs database rather than Link transformer... Anyway, I set up your contrib. Everything works except one thing : Please check http://cellier.adosis.com/catalog_products_with_images.php and click on the product. It doesn't recreate the link correctly. Any idea where the problem comes from ? It uses the Contrib Printable catalog (cf. http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,815). Thanx for your answer. P.Combet
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