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Everything posted by wheeloftime

  1. That sounds like a host problem and is not osCommerce related. You should contact your host and ask them to allow you to put more images in your webspace directory/directories. You would have to ask your host also if the disappeared images are still retrievable when they made the change for you.
  2. What mod do you have installed to accomplish the 2 pictures per product feature ? Mostly the contributions have a readme telling how to setup things and otherwise you might find the information inside the contribution support thread (admitted, not all contributions have one). Do not start adding hard coded path and images within your product description ! It is a solution for a very occassional extra picture with a product but not when it involves the default to display product pictures.
  3. Read above for a temporarily fix ? Anyhow, I am curious about the following for everyone having this problem (which I can not reproduce on my local PHP5/MySQL5 setup). Does the serverinfo give indication of: ?? It seems this scrambles the session data and so the routine to check the cart inside the admin/whos_online.php could fail because of this. I haven't had time yet to investigate this further but it seems the most logic explanation I could find so far. regards, Howard
  4. Yep. Noticed that also and so it is only a temporarily solution at the best... I tried to simulate it on a local installation with PHP5 and MySQL5 but there the original script just works fine. Today the clients domain will be put back to normal and I can start investigating this further. It looks like something server related but I have not found any clues yet... regards, Howard
  5. I do not know enough of this contrib to oversee the impact but while installing this for a client I encountered the same problem. The platform is PHP5 with MySql5 and for the moment I solved it by commenting out: // for ($i=$start_cart; $i<$length; $i++) { // if ($session_data[$i] == '{') { // if (isset($tag)) { // $tag++; // } else { // $tag = 1; // } // } elseif ($session_data[$i] == '}') { // $tag--; // } elseif ( (isset($tag)) && ($tag < 1) ) { // break; // } // } as this seems go give an endless loop almost anytime. This part occurs two times within the admin/whos_online.php and you have to comment it out for both ! I have no idea what this part is responsible for but all seems fine...
  6. You have to apply it to any item you want to accept an offer for. The changes you have to do will of course effect old and new items, all will get a new field which you can toggle on or off. HTH Howard
  7. Hi Chris, Check some files like install.html in the root of the package and others inside the docs directory. Regards, Howard
  8. and has been removed.... The headers/documented parts of the package are under the OPL and NOT GPL. The whole package including the actual code parts will revert back to OPL when comments/headers are changed so you can't actually call that GPL. Regards, Howard
  9. Didn't see your reply until now :-( Anyhow, that admin shot looks okay to me and normally works without problem. Must be something with your environment when it does not for you. I can't tell anything specific without knowing your environment and/or be able to investigate it on your webspace. You solved it by hardcoding some stuff which is maybe not optimal but sufficient I guess.
  10. Look in your Skype Contact admin settings or the screenshot within the posting above yours
  11. Hello Darren, Don't know which IE version you use and/or which settings as it is not normal behaviour that an empty shopping cart page is opened after a too low offer. It might be related to the admin->configuration->Display Cart After Adding Product setting which needs to be false for the contrib to work correctly. regards, Howard
  12. The problem is your admin settings for the Skype box are not set correctly. You have hard coded it now which will of course also work but will be less flexible when you want to change this parameter. regards, Howard
  13. Hello Medved, Just checked but all works okay when installed properly. Sometimes the Skype server(s) do not cooperate and the picture will miss but at this very moment it is okay. Be sure you activated the web presence within your Skype application otherwise it will not work. regards, Howard
  14. Hi Nigelman, Sorry I haven't been able to answer your earlier questions but I was on vacation and only found those when I read this last one ;) It shouldn't be too hard to accomplish what you want but needs some customizing and I'll have a look into it later today. Cool looking shop by the way ! regards, Howard
  15. I have no USPS access so could not really test it but I did get quotes as long as the postal code and the shop's origin was set to US based (see admin->configuration->shipping/packaging). HTH Howard
  16. If you change the number of zones you will have to deinstall and directly after that install the module again through your admin. That way you will get the correct entries. Be aware that you will loose all information already entered for the zones module so make sure you reserve enough zones the very first time. It doesn't matter if you keep a few spare ones, if you don't fill them with information they won't be used.
  17. You can add to the shipping table string up to 255 characters, the format is shown inside the zones.php file.
  18. Take a look at the zones module. That will cover shipment to different zones with different price structures. Be sure to read the extra info inside the module file itself which ie. explains how to change it to get those multiple zones ((catalog)/includes/modules/shipping/zones.php)
  19. Probably they need a little adaption but the following two seem to be useful candidates: Minimun or Maximum Amount to Enable CC Payments Purchase Limiter V 1.0
  20. How about clicking on the littel brown box with the little green arrow on the right side of the screen... All zip's are there.
  21. The idea is that you go to your phpMyAdmin interface, select your database and then click the SQL tab. You are there offered a textbox where you can type, or copy/paste, SQL commands which in case of this contribution are: INSERT INTO `configuration_group` VALUES ('', 'Skype Contact', 'Skype contact configuration.', '1', '1'); UPDATE `configuration_group` SET sort_order = last_insert_id() WHERE `configuration_group_id` = last_insert_id(); SET @id_config = last_insert_id(); INSERT INTO configuration VALUES ('', 'Show infobox header ?', 'INFOBOX_SKYPE_SHOW_HEADER', 'true', '', @id_config, '1', NULL, now(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),'), ('', 'Show Skype Call option ?', 'SKYPE_SHOW_CALL', 'true', '', @id_config, '2', NULL, now(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),'), ('', 'Show Skype Chat option ?', 'SKYPE_SHOW_CHAT', 'true', '', @id_config, '3', NULL, now(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),'), ('', 'Your Skype name', 'SKYPE_ID_NAME', '', '', @id_config, '4', NULL, now(), NULL, NULL), ('', 'Skype button reference', 'SKYPE_BUTTON_LINK', '', 'ie. http://mystatus.skype.com/smallclassic/skypename (for options see: http://www.skype.com/share/buttons/advanced.html)', @id_config, '5', NULL, now(), NULL, NULL); Don't change anything, just paste it inside that SQL command box and press the start button (as you probably already did). If all goes right you should read a message that all commands have been done with success. After this you should find a couple of options in your admin->configuration>Skype Contact menu. This is the place where you write the URL to the picture.
  22. The SQL must be run as one block through your phpMyAdmin SQL tab. If you have all the options in your admin that part was okay. If you Skype userid is ricardo.sat25 then the Skype button reference should point to that one so that you indeed get http://mystatus.skype.com/smallclassic/ricardo.sat25 You shouldn't however change that inside the SQL statements but afterwards within the Admin->Skype Contact options. As for putting it inside the header; you can take the code without the box coding from catalog/includes/boxes/skype_contact.php and use that somewhere inside your catalog/includes/header.php. The reference to skypeCheck.js should also be available within the header.
  23. Hi there, It is not a problem with the contrib but an overall problem, it will always happen as soon as you change manufacturer info through the admin. The fix is to revert back to an older part of the admin/manufacturer.php code which I found hidden in a contrib: // THIS WAS THE OLD CODE /* if ($manufacturers_image = new upload('manufacturers_image', DIR_FS_CATALOG_IMAGES)) { tep_db_query("update " . TABLE_MANUFACTURERS . " set manufacturers_image = '" . $manufacturers_image->filename . "' where manufacturers_id = '" . tep_db_input($manufacturers_id) . "'"); } */ // THIS IS CODE TAKEN FROM $Id manufacturers.php, v1.51 2003/01/29 if (is_uploaded_file($manufacturers_image['tmp_name'])) { if (!is_writeable($image_directory)) { if (is_dir($image_directory)) { $messageStack->add_session(sprintf(ERROR_DIRECTORY_NOT_WRITEABLE, $image_directory), 'error'); } else { $messageStack->add_session(sprintf(ERROR_DIRECTORY_DOES_NOT_EXIST, $image_directory), 'error'); } } else { tep_db_query("update " . TABLE_MANUFACTURERS . " set manufacturers_image = '" . $manufacturers_image['name'] . "' where manufacturers_id = '" . tep_db_input($manufacturers_id) . "'"); tep_copy_uploaded_file($manufacturers_image, $image_directory); } } // END INSERT
  24. Sorry. I meant the counting for the Duplicate IP's, Bots, Me! and Real Customers below the list.
  25. Who's Online Enhancement 2.0 by Azer: The counting is wrong. Find the underneath part in your admin/whos_online.php and simply replace the $i variable for ie. $j $j=0; while($j < count($parameters)) { $a=split("=",$parameters[$j]); if ($a[0]="products_id") { $products_id=$a[1]; } $j++; } $product_query=tep_db_query("select products_name from products_description where products_id='" . $products_id . "' and language_id = '" . $languages_id . "'"); $product = tep_db_fetch_array($product_query); $display_link = $product['products_name'].' <I>(Product)</I>'; }elseif (strpos($temp_url_link,'?cPath=')) { $temp=str_replace('index.php?','',$temp_url_link); $temp=str_replace('?','',$temp); $temp=str_replace('/','',$temp); $parameters=split("&",$temp); $j=0; while($j < count($parameters)) { $a=split("=",$parameters[$j]); if ($a[0]=="cPath") { $cat=$a[1]; } $j++; } $parameters=split("_",$cat); //$cat_list=''; $j=0; while($j < count($parameters)) { $category_query=tep_db_query("select categories_name from categories_description where categories_id='" . $parameters[$i] . "' and language_id = '" . $languages_id . "'"); $category = tep_db_fetch_array($category_query); if ($j>0) { $cat_list.=' / '.$category['categories_name']; } else { $cat_list=$category['categories_name']; } $j++; }
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