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  1. That did it. No errors are being returned and everything seems to be running smoothly. Thanks so much!
  2. Spoke too soon. Still testing Int'l rates; wanted to make sure Ground rates were available for Canada. I selected a USPS method and when I clicked to confirm and go to the payment page, I received an additional error message: And it won't show my page at all.
  3. I haven't particularly found that something wasn't working, but I'm a bit OCD and the warning is repeated several times so that I have to scroll a page and a half to get to the actual page... it unsettles me. As I understand it from here, the issue is that $val['ServiceName'] or $iExtras[$val['ServiceName']] is undefined somewhere? So the code isn't quite sure what to do with it? Shouldn't there be a way to simply check that it's defined and, if it isn't define it? Has anyone else ever gotten this?
  4. I called FedEx a little while ago to make sure we were set up for International rates, and they assured me I was. They also took a look at the returns and said that their API was working correctly and sent the proper rates but that my application wasn't displaying them correctly. They also mentioned that if the problem was because I wasn't set up for Int'l rates or if the API was at fault, the FedEx option and/or rates wouldn't display at all, $0.00 or otherwise. The swap worked! Thanks. c:
  5. I've tested the rates for Domestic (USA), and it works great! I'm now testing for International and lo and behold, an issue came up. I'm testing to Belgium and it displays two methods, International Economy and International Priority and BOTH of them display the rates at $0.00. This is, of course, unacceptable. I'm not displaying any errors either. Any suggestions? ~Jan
  6. I'm receiving this error when testing international:
  7. Wow. Please excuse my stupidity. I had none of them checked. Everything shows up now. Thank you guys! :blush:
  8. They just sent me my API info and I called to switch it over, which they did and I have a confirmation e-mail to be sure, but I still don't have rates. Perhaps it takes a while to kick in? Or maybe it's actually one of the other issues? I'm currently testing for domestic anyway, so I don't think the international terms would be an issue, but still?
  9. Hi all. So I installed this, even though I was fully aware of USPS's API changes. I currently am returning no errors but I'm not getting any rates either! I have a few theories, so maybe someone can confirm them for me? My biggest theory is that I applied for the API tools earlier today. The site says it will take up to 24 hours to e-mail the information/confirmation/ect. But in the admin panel, there doesn't seem to be a need for any API related information? Just my USPS user ID? Still, perhaps until the API tools are confirmed it won't display rates on my site. This is my theory. Second, could be that with the changes made to the API terms, it will not properly display the information. Although, I've already used Jim's term changes from above, and there is no change to my shipping page--no errors being displayed either. Plus it seems as though Jim's changes work for others, so I doubt this is the problem. Lastly, the only other thing I think it could be is the following: When I installed the module, I followed the basic numbered instructions at the top. Step 2 calls for the files in the folder Files To Modify to be merged with the existing files if the OSC version being used has been modified (which mine has). I double checked it by going through the Step By Step File Modification instructions and I found that the first change to checkout_shipping.php does not coincide with the file merge I did. The instructions say the following: FIND function rowOutEffect(object) { if (object.className == 'moduleRowOver') object.className = 'moduleRow'; } INSERT AFTER: // USPS START function radioSet(el) { if(!$('#shownString, #shownStringShow, #shownStringHide', el).is(':visible')) { $('#shownString, #shownStringInfo, #shownStringShow, #shownStringHide').hide(); $('#shownString, #shownStringShow', el).show(); } } $(function() { $('[type=radio]:checked').each(function() { $('#shownString', $(this).parent().parent()).show(); }); }); // USPS END Attached is the maker's checkout_shipping.php (renamed to OP_checkout_shipping.php) and mine (name unchanged). Any input is much appreciated. Thank you! ~Jan checkout_shipping.php OP_checkout_shipping.php
  10. This isn't a problem, so much as a question? I have installed the addon and it works perfectly! I ran into a few issues, but nothing serious; was able to fix them easily enough. Something I noticed after it was all set up was that the Upcoming Products module lost all of its style information from the div class ui widget. Personally, I really liked the way it looked (I have heavily modified my colors and images), and I set about trying to get the class back. Now, I'm no PHPer, so a lot of the fundamental details can go over my head easily, but I ended the PHP code to begin the div code and started the PHP back up after... blahblahblah... basically, it went through without errors, but it doesn't display the div class information around the Upcoming Products module... the header / heading strip just shoves itself to the top of the page, out of the way, not disturbing anything... but not doing what I want it to do. (Not a problem, I can undo the code to get rid of it.) So my question is, "Is it possible to keep the div class styling or adapt the code so that I may still use it?" Another question I have, should the resounding answer be no, is, "Is there a way to uninstall the Upcoming Products module from the front page and use osC's default module?" To clarify that last one... I wouldn't want to remove any of the coding in the module or addon, just add, merge, and/or adapt the original coding for the Upcoming Products feature ONLY. Theoretically, I should be able to uninstall the module in the admin section and alter the index.php code to add it after the addon code, right? (I have no idea, so...) Thanks for any input in advance. Let me know if you need a visual or any of my files. ~Jan
  11. Hi everyone, I've searched and searched the forum, but it seems no one has had this problem. I'm using the Store Pick Up Module (spu [http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/164]) and everything is running smoothly, however, I noticed that at the very top of my page, I receive the following error message: I'm not quite sure what to do. It seems line 65 is... $dept_allow = split("[, ]", $codep['configuration_value']); ...which refers to?? Additionally, I should mention that I attempted to use Multipickup (http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/8418) but it didn't seem to be compatable with my version?? So I used my backup files and deleted it. Could this have something to do with it? If so, what should I do? I should also mention, that as per this post, I also had that need, and edited as according to the last poster. Perhaps their code was the issue? I doubt it because it is in a different file, but just in case. Thanks in advance.
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