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Posts posted by tkeats

  1. What I want to do is allow myself to use the Specials or Whats new random feature in my advertising campaigns.


    What I am thinking, is utilizing products already in the database, in fact, using the same database so there is no duplication.


    I want to call the products, so that if the banner or text link is clicked on, the surfer will end up loading my website. With the product they clicked on screen.


    Even if can give me some simple advice on what might be entailed...


    (I have already tried to call from a different directory... and it fails miserably with various errors.. even after calling various include files...)


    Any help would be appreciated.


    Thomas Keats

  2. help please someone.?  I am currently trying to get my shipping to work properly but the Australia post parcel post values are not including the current price rise and also are underquoting for postage.? Can anyone tell me how to correct the values in the Australia post module.? Also any advise on how to incorporate the cubic values in the postage?

    You might want to consider using the table module. (You can set it easily)


    Second, I am not sure I understand how its reporting the wrong price (?)!


    Thomas Keats

  3. Thanks for creating and posting this contribution... I hope to put it to use soon!


    I am trying to set it up with my account, but my account number seems to differ from yours.... I sent myself an invoice and i have a 5 digit ID in the link as below (I x'd out my ID):




    Is this a problem? Or is it due to me being at a different financial institution than yourself (I use Citizens Bank).






    Read the file carefully. In it I explain what you need to do.


    When you open hyperwallet.php, you need to go to the action_url section. at this point, YOU ONLY CHANGE THE NUMBER in the line, never the doman, or the file. So your sending to payInvoice.do instead of payNow.do


    Exact format for this line should be as follows


    https://www.HYPERWALLET.com/payNow.do?PID=[Your PID Number]


    To figure out what your PID number is, log into hyperwallet, and go to web invoicing. create a product or link, but dont send it, look at the code generated and plug the number portion into the =[Your PID Number] This number is specific to your account. Much like an email at paypal or stormpay.


    Thomas Keats

  4. I have it about 90% done. There is one small issue I am having.


    I want/need to pass/post the following information to the text Description for the purchase.


    1) Order ID (At bare minimum) Need to reference the payment to the order.

    2) Invoice summary. Much like what you get when you click 'invoice' in the admin section. (I've looked at it and I get lost easily...)


    If anyone could assist, I would be grateful.

  5. Uhm, nm, I think I got it...


                  if($conversation['tech_reply'] == '3') {
                 echo "<p align="center"class="system"> $conversation[message]</p><br>n";
         } else {

    needed to be edited out / removed


    simply an errant } in the section..


    It works now, but I get a window that lasts all of 1-3 seconds on my screen, I dont even have time to read what it MIGHT contain, as it never parses anything.


    Gets annoying when I am trying to do certain tasks and it steals my focus..


    Thomas Keats

  6. I have had to reinstall this contrib.


    I am now using MS1 with the 1.2c version of LiveSupport.


    The problem I am having SEEMS to be coming from ls_comm_main.php


    What happens is this


    Start Live Support


    request for live support from the index.html file.


    Input name


    *box pops up listing the name for admin interaction*


    *I click on the user name to interact*


    The following comes up on screen...


    Parse error: parse error in /home/thomask/rainbowcomputers.ca/htdocs/admin/ls_comm_main.php on line 131


    Now, Admin/sales can type, and the user will see. However the user types, and the admin/sales can NOT see whats being said.


    This is my ls_comm_main.php file


    ? ? ? ?Live Support v 1.2b
    ? ? ? ?Author: Mike Lessar <[email protected]>
    ? ? ? ?for use with:
    ? ? ? ?osCommerce v2.2, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions
    ? ? ? ?http://www.oscommerce.com
    ? ? ? ?Released under the GNU General Public License
    <!doctype HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
    <meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
    <style type=text/css>TD.main {
    ? ? ? ?FONT-SIZE: 8pt; COLOR: #000000; FONT-FAMILY: arial
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    ? ? ? ?FONT-SIZE: 8pt; COLOR: #ffffff; FONT-FAMILY: arial
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    ? ? ? ?FONT-SIZE: 0pt; COLOR: #ffffff; FONT-FAMILY: arial
    A.bluelink {
    ? ? ? ?FONT-SIZE: 8pt; COLOR: #0000ff; FONT-FAMILY: arial; TEXT-DECORATION: none
    A.bluelink:hover {
    ? ? ? ?TEXT-DECORATION: underline
    .TextBox {
    ? ? ? ?BORDER-RIGHT: #000000 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: #000000 1px inset; FONT-SIZE: 12px; BACKGROUND-ATTACHMENT: fixed; BACKGROUND-IMAGE: url('live_support/box_shadow.gif'); BORDER-LEFT: #000000 1px inset; COLOR: #000000; BORDER-BOTTOM: #000000 1px inset; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif
    .Button {
    ? ? ? ?BORDER-RIGHT: #000000 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: #000000 1px inset; FONT-SIZE: 11px; BORDER-LEFT: #000000 1px inset; COLOR: #000000; BORDER-BOTTOM: #000000 1px inset; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif
    .question {
    ? ? ? ?FONT-SIZE: 8pt; COLOR: #000000; FONT-FAMILY: arial
    .reply {
    ? ? ? ?FONT-SIZE: 8pt; COLOR: #ff0000; FONT-FAMILY: arial
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    function startit(){
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    <table cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0>
    ? ?<td width=10></td>
    ? ?<td class=main>
    ? ? ? ?$windowstatus = 0;
    ? ? ? ?// lets see if the user has closed the session
    ? ? ? ?$lsstatus_query = tep_db_query("select status from " . TABLE_LS_STATUS . " where session_id = '" . $session . "' ");
    ? ? ? ?while($lsstatus = tep_db_fetch_array($lsstatus_query)) {
    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?$windowstatus = $lsstatus[status];
    ? ? ? ?}
    ? ? ? ?if($windowstatus == '1') {
    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?// Lets read the contents of the conversation
    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?$conversation_query = tep_db_query("select id, guest, tech, message, tech_reply from "
    . TABLE_LS_CONVERSATIONS . " a where session_id = '" . $session . "' order by id desc");
    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?while ($conversation =tep_db_fetch_array($conversation_query)) {
    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?if($conversation['tech_reply'] == '1') {
    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?echo "<span class="question"><b>$conversation[tech]</b> $conversation[message]
    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?}
    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?if($conversation['tech_reply'] == '0') {
    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?echo "<span class="reply"><b>$conversation[guest]</b> $conversation[message]
    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?}
    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?if($conversation['tech_reply'] == '3') {
    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?echo "<p align="center" class="system"> $conversation[message]</p><br>n";
    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?}
    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?}
    ? ? ? ?} else {
    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?if($conversation['tech_reply'] == '3') {
    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?echo "<p align="center" class="system"> $conversation[message]</p><br>n";
    ? ? ? ?}
    ? ? ? ?} ?// line 131 //
    ? ? ? ?} else {
    ? ? ? ?echo " The User has left the conversation!<br>FIRST HANG UP and then End Support Session!!<form method=post action=ls_comm_exit.php onSubmit='this.mysubmitbutton1.value=Processing;return(true);'>
    ? ? ? ?<input type=hidden name=tech value=1>
    ? ? ? ?<input type=submit value=Hang Up name=mysubmitbutton1 ></form>";
    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?<script>
    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?alert("The User has left the conversation!");
    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?window.open('ls_comm_exit.php','conversation', 'width=100', 'height=100');
    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?</script>
    ? ? ? ?<?
    ? ?</td>


    Any suggestions? Line 131 is marked by comment... I cant seem to see what I'm doing wrong...


    Thomas Keats

  7. I have made some modifications to the Bank transfer module. Mostly terminology updates and breaking up the sort code to reflect the American and Canadian Markets. I also broke the package into two. Canadian Code, American Code.



    Find it at



    Again, as always, all you have to do is untar it into your webroot directory and enable in admin.


    Thomas Keats

  8. I have a plug in for stormpay. I commissioned one to be built.


    I need contributions towards its cost before I make it available however.


    I have tested it and it even permits your affiliate id being used to keep those you refer through your cart system to be in your downline.


    If I manage to get the costs for this covered, it will be eventually released to the community at large for use.


    Thomas Keats

  9. I need a tester for Live Support. I think that there is still a problem with this but let's test anyway to be sure!










    Good for you! Will you please post the link to the actual download that you used that is currently working for you after you installed it? Many of us have downloaded all of them and applied multiple patches with no affect. If you are able to share which one you used and whether you followed the base instructions or had to make modifications many of us might be able to get ours working as well. Thank you much!


    I used http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,1035


    And I followed the stock instructions. However it does seem to be missing a 'exit' file.


    Looking through all the live support contribs, it could be nice if there where more specific differences in the version name. I counted at least 5 different Live Support contributions, some built/building off of each other. I think this could have been your problem. I know it was mine once with another contrib.


    Thomas Keats



    I am sitting here with the window open for support.


    Its 23:15 EST


    Thomas Keats

  10. tkeats


    Good for you! Will you please post the link to the actual download that you used that is currently working for you after you installed it? Many of us have downloaded all of them and applied multiple patches with no affect. If you are able to share which one you used and whether you followed the base instructions or had to make modifications many of us might be able to get ours working as well. Thank you much!


    I used http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,1035


    And I followed the stock instructions. However it does seem to be missing a 'exit' file.


    Looking through all the live support contribs, it could be nice if there where more specific differences in the version name. I counted at least 5 different Live Support contributions, some built/building off of each other. I think this could have been your problem. I know it was mine once with another contrib.


    Thomas Keats

  11. OK, I got it all installed, no problems. Infact fixing some things helped me get phpMyAdmin installed even faster.


    Now my problem.



    if I load up the admin/index.php and then indicate user 'Admin' and password 'admin' it reloads the same page and does not log me in.


    I have tried admin and Admin, admin@localhost and Admin@localhost, none seem to work. Have I missed something?


    Thomas Keats

  12. Hey, just a note to say.


    last night I downloaded the live support, and installed it, with no problems. Working great, even after having the support window die on me.


    Thomas Keats

    Still reving new catalog system up...

  13. It does not 'read' any codes. You could safely edit the module and change the file names to say




    and change Sort to Swift. Its what I did with mine for North America, which uses routing & Transit codes and not sort codes.


    Good Luck.


    Thomas Keats

  14. Looks like you didn't apply that database changes as perscribed in the installation instructions.


    Gotta be *ver* carefull when installing contriutions to follow the directions exactly as they are given. It is easy to miss a step or two.


    True, however not ALL instructions are even near decent enough for some of us. I know myself, I've thrown away some contributions for not being able to make hide nor hair of it.



    Then there are all the MO/Cheque contributions, each with something a little different. Would be nice if they didnt glop them all together...




    Thomas Keats

  15. This time, I can't fix it by a manual copy...


    After opening up the CUSTOM COMPUTER box in admin, anytime I click a link:




    Warning: Unknown(/home/sites/site3/web/adm1n/ccc.php): failed to create stream: Permission denied in Unknown on line 0


    Warning: Unknown(): Failed opening '/home/sites/site3/web/adm1n/ccc.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php') in Unknown on line 0




    Sounds like you have a permissions problem.


    Check the permissions on the file, and try again.


    Thomas Keats

  16. Having some trouble with this contrib, followed the directions in the install_new.txt to the letter the best I could...


    I am coming up with 404's and a variable seems to have been forgotten somewhere, I've greped the files and can't seem to figure it out..

    In admin, for Utilities, I get ...




    Everything else seems to work fine, except like I said, some 404's etc, and I suspect OSC is looking for them in the wrong spot...


    a list..


    Not Found

    The requested URL /admin/FILENAME_UTILITIES_ATTRIBUTES was not found on this server.


    Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.


    Fatal error: Failed opening required 'includes/languages/english/login_admin.php' (include_path='') in /home/www/test.rainbowcomputers.ca/htdocs/catalog/login_admin.php on line 97


    Fatal error: Failed opening required 'includes/languages/english/create_account_admin.php' (include_path='') in /home/www/test.rainbowcomputers.ca/htdocs/catalog/create_account_admin.php on line 36


    Sale Origin Admin - [Read Sale Origin Admin Process before updating. CLICK Here]


    Sale Origin Name

    Sale Origin Class










    I have been hammering away at this for over 4 hours now, and have become lost.


    Question, I WAS suppose to copy all those files into my working directories was I not? ...




  17. Affiliation link, you've not only set up to process payments through a service ie: paypal or western Union, but have been setup to get a cut of the action.. say for example 2% of fee's charged to all orders processed.


    For example, I am set up with stormpay.com as an affiliate (this is automatic) and my advertising link is..



    I want to include somthing like that in the processing of the order. In my mind it would allow not only allow the order process to be completed, but that my 'affiliation' be credited for the % fee's from that sale..


    I hope that explains it succinckly?(sp?)



  18. I have been looking at the paypal module code and considering how to modify it to work with stormpay.com. I have yet to come to the realization that is required to make the changes required.


    The following is a snippet from their website for passing data...

    You can place certain Link Codes on your website or in your e-mail to have a user automatically taken to the Stormpay site to make a payment. The user can also be re-directed back to a webpage you specify in the link code.


    Following is a list of the hidden variables (with description) you can set in the link code used to connect to Stormpay...


    ? product_id: Set this variable with the unique Product ID you received when you first created a product.


    ? user: Set this variable with the E-Mail address you have registered with Stormpay.


    ? flag: Set this variable with a number (1, 2, 3, etc) to indicate to Stormpay the type of operation to carry out.


    ? affid: Set this variable to the affilliate ID of your customer. If the "return_URL' (below) is not set, the value in this variable will be appended to the end of the (default) Return URL you have stored at StormPay.


    ? return_URL: This would give ANY user the flexibility to indicate "on the fly" what the return URL must be for a successful completion of a (payment) process through StormPay. A Client can thus insert the affid in the return_URL ANYWAY they choose. i.e. the affid is included in the return_URL before it is sent to StormPay. If the return_URL variable is NOT set but the affid is set, then StormPay will default to using the ReturnUrl stored in the database for the Client, and will APPEND the affid to the end of that URL (as the default behavior)


    ? cancel_URL: You can set a special cancel_URL to this variable if they wish for the user to return to a special page should the user cancel the operation. If this value is not set, then StormPay will default to using the ReturnUrl stored for the Client.


    To access the StormPay (payment) process, you have to call HANDLE.PHP on the StormPay site. You may access the StormPay process handler file (handle.php) with codes like in the following example...


    <form method="post" action=https://www.stormpay.com/stormpay/handle.php">
    ?<input type="hidden" name="product_id" value=9999>
    ?<input type="hidden" name="user" value= "Your StormPay Email goes here">
    ?<input type="hidden" name="flag" value=3> (1,2,3,4, etc for type of operation)
    ?<input type="hidden" name="affid" value="Afilliate ID goes here">
    ?<input type="hidden" name="return_URL" value="http://foo.net/<AfilliateID>/update.php">
    ?<input type="hidden" name="cancel_URL" value="http://foo.net/cancel.php">
    ?<input type="image" src="https://www.stormpay.com/stormpay/images/PayNowSP1.gif">


    If anyone can aid in this it would be appreciated..



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