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Everything posted by hungryfrank

  1. the purpose of the Ajax is to upload a new order total after customer choses the shipping method. as of now the only problem is to show a new total to the customer before he pays, without going to confirmation page.
  2. I managed to get a page up to update the totals. I have to pass the value of selected shipping to it my Ajax works but I can't get the change function to work $(document).ready(function(){ var shipping = $(".shipping:checked").val(); //load_data(); function load_data() { $.ajax({ url:"http://localhost/metro55/total_ajax.php", method:"post", data:{ shipping:shipping // actions:processs }, success:function(data) { $('#result').html(data); } }); } $('input:radio[name=shipping]').change(function() { load_data(); }); }); if I uncomment the load data it loads but not when the shipping radio is clicked. I need that and passing the value to the Ajax page total_ajax.php
  3. hi works like a charm. I was waiting for this. there is only one minor issue. when go from manufacturer to the product you lose the manufacturer. it is not in the link and not on the breadcrumbs it goes to category is this normal behavior.
  4. tax works. you have to get the zones adjusted. it only charges tax on Florida addresses. ands I changed the missing language.
  5. yes that is great I will take it out. what I really want an Ajax to update the totals when something is changed. and it has to work with addons.i have no idea on how to implement that.
  6. It should work with the tax.i haven't changed any code. I will take a look. I don't use tax so I never notice it. you can also show checkout_confirmation if you want.
  7. I don't think it is acceptable behavior to attack someone for posting a free add-on to the community. and it is not acceptable to form a group to attack another member for doing so. and it is shouldn't acceptable behavior to form a group to prevent other member of community to contribute to the community. and all for the sole purpose of financial interest of a third party.
  8. on a test shop only I need a little help testing of this. in your application top add if ($PHP_SELF=='checkout_shipping.php') tep_redirect(tep_href_link('checkout_payment.php')); and replace this and please leave comment so I can fix it or let me know if it works properly with other addons. checkout_payment.php
  9. this is what you have to do and considering that you have to make core changes any way is the best option.
  10. yes. one way with simple code change, and one that works with all boxes except the PayPal without
  11. I have made an add-on that shorten the checkout flow as little as one page. .Now the question is would I need a confirmation page? or I can put a required checkbox
  12. it is the same thing in the back. this add-on just lets a supplier add products and give reports. all the files are original osc file copies give or take just the supplier field is considered.
  13. who is going to ship the product. if it is the supplier then you should start from multi vendor shipping. that is more complicated to do than customer being able to add product. you can simply add a button to open a form for in each category in the shop. and add a report to their account. the question is who is going to ship. who is going to get paid. returns. are u going to let the customer know that you don't own the product?
  14. I looked at the files and got them to work in the shop section and they belong in the admin section and you have already working versions in the admin and it is easier to copy those than using these one is order.php one is logoff.hp one is categories.php and two reports there are much better place to start.
  15. ok I try to do it later this week. I am trying to reduce checkout process😀. but looking at it it is pretty independent of osc. it might just work as it is and u have to just bootstrap it
  16. in suppliers_area_top.php comment out //$password = md5($password); line 8 and with php. admin just put a number in password 11like and use 11 two login and see where it takes u this way if the problem is encoding md5 we know and u can checkout the rest of stuff
  17. it has probably something to do with encoding and md5 which page supplier register? I haven't looked at it yet
  18. I am going to try. of ofcourse if you have good developer that is familiar with osCommerce they can make one that dose exactly what u want. with this there are a lot of changes that has to be done to the core.
  19. can you point a link and what the issue is. I need to add vendors also. if it is for 2.2 its easier to understand for me
  20. I think you can make any add-on work.but to make them work without changing the core is a different story.
  21. it looks Hot Hot Hot I am going try it out with when Phoenix is ready and my add-on ready then I switch folder
  22. it is not up to him what we integrate in our site. I have decided to go ahead with this one and also include the filenames.php this way I can test and use older admins.
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