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Everything posted by tobycatlin

  1. What version of MySQL are you using??
  2. No problem, nice to give something back. Let me know if it lives up to expectations.
  3. yo william, yes i am. Ever heard of easter holiday? i have been on it!
  4. Can you post me a link? I'll take a look.
  5. As for the file sizes and types i did start doing it but it didn't work right off the bat so i gave up. but carrerarod if you want to take i look that would be great. In the upload class there is a parse method that should return file size type and temp name.
  6. i'll stick in a check for the destination folder and fix those language defs. It's a bad habit of mine to overlook the details. The reason i wrote this contrib is because i wanted a really light weight script that was much simpler to use than many of the other 'fully featured' ones. Do you guys think it's necessary to put in some config values like which folder to upload to or is it a simple enough task to chenge in in the code.
  7. Hi Douglas I have put up a new version with better error checking when deleting files. It will check that both the file and the image are present before deleting. Thinking about it this does mean that you must attach an image. Anyway it should prevent those 'Warning: unlink(../)' messages. As for the other message "Error: Destination does not exist." i cannot replicate. I trust you know that those boxes should have the path of a file on your hard disk (use browse button to find it) which then gets uploaded to a folder called files. Check that you have the files folder in the root of your catalogue and it's chmodded to 777. They way i see it with what i know, the most likley cause is the files folder doesn't exist and so the message relates to the fact that the script has nowhere to upload the file to. If this is the case i'll see about putting in a check for it.
  8. Thanks it's the first one i have posted. The OSc community has given me so much it's nice to pay a little back.
  9. Doesn't look like i can edit my own posts :( After a little chicken and egg (couldn't post the contrib with the forum link and could post to the forum with the contrib link) anyway it's here: http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,2609
  10. Contrib to provide a list of downloadable files. My client asked for a list of PDF articles about his business and i though it could be a useful general purpose file library for files unrelated to specific products. Can be downloaded here:
  11. Hi, i am sorry i can't help with your problem. I am new to easypopulate and want to work out how to add in some custom fields. If you know where any information is that could help me out, id love to know. thnx toby
  12. Ah yes that would be a good idea http://www.kerrisontoys.co.uk/newsdesk_index.php thx
  13. Hiya all, I have just installed Newsdesk 1.48.3 on osCommerce 2.2-MS2 and it is nearly doing everything i want it to (and more) When i go to newsdesk_index.php the file runs but displays nothing but the standard framework, header, footer, info boxes etc. there is nothing in the body of the page. I am not calling the file with any parameters. It does not throw any errors and i am not sure where to start debugging the system. Apologies if this has been addressed somewhere else. I did have a look through this thread but could see anything relevant to this problem. If there is something i should look at please let me know Thx Toby
  14. I have worked it out. replace #echo tep_draw_separator('pixel_trans.gif', '24', '15') . ' ' . tep_draw_input_field("extra_field[".$extra_fields['products_extra_fields_id']."]", $extra_product_field[$extra_fields['products_extra_fields_id']]); with echo tep_draw_textarea_field("extra_field[".$extra_fields['products_extra_fields_id']."]", 'soft', '70', '15', $extra_product_field[$extra_fields['products_extra_fields_id']]); although you must have the same kind of input box for all of the custom fields. Also the database field is set to a character limit of 64.
  15. I need to do this too. I am working on it at the moment this is the code that displays the description text box but i don't know how to make it work with the extra fields. <?php echo tep_draw_textarea_field('products_description[' . $languages[$i]['id'] . ']', 'soft', '70', '15', (isset($products_description[$languages[$i]['id']]) ? $products_description[$languages[$i]['id']] : tep_get_products_description($pInfo->products_id, $languages[$i]['id']))); ?> I think this is a very good contrib that should be integrated into the core program, although the input type should be set in the configuration rather than having to recode catergoires.php
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