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  1. Ignore my post above (I retained the first setting: '20.0'). It seems the feed is now adding VAT to the prices. It started working after I switched on the setting to ignore products with price/qty of 0. define('OPTIONS_IGNORE_PRODUCT_PRICE', 1); //0 = include products with price of 0 in output, 1 = ignore products with price of 0 define('OPTIONS_IGNORE_PRODUCT_ZERO', 1); //0 = include products with qty of 0 in output, 1 = ignore products with qty of 0 Don't know why that would affect VAT being added to prices for products that weren't affected by the above settings (i.e. products that are in stock with a price set to more than 0), but it seemed to do the trick.
  2. I'm trying to search through previous posts, but with so many pages, it's not easy - especially when searching the thread with search terms 'uk', 'vat' and 'tax' as those words appear every time someone posts a copy of the PHP code, regardless of whether they are asking a question about a problem relating to tax being added to the feed or not. Just noticed something in the comment on the following line of the PHP file: define('OPTIONS_TAX_RATE' , '20.0'); //default = 0 (e.g. for 20.0% tax use "$taxRate = 20.0;") //only used in the next line Is that comment saying that the tax value should actually be added as "$taxRate = 20.0;", as shown below? define('OPTIONS_TAX_RATE' , '$taxRate = 20.0;'); //default = 0 (e.g. for 20.0% tax use "$taxRate = 20.0;") //only used in the next line
  3. Thanks for the suggestion, but I had already checked that in the Google Merchant Centre account, and the tax setting is for US only, which is confirmed in Google's support docs: "The 'tax' attribute is only applicable to feeds targeting the US – for all other countries except for Canada and India, value added tax (VAT) has to be included in the price." "tax This attribute is only available in the US. For feeds targeting the United Kingdom the price attribute should include VAT." Source: https://support.google.com/merchants/answer/188494?hl=en-GB Just to confirm, I need the data feed to add UK VAT (20%) to the product prices. Also, something I said in my earlier post was incorrect: "All products in the osCommerce database include a Net price (excluding VAT) and a Gross price (including 20% VAT)". What I meant to say was that all the products in the database have VAT applied to them in the admin, but of course the only price stored in the products table in the database is the Net Price (excluding VAT).
  4. Hello. I hope someone can help me. I've installed Google Base Data Feeder Version: 3.0, and it's all working except for one important problem: it's not adding 20% UK VAT onto the data feed. The feed.txt file still shows the prices without VAT. All products in the osCommerce database include a Net price (excluding VAT) and a Gross price (including 20% VAT) Rather than paste the whole file, I'll just paste (what I understand to be) the relevant lines from Googlefeeder.php: Line 46 (I set the value to 2): define('OPTIONS_ENABLED_INCLUDE_TAX', 2); //0 = no tax, 1 = uses google method, 2 = UK Vat Lines 83-84 (not edited): define('OPTIONS_TAX_RATE' , '20.0'); //default = 0 (e.g. for 20.0% tax use "$taxRate = 20.0;") //only used in the next line define('OPTIONS_TAX_CALC', (OPTIONS_ENABLED_INCLUDE_TAX == 2 ? (OPTIONS_TAX_RATE/100) + 1 : '1')); //UK. US tax rate - US is ignorded since it is 1 Line 207 (not edited): FORMAT( IFNULL(specials.specials_new_products_price, products.products_price) * " . OPTIONS_TAX_CALC . ",2) AS price, Any advice would be much appreciated!
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