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    joep jaap

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  1. i think that Active Country selects the country from your database, probably TABLE_ADDRESS_BOOK and there lies the problem, because there is no entry for PWA_clients in your db, only after checkout_confirmation, and there never will be an entry at all in TABLE_ADDRESS_BOOK for PWA_clients so, somehow you have to select the country from the PWA shipping array i have the same problem with the contri country_based_shipping: //BEGIN Country_based_shipping [b]$check_country_query = tep_db_query("select entry_country_id from " . TABLE_ADDRESS_BOOK . " where customers_id = '" . (int)$customer_id . "' and address_book_id = '" . (int)$sendto . "'"); $check_country = tep_db_fetch_array($check_country_query);[/b] $check_geo_zone_query = tep_db_query("select geo_zone_id from " . TABLE_ZONES_TO_GEO_ZONES . "[b] where zone_country_id = '" . (int)$check_country['entry_country_id'] ."'");[/b] $check_geo_zone = tep_db_fetch_array($check_geo_zone_query); //$check_geo_zone['geo_zone_id']; //END Country_based_shipping
  2. it means that u already have a column with the name 'purchased_without_account'
  3. hey again :) forgot to tell: installed version is(/was for admin side) OTF2_1_2b with bugfix for osc2.2 M2 now i'm running this contrib only at the catalog side, leaving me out of proportion images in admin :P this contrib, however, is worth (temporarily?) this backside :Y)
  4. hey, i've installed this nice contrib, works superb on the catalog side, it also works on the admin side, but not all the way. Some images in admin are missing (like the 'online catalog'-image on the right top corner in admin) and there are no flags visible, e.g. on the edit-pag of a product at Products Name. i read the whole topic, there is no word or info on this problem
  5. Hi, I installed this neat contrib. Everything seems to work fine, except the xml files do not produce the seo urls, which i also have installed. Also if i use the correct cron command, then i do not get the cronjob email, if i use a wrong cron command i do get an email telling me about the error? any help on this? ps i read the complete thread and the suggestions for the seo urls did not work for me, about the email; there was no revelant info in this thread.
  6. find in easypopulate.php: if (isset($filelayout['v_customer_price_1'])){ $sql2 = "SELECT customers_group_price, customers_group_id FROM ".TABLE_PRODUCTS_GROUPS." WHERE products_id = " . $row['v_products_id'] . " ORDER BY customers_group_id" ; $result2 = tep_db_query($sql2); $ll = 1; $row2 = tep_db_fetch_array($result2); while( $row2 ){ $row['v_customer_group_id_' . $ll] = $row2['customers_group_id']; $row['v_customer_price_' . $ll] = $row2['customers_group_price']; $row2 = tep_db_fetch_array($result2); $ll++; } } if ($dltype == 'froogle'){ // For froogle, we check the specials prices for any applicable specials, and use that price // by grabbing the specials id descending, we always get the most recently added special price // I'm checking status because I think you can turn off specials $sql2 = "SELECT specials_new_products_price FROM ".TABLE_SPECIALS." WHERE products_id = " . $row['v_products_id'] . " and status = 1 and expires_date < CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ORDER BY specials_id DESC" ; $result2 = tep_db_query($sql2); $ll = 1; $row2 = tep_db_fetch_array($result2); if( $row2 ){ // reset the products price to our special price if there is one for this product $row['v_products_price'] = $row2['specials_new_products_price']; } } put these lines between /* */. it works for me
  7. the solution lays in admin/easypopulate.php take a good look at it ;)
  8. That table is needed for the 'separate price per customer-module' in the easypopulate.php. There is no simple 'comment out section'. (to me that is) I do not mind installing that module, allthough i do not need it, but the thing is, it's manual is over 70 pages with modifications, a bit lengthy. I also found out that there are froogle problems, therefore i need to go back to a backup and try an early version of EP. thanks for your time, Joep
  9. Ok, thanks for your help. I do not really need that table to get EP running, it's just that i now have a error link in my admin, i do not like that ;) Joep
  10. In all shops, live or test or new, i do not have that table ?? Joep
  11. Hi, i have the same problem so i need to create table PRODUCTS_GOUPS and i need to change the includes/database.php my questions: 1. how do i create that table? - simply run a query CREATE_TABLE products_groups ?? 2. which file do you mean? - do you mean ..../admin/includes/database_tables.php or .... /includes/database_tables.php ? tia Joep Ps. you write: 'Since that is a standard table in oscommerce' i'm using osCommerce 2.2 Milestone 2 Update 051113 ??
  12. Hi, is it possible to print 4 invoices on one a4-paper? i have stripped the invoice.php untill i was left with only; - order number and products on the left - delivery-adress on the right if it is possible then i can print it on a sticky a4 paper with 4 columns and 2 rows ;) Joep
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