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  • Real Name
    Michael Madson
  • Gender
  • Location
    San Jose, California
  • Interests
    Micro Controllers and Sensors, Capacitive Touch, LED's, Solidworks, Altium, Astronomy, good food and water.
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  1. Oh boy.... it is working now... I reloaded and changed some of the 0's in the cart min weight to 1. OMG! Well, I did not know and all is good. MM
  2. Jim, Adding the sever API addresses - bottom right... some progress perhaps...? the following is now returned. Request: API=RateV4&XML=<RateV4Request USERID="961MADSO0110"><Revision>2</Revision></RateV4Request> Response: Errors: On the phone with USPS = no help,.
  3. Jim, Thanks for your response. The production server is live with USPS and hooked up to Username 961MADSO0110. The response I get back is: <Error><Number>-2147221202</Number><Source>Common:XmlParse</Source><Description>The element 'RateV4Request' has incomplete content. List of possible elements expected: 'RateClientType, Package'.</Description><HelpFile/><HelpContext/></Error> I have a weight on 1 pound and a correct zip code. RateClientType, Package description? What else must be sent ? Is there something missing in my store ? Is there something to add to the SQL data base? I have tried using different browsers, deleting and reinstalling. Baffled !!!!! Something simple but what ? For now, I am using flat rate shipping. Michael ................................................................................... When I use my USPS account name Madsonship: the following is returned. Request: API=RateV4&XML=<RateV4Request USERID="Madsonship"><Revision>2</Revision></RateV4Request> Response: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Error><Number>80040B1A</Number><Description>Authorization failure. Perhaps username and/or password is incorrect.</Description><Source>USPSCOM::DoAuth</Source></Error> Errors:
  4. Hi and help... Using osC 2.3.3 and installed USPS Rate V4. Right column asks for Enter the USPS User ID I have entered the user name provided. #1.Is this the same as the USPS User ID ? #2.Where is the password field? The module is not loading it. #3. USPS instructs me to change the following code below. In what file is the following code located? I have looked extensively in the new files and amin/module and cannot find the incidence of API=DelivConfirmCertifyV4 to change? from USPS If you are developing your application, you will need to make the following changes to your code: 1) The name of the API must be changed to "DeliveryConfirmationV4". Example: "API=DelivConfirmCertifyV4" should now read "API=DeliveryConfirmationV4" 2) The topmost XML element must be changed to "DeliveryConfirmationV4.0Request" Example: <DelivConfirmCertifyV4Request USERID="USERIDHERE" PASSWORD="PASSWORDHERE"> ..... </DelivConfirmCertifyV4Request> should now read <DeliveryConfirmationV4.0Request USERID="USERIDHERE" PASSWORD="PASSWORDHERE"> ..... </DeliveryConfirmationV4.0Request> #4. Making a trial order USPS sends back: Request: API=RateV4&XML=<RateV4Request USERID="961MADSO0110"><Revision>2</Revision></RateV4Request> Response: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Error><Number>-2147221202</Number><Source>Common:XmlParse</Source><Description>The element 'RateV4Request' has incomplete content. List of possible elements expected: 'RateClientType, Package'.</Description><HelpFile/><HelpContext/></Error> Errors: Any help on this would be appreciated. Thanks, Michael Madson
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