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Posts posted by Debs

  1. osCommerce apparently allows categories id's to be added to no end in the url. I have around 1,000 categories 3 levels deep and around 20,000 products. I've had page load times in excess of 5 minutes, which seem to be caused by the caching system (speeds increased after cache has been deleted). After more insight from problems every 3 months at the start, and more frequent as time went on I've came to notice an interesting trend. For some reason the web crawlers just start adding categories such as: 22_34_78_79_99 and so on! I now have around 90k pages indexed at Google, LOL. I'm going to have a lot of pages not found for quite awhile to come. As long as the last two are valid osCommerce category id's the site accepts the entry and displays the last category id.


    Many of the cached entries had category depths as high as 5 levels deep or more?


    This becomes a serious issue in USU5 because of the size of the cache (seek times in sqlite are enormous, file seek times are impossible, I never tried mysql caching), with google indexing around 90k pages and crawling an amazing amount of pages and continually adding random add-on categories. I was desperate and made a change to the tep_parse_category_path function in general.php, this fixed the caching problem from osCommerce's cache, but did nothing for the problem with caching in USU5. In order to stop USU5 from caching these invalid url's, I tried to modify the index.php in the page modules directory and couldn't figure out how. So instead I was able to modify the hrefLink function in usu5.php file in the main directory like this:

    public function hrefLink( $page, $parameters, $connection, $add_session_id, $search_engine_safe ) {
     // Badly coded shops often pass in odd characters
     if (sizeof($parameters)>2){
      $parameters = array_slice ($parameters, -3);	
      return osc_href_link( $page, $parameters, $connection, $add_session_id, $search_engine_safe );


    I'm not sure if this is the most elegant way to fix this problem or if there is a better way!




    I had the same issue with manufacturers_id appended to the rewritten URL... not often, but some were showing up.

    Perhaps my way is not the most elegant way either, but it will quickly remove them from being indexed and send the proper header to avoid duplicate content issues.


    This was my fix to catch them; you can tweak my rewrite to fix your categories issue too.



    RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^GET\ /.*\.html\?manufacturers_id=.*\ HTTP/

    RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} !^$

    RewriteRule .* http://yoursite.com%{REQUEST_URI}? [R=301,L]




    Notice how it only addresses the rewritten (html) pages.


    is required when viewing page 2, 3, 4 etc.


    Perhaps this has already been addressed, but why doesn't this (Seo Urls 5) rewrite manufacturers pages on split page results?



  2. Interesting Debs,


    I tried a bunch of what they were talking about, but really came away with a couple of thoughts.....


    1..I have no idea what or how to deal with JQuerry, or infact any JavaScript

    2..Maybe I should update the JQuerry.


    So I grabbed the latest version of JQuerry called: jquery-ui-1.8.14.custom.min.js, changed the name to jQuery.ui.js and placed it into the ext folder, I also grabbed a copy of jQuery.js 1.6.2 and slammed that into my website, again into the ext folder.


    Now I no longer get the Waiting for long running script error, I do, however, get the annoying Message from webpage "there was an error checking e-mail address, please inform......" pop up. So really no better off. In fact worse, as my Chrome no longer works, I get the same error as I do in IE9.


    The fact that I changed the error I am getting indicates to me that I am on the right path, and need to get my JQuerry files sorted out, but to do that I need a better understanding of what they do. Anyone disagree/agree? I am sure I have created my own problems by using what I guessed at as the right script and would love someone to give me a clearer picture as to what we need for this script to work.


    Steve C


    Hey Steve,

    Did you get this fixed? I came across a solution that worked for me and it had nothing to do with updating the jquery core file or jQuery.ui.js...


    For me The issue was in /includes/checkout/checkout.js


    View this site: http://www.oscommercesupport.net/labs/ezosc_stores/v3.4/ezosc-professional/ecommerce-solutions-c-26.html

    add item to your cart and go to the checkout page.


    Save this file:



    Try replacing your /includes/checkout/checkout.js with this modified one.


    I'm not certain why it corrected the error but it appears the updated /includes/checkout/checkout.js fixes some issues.


    Well it fixed the issue for me. Let me know if it worked for you too.



    Should I have posted this "file/ fix"?


    Well they are using the core open source checkout here that included hundreds of hours of open source coding... plus the source code was not scrambled/ obfuscated.


    Anyways, see if it works for you too.


  3. Hi Debs,


    No still not working I am afraid, switching to 7 from 8 made no difference other than my input boxes became smaller. Anyone else had any results? As it appears to be a relatively small number of us suffering from this, I can only assume it has to do with the versions we are using. Anyone using 1.5 have this issue?


    Steve C


    Hi Steve,

    I took a quick look into it and wonder if it could be this issue:

    jQuery UI does not work on IE9...


    This page URL covers it a bit, and a possible solution: http://forum.jquery.com/topic/jquery-ui-does-not-work-on-ie9


    I do not have IE9 to test... perhaps you could try and post your results. Our jQuery UI is combined with a few things... and they all may need to be updated.



  4. The issue is with IE9, when someone enters an e-mail address IE9 freezes and will not proceed. It comes up, after a while, with "(website) is not responding due to a long-running script". I have placed <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8"/> into my checkout.php to force it to run as IE8, but still same problem.


    Did you find a solution Steve? I am having the same issue with IE. Firefox and Chrome work fine.


    I just saw this issue and was hoping you guys got it figured out.


    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=7"/>


    Have you tried forcing Compatible mode IE=7 rather then 8..? Probably a long shot, but worth a try.


    I have had a few complaints on this too. I do not have ie9 to test against.

  5. Anyone? Does this tool work on other people's ?cpath= pages? or does it just work for the index.php homepage? Simple confirmation either way would be great, so I'm not wasting my time trying to get it work. Thanks.



    It works well on every page on my sites. I use it extensively to check and clean out any errors on every page (including sub categories). I am also using Roberts earlier seo/url contribution. I do not have his latest pro url installed, so I can not answer as to how well they play together. Although I would guess that works together too. I would check your install instructions again.

  6. You'll need to find the code that adds the product description and use substr function to limit the size.



    Thank you for the reply Jack. I was hoping someone had already figured it out ;)


    I took a look at the googlefeeder.php code and was at first unable to accomplish it directly through the array. Here is what I did just in case there are others in need of the change.


    Look for this partial block of code:



    $output .= tep_href_link($productURL,$productParam . $row['id'], 'NONSSL', false) . "\t" .

    preg_replace($_strip_search, $_strip_replace, strip_tags( strtr($row['name'], $_cleaner_array) ) ) . "\t" .



    Just above that add this:


    $row[description] = substr($row[description], 0, 2000);


    it will then look like this:


    $row[description] = substr($row[description], 0, 2000);


    $output .= tep_href_link($productURL,$productParam . $row['id'], 'NONSSL', false) . "\t" .

    preg_replace($_strip_search, $_strip_replace, strip_tags( strtr($row['name'], $_cleaner_array) ) ) . "\t" .





    You would of course change the 2000 to whatever you want as your new product description limit. Anything under 10,000 should be safe.


    Kind regards,


  7. I looked through the forum here and was hoping someone would help me limit maximum description (per product) feed length.


    It seems Google now has a 10,000 character limit for the size (length) of a per product description.


    I have a warning that 9 items will be removed if I do not truncate the long file (product/s) description.


    Any ideas? Thanks!

  8. No .. the only one I ever actually heard about was the PROTX one.



    I don't mean to hijack your support forum... I just wanted to take a moment and say; Thank you Robert for all the diligent work you have done on this (and your other) great contribution/s.

    I really like your newer release of Security Pro (2.0 ( r7 ) I was unable to use your older release of security pro... as it conflicted with some of my custom code I use. It is nice to see the simplicity of your updated contribution. This new one works fine and the extra "peace of mind" added security provides is priceless. Thank you!

    Kind regards,


  9. 'Unable to process payment. Please contact the merchant as the postal address provided by the merchant is invalid, and the merchant has requested that your order must be delivered to that address.'


    Somebody help me? thanks a lot.


    If you are using paypal standard; this worked for me...




    Change this:

    $parameters['address_override'] = '1';


    over to


    $parameters['address_override'] = '0';

  10. Well,


    Was expecting a bit more due to the hype


    Warning: include_once(includes/modules/ultimate_seo_urls5/classes/usu.php) [function.include-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/user/testsite.com/includes/functions/html_output.php on line 20


    And yes vanilla install "drop on top"


    uploaded admin and includes folders into root.


    And no not the wrong (admin) folder literally in there double checked, line 20 in html_output.php


    Latest download.



    Why cry and whine and piss and moan about everything... ask more from yourself. What type of person can receive free goods and then complain?



  11. Would it work to change this around in application_top?


    //add category name to page title

    if (strlen($categories['categories_name'])>1) $header_tags[title_tag] = $categories['categories_name'] . $header_tags[title_tag];


    to this


    //add category name to page title

    if (strlen($categories['categories_name'])>1) $header_tags[title_tag] = $header_tags[title_tag] . $categories['categories_name'];



    This changes product first and then category



    I am not certain if this would be the only change necessary, or if other things also needs changing... it appears to work in that it puts product first and category second. SEO experts say to place the most relevant keywords at the front. My most relevant keywords are the product and then the category.

  12. With that many articles, you need to optimize your database or it will take forever to load. Run this in your sql.


    ALTER TABLE `articles_to_topics` DROP PRIMARY KEY;

    ALTER TABLE `articles_to_topics` ADD INDEX `idx_a2t_topics_id` ( `topics_id` );

    ALTER TABLE `articles_to_topics` ADD INDEX `idx_a2t_articles_id` ( `articles_id` );

  13. I should add that I had Chemos' version for the old urls. I am now using this version and need to forward the old urls



    I may have found a solution to this. My intent is not to add clutter to Roberts support form, but rather I thought this may prove useful, as we are all updating to this improved Ultimate Seo-5 solution.


    I placed this at the end of my the htaccess... after the other rewrites:



    RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^GET\ /.*\?products_id=.*\ HTTP/

    RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} !^$

    RewriteRule .* http://mywebsite.com%{REQUEST_URI}? [R=301,L]




    This seems to remove the appended ?products_id= etc etc... on the old url redirects.

    I ran a few tests... new accounts, orders etc. All seemed to work and it of course removed the query from the redirect.

    Perhaps someone with more insight into htaccess rules can look it over to be certain it will not cause any other issues.

  14. After updating to this, is it possible to redirect permanent the old url's? (same domain)


    My old site was in catalog folder and the new site is in the root. All products were removed and then reinstalled as a fresh store.


    When I try a redirect via the htaccess as shown below:


    Redirect permanent /catalog/old-item-p-46.html http://website.com/new-item-p-217.html


    It brings me to the correct item so I lose no incoming links... but below is the output url




    Any thoughts on how to correct this? The new url is appended as shown above. It works, but appended.


    Thank you for your help.





  15. Version 1.0 [sTABLE] r117


    I would like to say thank you Robert for this great contribution with very good support.


    I decided to upgrade to your newest release when I saw it yesterday. I had one issue. I use information pages and when I linked directly to one of these pages like this:

    <?php echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link('about-i-3.html') . '"><img border="0" src="images/my-image.jpg" width="200" height="150" class="fader"></a>'; ?>


    I get three warnings (created by ULTIMATE Seo Urls) that the page is not found. When I hover over the link it does not show the correct link (about-i-3.html) but rather apon hover I see information.php

    Also, this is a valid link created by the newest Version 1.0. and I cleared the cache.


    All works fine on the prior version of ULTIMATE Seo Urls.


    And one other small issue... Filter short words is hardcoded 1, 2, or 3. Many of my products are like P-XX, B-XX (old aircraft designations). So filter short words I need to enter:0, or be able to add an ignore list, or turn it off. Perhaps I could just locate (Filter short words) in the sql file and change it or add 0 as an option. The bigger issue is not being able to link directly to my information pages.


    Everything else worked fine though. I actually found the older version quite stable. Do you highly recommend the upgrade or is it mostly for non standard servers?





  16. Oggster... any luck on the fix for this. My custom error page is overridden too. I am also having no luck with this tip... I get the Google Oops! page too.

    My 404-error.php is in the catalog folder and htaccess is directed to use it, but it is now sometimes overridden by ULTIMATE Seo Urls 5 404 page.


    Any help is appreciated.







    Yup.. I tried that... I just get the Google Oops! page...

  17. Your fix for reset cache with frontpage _vti_cnf folders works perfect.


    I noticed something that you may want to check...


    It is not because of this last frontpage fix but perhaps with the last sql update.


    My cache file seems to recreate/write itself with every page load. Even if the page is the same page. Please check your cache created date/time and see if it writing it with every page load as well.

  18. Hi Robert,

    I added the small sql fix. Your Revision 63.


    I use frontpage and frontpage tends to create files within all folders...


    I feel like the odd one out here. But there may be a few others still floating around using frontpage.


    This is the error message received when resetting cache:

    Warning: unlink(/............../includes/modules/ultimate_seo_urls5/cache/_vti_cnf) [function.unlink]: Is a directory in /............/catalog/admin/includes/functions/general.php on line 1357


    The easy fix was to just delete my extra/added _vti_cnf file from the folder via any ftp editor or through server control panel. That works and should be ok so long as I avoid the cache folder. Not a big deal but thought I would mention it should anyone else be using frontpage to maintain their site.

  19. I guess I should have checked first to see if my includes/functions/general.php was different then standard.

    I did not mean to add complications by bringing up that unrelated issue.


    That aside.

    Now I must say I LOVE this new contribution! A-M-A-Z-I-N-G


    The install was soooo quick and easy!


    I can feel the quicker response your well written code brings to the site.

    You put alot of thought into improving the URLs sequence, and it looks like you accomplished it all.


    I did not think anyone could have improved what we already had to work with. I was so wrong. Thank you again for releasing your amazing code. Very impressive Robert!

  20. What a well supported contribution to have such a quick update.


    I am now eagerly ready to install


    One step that may cause someone an issue...

    I am using osCommerce Online Merchant v2.2 RC2a

    in step #3 (in Upgrade from old Series )


    My catalog/includes/functions/general.php (I'll include the function in question below)

    and instructions to find:



    // Redirect to another page or site

    function tep_redirect($url) {

    if ( (strstr($url, "\n") != false) || (strstr($url, "\r") != false) ) {

    etc. etc. etc................




    Notice below (my function in v2.2 RC2a) the extra line just above the function. It may be questionable to remove it because it is below the comments to be found



    // Redirect to another page or site

    if (!defined('NO_REDIRECT')) { <-------------------------------------------------------------------

    function tep_redirect($url) {

    if ( (strstr($url, "\n") != false) || (strstr($url, "\r") != false) ) {

    tep_redirect(tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, '', 'NONSSL', false));



    if ( (ENABLE_SSL == true) && (getenv('HTTPS') == 'on') ) { // We are loading an SSL page

    if (substr($url, 0, strlen(HTTP_SERVER)) == HTTP_SERVER) { // NONSSL url

    $url = HTTPS_SERVER . substr($url, strlen(HTTP_SERVER)); // Change it to SSL




    header('Location: ' . $url);






    What gets replaced? Just the function starting below: "if (!defined('NO_REDIRECT')) {"


    I myself would initially just replace the function but try both ways and test for issues. Is the correct way to replace the block starting under the comments, or to rather replace mearly the function ignoring the starting comments.

    I will finish my install now and test while hoping for advice to this as well.

    Thank you again

  21. I wanted to keep you up-to-date with my attempt at installing.

    This looks like an incredible contribution and will surely be one of the top/best contributions once you have it refined.


    This time I started by first removing completely Bobbys ULTIMATE SEO URLs.

    I then installed this using the virgin install and not the update.

    I still could not get it to work without using your suggested edit in application top;

    changing this addition:

    // ULTIMATE Seo Urls 5 by FWR Media

    $seo_urls->initiate($SID, $languages_id, $language);


    to instead this:


    // ULTIMATE Seo Urls 5 by FWR Media

    if ( !isset($seo_urls) || !is_object($seo_urls) ){

    include_once DIR_WS_MODULES . 'ultimate_seo_urls5' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'classes' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'usu.php';

    $seo_urls = new usu($languages_id, $request_type, $session_started, $SID);


    $seo_urls->initiate($SID, $languages_id, $language);


    I also had to make your additional recommendation to: includes/modules/ultimate_seo_urls5/classes/usu.php


    perhaps I needed to make this change mearly because I had again used frontpage to install this time... I am not certain, but it did work after doing this second change.


    I again had to go into my includes/column_left and comment out my information box. I was getting errors with this... so one thing at a time.


    I tested all links... everything worked but...

    I have article manager installed and on articles more then one level deep it threw an error "page not found".


    In htaccess... changing this:

    RewriteRule ^(.*)-t-([0-9]+).html$ articles.php?tPath=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

    to this:

    RewriteRule ^(.*)-t-(.*).html$ articles.php?tPath=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}


    will make level two articles work. I use this above change on my site.


    but perhaps a better way is to add this to your htaccess under your other article rules:

    RewriteRule ^(.*)-t-([0-9]+_[0-9]+).html$ articles.php?tPath=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}


    I still can not get my information unlimited pages to load... I listed my version earlier in the post and it is not really that outdated. Has anyone else had an issue with information pages causing an error?

    Please post if so.

    Thank you for posting your contribution. I look forward to using it on my live site when it works on my install.

  22. Yes I am using Information Pages Unlimited (2.04.2)


    I am looking through the new file: Usu_Information but it will take me a while to understand how this new ULTIMATE_Seo_Urls works.

    I will have to leve for the afternoon but will try this all again this evening or tomorrow. Thank you again!!


    Do you have the information pages contribution installed?


    Or have you just created a non standard osC page called information?

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