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Everything posted by avoisin

  1. As is, not that I know of. I built my own price-breaks solution for attributes that I needed however, and it's not impossible to alter the price calculation code to do this. However, it is going to take some effort. The main file you'll have to modify is catalog\includes\classes\shopping_cart.php, to alter the mods that price_breaks had you do already to take this new scheme into account. However, the effort involved in doing this is a little more than I want to spend here ... but feel free to PM me :)
  2. You used the file editor - this is a known bug, which drops the \ mark when you edit things. You should really use a real FTP program for doing any editing, especially in those language files where the \ is everywhere! Here's the original code - save it and upload it with FTP. I even removed the 2-5 days for you :) <?php /* $Id: checkout_success.php,v 1.12 2003/04/15 17:47:42 dgw_ Exp $ osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions http://www.oscommerce.com Copyright (c) 2002 osCommerce Released under the GNU General Public License */ define('NAVBAR_TITLE_1', 'Checkout'); define('NAVBAR_TITLE_2', 'Success'); define('HEADING_TITLE', 'Your Order Has Been Processed!'); define('TEXT_SUCCESS', 'Your order has been successfully processed!'); define('TEXT_NOTIFY_PRODUCTS', 'Please notify me of updates to the products I have selected below:'); define('TEXT_SEE_ORDERS', 'You can view your order history by going to the <a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_ACCOUNT, '', 'SSL') . '">\'My Account\'</a> page and by clicking on <a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_ACCOUNT_HISTORY, '', 'SSL') . '">\'History\'</a>.'); define('TEXT_CONTACT_STORE_OWNER', 'Please direct any questions you have to the <a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_CONTACT_US) . '">store owner</a>.'); define('TEXT_THANKS_FOR_SHOPPING', 'Thanks for shopping with us online!'); define('TABLE_HEADING_COMMENTS', 'Enter a comment for the order processed'); define('TABLE_HEADING_DOWNLOAD_DATE', 'Expiry date: '); define('TABLE_HEADING_DOWNLOAD_COUNT', ' downloads remaining'); define('HEADING_DOWNLOAD', 'Download your products here:'); define('FOOTER_DOWNLOAD', 'You can also download your products at a later time at \'%s\''); ?>
  3. avoisin


    I can't really speak to the FAQ question, typically a good contribution comes with install documents to help you out. As to the local server, I would recommend against it if this is for a live store. I run my own local server, but I only use it as a testbed to try out new ideas, etc., I would never run my own webserve for an e-commerce store. Here's the reason: you just don't have the time/skills to maintain the web-server side properly AND maintain the shopping cart. Maintaining web servers properly is a full-time job, that's why people get paid to do it. It would be money well spent to find a proper hoster who can host your osC cart code, and let you only be concerned with that piece, and let someone else handle the web-server stuff. As long as there are backups somewhere, it's a FAR safer bet. There's enough sites around that do hosting for $10 or $20 a month that are worth every penny of your sanity. In addition to all that, you'll get a speedier connection to the rest of the world for your site, power-outage protection, etc. Just make sure backups are getting done!
  4. I don't think so. It sounds like the answer is no, as you said, to be able to do many levels, e.g. the shirt has three colors, each color has a set of sizes, each size has a set of fabrics, and each fabric can be pre-washed or not. Ok, that makes sense - and is why I hadn't even tried to deal with the admin side yet, basically. I got it sort of working, but it's not good enough. Fair enough. I really hate to create yet another contribution that has similar functionality, though. Perhaps the two can merge ... Ok, so I'll open it up. Anyone that's interested in what I got, go to http://hartranft.org/catalog, log in with 12345/12345 and go to this product: Stahls->letters & numbers->pro block & varsity->varsity and play around. Let me know! If there's enough interest, I'll send it in. And if anyone wants to help me work on this contrib .... I'm sure I'd help buy beer for your troubles. Thanks, Scott
  5. Hi All, I'm somewhat new to the QTpro mod, so bear with me .... Can it handle multiple master/slave levels? Or just one set? Can it handle price breaks? I've seen the price_breaks on products, but what about on attributes? Has anyone tried using it with lots of variations? Say, 50k+ worth that really only stem from a few hundred option values? If so, how's the handling of so many variations done on the admin side? I ask because I had to deal with these issues for a customer, and not knowing enough about qtpro (at the time, early 2004), I built my own system. It works in the same fashion as qtpro, at least as far as I can tell. What I'm trying to determine is if I've totally reinvented the wheel or if I can help to extend qtpro's capabilities. Also, the www.vary.net/qtpro link seems to dead-end ... maybe that's just me though. Is qtpro getting rolled into MS3? Thanks tons, Scott Hartranft
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