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Everything posted by homewetbar

  1. Nice PopTheTop, the menu works much better now! That was starting to get on my nerves, it was my next item to fix. As far as the $max_cols = 6; It was just some old code along with the $i= stuff that was used when the module grouped everything into columns instead of rows, the columns are much easier to read and that is no longer used. I think I prefer the 2 spacing in b/t the cells though as it is easier to read with all the columns more like a spreadsheet.. but thats just me. I'll post your fixes as a new version. For anyone that wants 0 spacing in between the cells or to add more spacing just find this line: echo ' <br><form method="post" action="quick_stockupdate.php">'; echo ' <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing=2 cellpadding=2>'; and change cellspacing= to whatever you want.
  2. Please post questions regarding the Quickly Update Product Stock contribution in this forum instead of on the contribution page. Contribution: http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,558
  3. Ship in Cart contribution if you can get it to work for you its an easy install and should do what you are asking I think.
  4. Has anyone been able to figure out how to do this yet? Thanks!
  5. I've got this working as a shopping.com feed exporter for anyone who needs it! It's not the most elegant of coding so if someone wants to clean it up we can post it as an addon to the contrib... Copy your /admin/ froogle file to shoppingdotcom.php Make the following simple changes, just changing froogle.php to shoppingdotcom.php in a few places: //include the files require ('includes/application_top.php'); require (DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'shoppingdotcom.php'); $froogle = new froogle; //new Froogle class $froogle->makedata(); //make the data $froogle->savetofile(rtrim($froogle->fields, $froogle->format['newline']), $froogle->savefilename); //save the data to file //this section is to send the headers before output to the screen switch($_REQUEST['action']) { case upload: $froogle->upload(rtrim($froogle->fields, $froogle->format['newline']), $froogle->targetfilename); break; case download: $froogle->file_download($froogle->savefilename, $froogle->targetfilename); break; case viewtext: $froogle->viewfile(rtrim($froogle->fields, $froogle->format['newline']), $froogle->savefilename, 'text/plain'); break; default: break; } ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <title>Froogle Feed</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="includes/stylesheet.css"> </head> <body> <?php require(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'header.php'); ?> <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2"> <tr> <td width="<?php echo BOX_WIDTH; ?>" valign="top"> <table border="0" width="<?php echo BOX_WIDTH; ?>" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" class="columnLeft"> <!-- left_navigation //--> <?php require(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'column_left.php'); ?> <!-- left_navigation_eof //--> </table> </td> <td> <p class="pageHeading">Froogle Feed</p> <div align="center"><a href="shoppingdotcom.php?action=upload">Upload</a> | <a href="shoppingdotcom.php?action=download">Download</a> | <a href="shoppingdotcom.php?action=viewhtml">View HTML Version</a> | <a href="shoppingdotcom.php?action=viewtext" target="_blank">View TXT Version</a> </div> <hr> Edit your /admin/includes/classes/ feeds.php I added a line at 63 to pull the manufactures name /***************************/ /** Main Query **/ /***************************/ // Don't touch this query unless you know what you are doing. Instead, create a derived class and define it there. var $query = 'SELECT * FROM products p LEFT JOIN products_description pd ON p.products_id = pd.products_id LEFT JOIN specials sp ON p.products_id = sp.products_id LEFT JOIN products_to_categories p2c ON p.products_id = p2c.products_id LEFT JOIN categories_description cd ON p2c.categories_id = cd.categories_id LEFT JOIN manufacturers ma ON p.manufacturers_id = ma.manufacturers_id WHERE p.products_status = 1 GROUP BY p.products_id'; Finally create a shoppingdotcom.php in your /admin/includes/classes/ directory, here is what mine looks like: <?php /* $Id: shoppingdotcom.php,v 1.00 2005/03/13 Froogle Data Feed extended class Contribution based on: osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions http://www.oscommerce.com Copyright (c) 2002 - 2003 osCommerce Released under the GNU General Public License Contribution created by: Chemo */ require (DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'feed.php'); class froogle extends feed { var $links; //optional list of links to be displayed above the content function froogle (){ //class contructor /****************************/ /** FTP and fields **/ /****************************/ // /// ! DON'T change these ! $this->fields = "mpn\tmanufacturer\tproduct name\tproduct description\tprice\tin stock\tstock description\tproduct url\timage url\tcategory\tproduct weight\tzip code\tshipping: ground rate\n"; //basic feed $this->connection = 'ftp'; //FTP the data // /// ! Change these settings ! $this->ftp_user = '*'; //FTP username $this->ftp_pass = '*'; //FTP password $this->ftp_server = '*'; //FTP server $this->targetfilename = 'shopping.txt'; //this is the name of the file once uploaded /*****************************/ /** Paths and URL's **/ /*****************************/ //Where do you want to save the generated TXT file? Be sure to include the FULL path and title. // ! REQUIRED ! /// Make sure this is your FULL path to the save directory and name of file $this->savefilename = '/var/www/html/feeds/homewetbar.txt'; //Do you want to enable auto enlarging for images? //Default is true and dimensions are proportional 400px by 400px $this->autoenlarge = false; //Where do you want to save the enlarged image? Be sure to include the FULL path and title. // ! REQUIRED ! /// Make sure this is the FULL path to your feed image directory $this->feedimagepath = '/var/www/html/feeds/'; //Trailing slash required! //What is the URL for the feed (enlarged) image folder? // ! REQUIRED ! /// This is the URL to the feed images directory $this->feedimageurl = 'http://homewetbar.com/feeds/'; //Trailing slashes required //What is the path to your images folder? // ! REQUIRED ! /// This is the FULL path to your normal images directory $this->imagepath = '/var/www/html/images/'; //Trailing slash required! //What is the URL for the images folder? // ! REQUIRED ! /// This is the URL to your images directory $this->imageurl = 'http://www.homewetbar.com/images/'; //Trailing slashes required! //Use this to output links above the content // ! OPTIONAL ! ///Put your own links that are displayed above the content $this->links = ''; } /******************************************************/ /** Class Methods **/ /******************************************************/ function makedata() { $data_query = tep_db_query($this->query); while ( $data = tep_db_fetch_array($data_query) ) { if ($data['specials_new_products_price']) { //if it's on special $data['products_price'] = $data['specials_new_products_price']; //show the special price } // Define shopping.com categories if ($data['categories_id'] == 41) { $categoryname = 'Home Furnishings'; } else { $categoryname = 'Kitchen'; } /**********************************************/ $addweight = '.5'; //How much weight for packing supplies to add to each product $zipcode = '73120'; // Ship zipcode /**********************************************/ $data['products_weight'] = $data['products_weight'] + $addweight; // Add weight for packing materials // Free shipping on specific order amount if ($data['products_price'] >= '95') { $shipfree = '0'; } else { $shipfree =''; } $data['products_image'] = $this->checkimage($data['products_image']); //check to see if the image is already enlarged $this->data[$data['products_id']] = array ( 'mpn' => $data['products_mpn'], 'manufacturer' => $data['manufacturers_name'], 'product name' => $this->strip($data['products_name']), 'product description' => $this->strip($data['products_description']), 'price' => number_format($data['products_price'], 2, '.', ''), 'in stock' => 'Y', 'stock description' => 'Ships in 1-2 Days, New', 'product url' => $this->producturl . 'bar-p-' . $data['products_id'] . '.html', 'image url' => $data['products_image'], 'category' => $categoryname, 'product weight' => $data['products_weight'], 'zip code' => $zipcode, 'shipping: ground rate' => $shipfree ); foreach ($this->data[$data['products_id']] as $column => $value) { $this->fields .= $value . $this->format['delimiter']; } $this->fields = rtrim($this->fields, $this->format['delimiter']) . $this->format['newline']; } } function viewfileHTML ($links='') { $this->html = $links.'<style type="text/css"> <!-- td, a { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } .highlight { background-color: #CCCCCC; } --> </style> <table width="100%"> <tr> <td>mpn</td> <td>manufacture</td> <td>product name</td> <td>product description</td> <td>price</td> <td>in stock</td> <td>stock description</td> <td>product url</td> <td>image url</td> <td>category</td> <td>product weight</td> <td>zip code</td> <td>shipping: ground rate</td> </tr>'; $data_query = tep_db_query($this->query); $on=false; while ( $data = tep_db_fetch_array($data_query) ) { if($on) {$class=' class="highlight"';$on=false; } else { $class='';$on=true; } if ($data['specials_new_products_price']) { $data['products_price'] = $data['specials_new_products_price']; $b = '<b>'; $bend = '</b>'; } else {$b = ''; $bend = '';} $this->html .= '<tr>'; $this->data[$data['products_id']] = array ( 'mpn' => $data['products_mpn'], 'manufacturer' => $data['manufacturers_name'], 'product name' => $this->strip($data['products_name']), 'product description' => substr($this->strip($data['products_description']), 0, 100).' <b>...</b>', 'price' => number_format($data['products_price'], 2, '.', ''), 'in stock' => 'Y', 'stock description' => 'Ships in 1-2 Days, New', 'product url' => $this->producturl . 'bar-p-' . $data['products_id'] . '.html', 'image_url' => $data['products_image'], 'category' => $categoryname, 'product weight' => $data['products_weight'], 'category' => $zipcode, 'shipping: ground rate' => $shipfree ); foreach ($this->data[$data['products_id']] as $column => $value) { $this->html .= '<td valign="top" align="left"'.$class.'>'.$b .$value . $bend .'</td>'; } $this->html .= '</tr>'; } $this->html .= '</table>'; echo $this->html; } } ?> A couple of things to keep in mind I have the Ultimate SEO installed so I modifed the lines 2 times in the file you don't need to do this if you don't have this contrib 'product url' => $this->producturl . 'bar-p-' . $data['products_id'] . '.html', The second thing is I know the preview in admin doesn't work perfectly but I really don't care it is just for looks and the txt version, download, and such work fine and output the proper fields. Hope you can follow along with the code, its not too hard but I was writing it fast and I'm not an expert coder so like I said if anyone wants to clean it up lets do it and post an addon for everyone to use. Have fun!
  6. I seem to be having a problem with PayPal as well (v1.0 or v1.1) it goes fine to paypal and you can complete your payment, and I've installed the paypal mod, but it does not change the status like it used to from paypal "ipn processing" to "pending" after they successfully complete the sale. Has anyone else been able to fix this problem? Thanks in advance!
  7. Could you please post these fixes if you haven't already, they could be pretty useful... Thanks!
  8. I've been working on installing this all day and I've got most of it ready but I encountered a strange error that affects everyone I would think. If you are paying with paypal: when you redeem your voucher and if your voucher is more than the purchase less tax it sends you to paypal and puts a negative amount due, no big deal. Now here is the catch 22, if your tax + item adds up to more than the gift voucher but your item is less than the gift voucher amount it sends you to paypal saying you owe a negative amount but really you owe for tax so you cannot complete payment! Any ideas on a fix?
  9. You cannot use a % sign in the coupon name with this code or it will not display, can you suggest a work around? Thanks!
  10. Install the PayPal for this contribution and then uninstall and reinstall PayPal from admin
  11. Makes sense, I'll include that fix and the other fix we were working on and post an update to the contribution tonight.
  12. I am still having no luck can anyone suggest a fix for this?
  13. Humm I did not need to use this modified code, I have the prior and it works great. What does the modified code do differently and why does the old code work for me and not him do you think dblake? Are you using the newer code or the older one dblake?
  14. Excellent you've done it! In all my tests it worked! Nice work dblake. I'll wait a couple of days and see if anyone has any problems and then post it to the contrib.
  15. Humm that doesn't work, it just times out...
  16. I guess I spoke to soon, upon further testing it does not seem to be working the fix for unregistered users.... Paste in wishlist.php right?
  17. That fix worked like a charm dblake. I'm posting an update to the contrib now as its definately worth including! Thanks!
  18. I found an interesting bug when testing this.... After you add the bundle items to the cart you can click on the item. Then it re bundles it again and you can add it to the cart again and then click on it again and so on and so on. Needless to say everytime the discount is applied so your discount gets more and more and you get more and more stuff infinately to the point you are actually loosing money because so many things are bundled for such a low cost. It is most noticeable with one expensive item and many cheaper items. How can we fix this so this does not happen and our customers don't take advantage of the flaw? Thanks!
  19. NOW AVAILABLE: v2.4 Changes and clean up on the layout of the wish list page to a more streamlined and easier to view list (or so I think) most noticebly when you have two or more wish items. It also moves the configuration values to admin instead of admin/configure.php, and adds my wish list link to My Account page. Upgrade instructions from 2.3.0 & 2.3.1 included. A minor thing thing that still needs to be fixed and it existed in all prior versions as well; maybe someone else can come up with a solution to this? -> Fix My wish list so when you click on an item and have to log in it does not loose the item you clicked on and instead adds it to your wish list. Another feature that would be nice if anyone has the time to code it is: -> Move send wish list email page entirely to bottom of wish list page to make it one step less for the customer (more likely to use). Enjoy! :D
  20. Has anyone added a way to choose if you want to insure your package on this. Say I want to insure the package for $500 currrently it does not... Also, has anyone set their fedex labels to return estimated shipping costs?
  21. To anyone else who may encounter this problem I found the reason for it. I assumed I just needed the .htaccess in my main directory. This was incorrect I added the .htaccess file to the /test/ directory and changed the path in it to /test/ and now it works great!
  22. When I initially go to my page all of the links have the sid extra characters after the page name and then after clicking on a link they are filtered off, is this how it is working for everyone else as well or are the sids filtered off initially for you on your sites? Thanks!
  23. Chemo, I have not changed anything in my configure.php to make this start happening or installed any other modules. I double checked all the variables and have even tried pluging in different values for the variables, but each time it loads up fine but then on the second page you visit it re-adjusts all the urls and takes the directory "/test/" path out. My server cache is off also. I'm wondering could it have something to do with this contribution's built in cache stripping the urls on the catalog page? The admin works fine still... Any other ideas? Thanks!
  24. Hello, I recently upgraded in an attempt to fix a problem with a previous version and now I'm encountering something strange. For test purposes I use a sub directory of my web site to test and the root directory for the main site. With the newest version of this contribution it is redirecting urls in the "/test/" directory back to the main directory so I cannot utilize my test site anymore. Any idea on how to fix this so I can utilize the subdirectory for testing still?
  25. I've got the ultimate SEO Urls contrib installed and I think it is causing me to have problems with some contriubtions. One contribution in particular Ship in Cart (MS2)" won't work at all to update the pages, I'm thinking it has something to do with the update statements using href="_" in them to update when you select another shipping method or address and this contribution seems to be causing it to not work now. Here is a snip from the Ship in Cart code so you can see what I'm talking about: // shipping display $ShipTxt.='<tr><td colspan="3" class="main"> </td></tr><tr><td class="main"><b>' . CART_SHIPPING_CARRIER_TEXT . '</b></td><td class="main" align="left"><b>' . CART_SHIPPING_METHOD_TEXT . '</b></td><td class="main" align="right"><b>' . CART_SHIPPING_METHOD_RATES . '</b></td></tr>'; $ShipTxt.='<tr><td colspan="3" class="main">'.tep_draw_separator().'</td></tr>'; for ($i=0, $n=sizeof($quotes); $i<$n; $i++) { if(sizeof($quotes[$i]['methods'])==1){ // simple shipping method $thisquoteid = $quotes[$i]['id'].'_'.$quotes[$i]['methods'][0]['id']; $ShipTxt.= '<tr class="'.$extra.'">'; $ShipTxt.='<td class="main">'.$quotes[$i]['icon'].' </td>'; if($quotes[$i]['error']){ $ShipTxt.='<td colspan="2" class="main">'.$quotes[$i]['module'].' '; $ShipTxt.= '('.$quotes[$i]['error'].')</td></tr>'; }else{ if($selected_shipping['id'] == $thisquoteid){ $ShipTxt.='<td class="main"><a title="Select this method" href="_" onclick="return shipincart_submit(\''.$thisquoteid.'\');"><b>'.$quotes[$i]['module'].' '; $ShipTxt.= '('.$quotes[$i]['methods'][0]['title'].')</b></a> </td><td align="right" class="main"><b>'.$currencies->format(tep_add_tax($quotes[$i]['methods'][0]['cost'], $quotes[$i]['tax'])).'</b></td></tr>'; }else{ $ShipTxt.='<td class="main"><a title="Select this method" href="_" onclick="return shipincart_submit(\''.$thisquoteid.'\');">'.$quotes[$i]['module'].' '; $ShipTxt.= '('.$quotes[$i]['methods'][0]['title'].')</a> </td><td align="right" class="main">'.$currencies->format(tep_add_tax($quotes[$i]['methods'][0]['cost'], $quotes[$i]['tax'])).'</td></tr>'; } See how its using href="_" in its statements to update the page, I think thats what Ultimate SEO is interfering with... Anyone know how to work around this? Thanks a ton in advance!
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