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Everything posted by LeeFoster

  1. That's the code that's not working in administrator_group.php still working on the fix.
  2. I've narrowed it down to this code - foreach($groups['apps'] as $app) { if(!in_array($app['code'], array('configuration.php', 'modules.php'))){ $admin_group_access_inputs_string .= tep_draw_checkbox_field('admin_group_access[' . $cnt_access . ']', $app['code']) . '&nbsp;' . $app['title'] . '<br/>'; }else{ if($cnt_code > 1)continue; $admin_group_access_inputs_string .= tep_draw_checkbox_field('admin_group_access[' . $cnt_access . ']', $app['code']) . '&nbsp;All ' . $groups['heading'] . '<br/>'; $cnt_code++; } $admin_group_access_inputs_string .= tep_draw_hidden_field('admin_group_access_block[' . $cnt_access . ']', $groups['heading']); $cnt_access++; }
  3. Can you send a screen shot? And if you send me the updated file I'll have a look.
  4. Just installed and then created a Product Tabs version of it.
  5. When I echo the loop it's fine so it has to be the way the data is being pushed into the define.
  6. This is what is being generated - <script> document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { var calendarEl = document.getElementById('calendar'); var calendar = new FullCalendar.Calendar(calendarEl, { plugins: [ 'interaction', 'dayGrid', 'timeGrid', 'dayGridDay', 'dayGridWeek', 'timeGridDay', 'dayGridMonth' ], defaultView: 'dayGridMonth', defaultDate: '2020-02-04', //defaultDate: '2020-01-31', header: { left: 'today prev,next', center: 'title', right: 'dayGridMonth,timeGridWeek,timeGridDay' }, events: [ { title: "Chillcon - Sheffield", url: "http://www.chillcon.co.uk/sheffield-venue", start: "2020-03-28" }, ] }); calendar.render(); }); </script>
  7. Yes I know but I don't have access to it and there's been no information on if it is going to be released for Phoenix and if so when.
  8. I have made the below changes to the language file and it will only show one of the events I have in my database, not all of them (I currently have 2) define('NAVBAR_TITLE', 'Events Calender'); define('HEADING_TITLE', 'Events Calender'); $db_query = tep_db_query("select * from stores"); while ($events = tep_db_fetch_array($db_query)) { $title = $events['stores_title']; $url = $events['event_url']; $start = $events['event_date']; $event = array( "'{title" => $title, "url" => $url, "start" => $start . "},'" ); // Loop through superhero array foreach($event as $key => $value){ echo $key . ": " . $value . "<br>"; } define('JCM_EVENTS_FULLCALENDER_BUTTON_EVENTS', '{ title: "'.$title.'", url: "'.$url.'", start: "'.$start.'" },'); }
  9. Would that be in the language file or in the calendar file?
  10. @JcMagpie have you considered doing this using database driven events?
  11. You're better off taking @Jack_mcs advice and paying someone on here to do your install. A lot of the addons that are coming out are plug and play and those that aren't are being adapted so they can be. Spend your money on the supporters pack, and pay someone here to set it all up for you. Updates are no fuss because of the slim core, there are loads of free addons being converted daily to Phoenix standards and that's before you even mention the supporters codes. These are coming from both the main dev team and the other supporters.
  12. I'm pretty sure the developer on this made a version that adds the stock banner manager back in.
  13. @raiwa Was just about to install this but noticed a fair amount of core code additions, hooks mostly, do you think we could petition @burt to put these into core? They will benefit everyone in the long run, your add-on now any other rewards add-ons and certainly anything related that is to be released as a supporters add-on.
  14. Could this not be done without core code changes? @burt
  15. I've been updating this to work with Phoenix, though it's mostly just been a case of hard coding table names and replacing defines. There is a ticket add on that I plan to integrate into this at some point but in the mean time if I've missed anything let me know. oscom-customer-service-portal-xihXD-sE0KJ.zip
  16. I won't be looking into how it can be made with no core edits until after the new year and even then I may not be the best to do it.
  17. I did but it was a lot of core code changes if I remember rightly.
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