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Posts posted by martinlangley

  1. Guys


    Hi hope yr well


    Time Management Calendar mods


    In order to simplfy use of this plugin I'm

    attempting to combine the logic for "remove_product"

    in application_top.php with the logic for "date delete"

    in kalender.php.


    Specifically the code fragments are:




    // customer removes a product from their shopping cart

    case 'remove_product' : if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['products_id'])) {



    tep_redirect(tep_href_link($goto, tep_get_all_get_params($parameters)));






    <td class=main><?php echo ENTRY_CALENDAR_ID; ?> 

    <input name="calendar_id" type="text" size="11" maxlength="11"></input>

    <input name="action" type="hidden" value="delete">


    <td class=main align=right><span class="tdbLinkdel">

    <button id="del" type="submit"><?php echo IMAGE_BUTTON_DELETE; ?></button></span><script type="text/javascript">$("#del").button({icons:{primary:"ui-icon-trash"}}).addClass("ui-priority-secondary").parent().removeClass("tdbLinkdel");</script>




    What I'm having difficulty with is fathoming the contents of the "button" script in kalender.php,


    ie. <script type="text/javascript">$("#del").button({icons:{primary:"ui-icon-trash"}}).addClass("ui-priority-secondary").parent().removeClass("tdbLinkdel");</script>


    I'd be really grateful if somebody could explain how this script does the booking deletion so I can dovetail it with the

    shopping cart removal and have one control do both functions.


    Thanks for your kind attention and arriba open source!


    Martin Langley

  2. Guys


    Hi hope yr well


    Time Management Calendar mods


    In order to simplfy use of this plugin I'm

    attempting to combine the logic for "remove_product"

    in application_top.php with the logic for "date delete"

    in kalender.php.


    Specifically the code fragments are:




    // customer removes a product from their shopping cart

    case 'remove_product' : if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['products_id'])) {



    tep_redirect(tep_href_link($goto, tep_get_all_get_params($parameters)));






    <td class=main><?php echo ENTRY_CALENDAR_ID; ?> 

    <input name="calendar_id" type="text" size="11" maxlength="11"></input>

    <input name="action" type="hidden" value="delete">


    <td class=main align=right><span class="tdbLinkdel">

    <button id="del" type="submit"><?php echo IMAGE_BUTTON_DELETE; ?></button></span><script type="text/javascript">$("#del").button({icons:{primary:"ui-icon-trash"}}).addClass("ui-priority-secondary").parent().removeClass("tdbLinkdel");</script>




    What I'm having difficulty with is fathoming the contents of the "button" script in kalender.php,


    ie. <script type="text/javascript">$("#del").button({icons:{primary:"ui-icon-trash"}}).addClass("ui-priority-secondary").parent().removeClass("tdbLinkdel");</script>


    I'd be really grateful if somebody could explain how this script does the booking deletion so I can dovetail it with the

    shopping cart removal and have one control do both functions.


    Thanks for your kind attention and arriba open source!


    Martin Langley

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