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  1. As far as I know - even in the module where the customers do not have to register, their details still get stored in the database (without their knowledge !).
  2. ChirsJ, Could you PM me your store url so that I could have a look. - Ram
  3. The idea of logging the orders when customers check out is to be able to follow up on customers who leave the orders incomplete. It is also needed because you need to identify the order and complete the order processing when the transaction is completed at Nochex. It is fairly simple to send emails out to yourself when the customers check out. You just need to add one line of code in the checkout page. If you are not interested in storing incomplete orders, you could run a daily cron job ( assuming you are on UNIX/Linux) which would remove these entries. Alternately, you could manually delete old entries by running a SQL query. I found it useful to be able to see the incomplete orders so that I could chase the customers if needed. - Ram
  4. Looks like there's s slight confusion here between session id's and order id's. Barclays ePDQ doesn't care about your sessions id's however it does care about the order id. If you send an order id, it takes it otherwise it creates one. The Order id is posted back along with other details after the transaction. If the session ID was passed as a hidden field to the CPI would it get returned? - NO. the session id will never get returned by ePDQ. The things that do get posted back by ePDQ are transaction status, total amount, client id, order id ( either the one you sent or the one ePDQ generated), charge type, eci status and cardprefix (if you have registered for internet authentication). My customers are always logged in when they return from ePDQ but I do not remember if I had to make any specific code changes to accomplish that. If you do not force cookie use but use sessions instead, where do the customers land up when they are back from ePDQ ? - Ram
  5. Joe's right. I had a look at your website just now. Your return url is set to cpi/complete.php which is incorrect. It must be epdq_success.php Also, you have kept your logo in a non-secure area (http://www.raydirect.co.uk/images/raydirectlogo.jpg) and I got a message about the page containing both secure and non-secure items on the first ePDQ screen. If I were a customer, I would get a little suspicious about the non-secure items and may abort the transaction. - Ram
  6. The filename can be setup in admin -> payment -> ePDQ -> ePDQ Return URL. set this to epdq_success.php if you haven't already.
  7. I meant epdq_success.php. In my case, I redirect this to checkout_success.php page and display appropriate message to the customer and do some custom- processing. tep_redirect(tep_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_SUCCESS)); - Ram
  8. Customers will not see the complete.php file. It is for ePDQ to communicate with your server back-end about the status of the transaction so you can take necessary (automated) action about updating order status, sending emails etc. Customers are redirected to checkout_success.php when they click the final button on ePDQ. Even if they don't ( 40% of my customers don't !), the order / payment status is still updated because ePDQ has already communicated with cpi/complete.php. That's the reason Barclays insists that the cpi folder must be password protected so that only they can post the data back. - Ram
  9. epdq checkout form -- I have it in a file called checkout_ePDQ.php but you may want to check the file - includes/modules/payment/ePDQ.php Go through the code and add the new fields
  10. You need to put the logo in an https:// area. I don't think https is mandatory but it would definitely avoid the browser messaage about some elements in the page not being secure when the customers reaches the ePDQ screen. Then in the epdq checkout form, create another hidden field along with other fields like returnurl, merchantdisplayname, bname etc .tep_draw_hidden_field('cpi_logo', "https://path-to-your-logo.gif"). "\n" There are other parameters you can pass to ePDQ. For example, the background colour of the page as given below. .tep_draw_hidden_field('cpi_bgcolor', "#FFFFDD"). "\n" There are a few more parameteres that can be passed to ePDQ. Check the ePDQ documentation. - Ram Bhamidi
  11. I have seen this error before. Check the url to see if the osc session id still exists when you are on checkout_payment.php and checkout_confirmation.php pages. I have seen a few instances of this error especially when the user had an AOL browser. Ram Bhamidi
  12. Leigh, Something that I noticed. The amount field in nochexapc_transactions table is decimal(15,0). Perfectly ok if your amounts do not have decimals but you may want to change it to decimal(15,2) to take care of decimal prices ( All my prices have 2 decimals :D ). I sold something for 3.95 and it was getting displayed as 3 ( no decimals) which was a bit worrying. Cheers Ram
  13. hi ldavies, Sorry, I was wrong. :( I didn't realize that I made some code changes on top of yours which were sending the email out earlier. I have since moved the code elsewhere and it is working fine. Every order has 2 status - nochex processing and nochex authorised (in my case) which is weird but something I can live with, atleast for now. The stock update is happening as expected. All in all, good work mate. Thanks !! :D by the way, your code for debug email is great ! :) I used it a lot to debug the bespoke code i wrote Cheers Ram
  14. Ldavies83, Thanks for this contribution. It was just in time for my new website. While testing, I found that confirmation emails are getting sent out when the user is transferred to the Nochex site. This should happen once the user has made the payment. Also, there is an issue with the order status and stock update. I am doing more testing and will let you know if i find any new issues. Thanks so much for your wonderful contribution :D Cheers Ram
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