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Everything posted by Waza04

  1. Hiya, Just uploaded my version of the AVS script. http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,1003 It allows you to set a minimum age in Admin, and a customer creating account has to be over that minimum age in order for them to create an account successfully. Warren
  2. Hiya, This Mod: http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,999 Seems to be rally good, but I cannot use it!! How do I change the enlcosed PATCH files to windows format? (There are in Linux, I think) Thanks, Warren
  3. Yes, It can be done, PM me or EMail me or MSN me and I will send you the main changes that you can customise!!
  4. Maybe this can be implented into OSC? - In fact, Im going to try now!!
  5. I do know that there are Barcode PHP Generating scripts out there, I have one mysell!! Search Google for "PHP Barcode Generate" Warren
  6. OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have just found a problem with my cart!! I will pay for anyone to fix this!! Whenever a customer signs up, it automatically makes them a newsletter account no matter how they do it (ie if the sign up for a full account) and when they want to upgrade, it still remain as a news account! Anybody, please, Remeber I can PAY!! PM Me or suggest what the matter may be, PLEASE!! Warren
  7. Hiya All, I just love this mod!! Anyways, is there any way tobe able to let the admin set the image ov a 'customer status' in some other way than it is now (Browse) as this is a pain in the ass!! Maybe a drop down list or something, im sure you'll agree this would be better. Thanks, Warren
  8. RazorSharp, leave CC alone you bully!! I dont see anything wring with the mod!
  9. NOTE: All of you guys that have this mod installed might like to know the following: If you are logged in as a cutomer, and then you go to the admin. when you log into the admin, it wont work!! Allways make sure you log off the customer, before going into admin. Warren
  10. HEHEHE Here is a better code change to make a button apppear on the order page in admin: $contents[] = array('align' => 'center', 'text' => '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_ORDERS, tep_get_all_get_params(array('oID', 'action')) . 'oID=' . $oInfo->orders_id . '&action=edit') . '">' . tep_image_button('button_edit.gif', IMAGE_EDIT) . '</a> <a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_ORDERS, tep_get_all_get_params(array('oID', 'action')) . 'oID=' . $oInfo->orders_id . '&action=delete') . '">' . tep_image_button('button_delete.gif', IMAGE_DELETE) . '</a> <a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_UPDATE_ORDER, 'OrderID=' . $oInfo->orders_id) . '" TARGET="_blank">' . tep_image_button('button_update.gif', IMAGE_UPDATE) . '</a>'); This makes it so that when you click on the Update Button, It will automatically divert to the right order ID, save having you to select it from the list. Warren
  11. Heres what you need to do: AND you do this for any other moduules you've installed!! Go To adminincludesfunctionsadaministrators.php FIND: 'customers.php' => 'customers.php', 'orders.php' => 'customers.php', 'q_order_update.php' => 'customers.php', CHANGE TO: 'customers.php' => 'customers.php', 'orders.php' => 'customers.php', 'q_order_update.php' => 'customers.php', 'invoice.php' => 'customers.php', 'packingslip.php' => 'customers.php', I hope this helps!! Warren Ashcroft
  12. Can anybody give me the link to this contribution. Thanks, Warren
  13. Anybody? There must be one - Well I think there should be one!! Linda? - Dont suppose you know? Thanks, Warren
  14. I just can not find out what is wrong!! Come on guys - You must know!!
  15. Hiya All, I have just installed it, but now whenever I click on it in the tools box, It just send me to the GZIP page. I have checked application top and box files aswell. Im using 2.2 Can anybody tell me what the matter is? Thanks, Warren Ashcroft
  16. Hiya All, Are there any mods out there which I can simply add new pages of info from the Admin? Ive looked at some of them but they all seem to be manual and require a lot of changes. Thanks, Warren Ashcroft
  17. Hiya All, Can anybody tell me if there are any mods out there that will let me controll my catalog colums from the admin. So that when I want to add someting or move something, I dont need to edit any files. Thanks, Warren Aschroft
  18. I have set this mod up myself and I cant be able to see your problem!! When the order is set the the downloadable status. is puts the box on and then that customer downloads it, the box wont go away until wither the ammount of max downloads has been reaced or the date on the download expires. Its best not to put the status back to one - because how ill you know when the customer has downloaded it or even know that it was successfull. I leave mine be, and wait for it automatically expire. Warren
  19. I also have the same problem, browsed through te files but to no avail!! Please can somebody solve this as it seems to be a really good mod, and I think it is better than the original one!! Cheers, Warren Ashcroft
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