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    F. Majer

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  1. Hi, i'm very interested on copy of your site, my filter doesn't work :-( thank you in advance My mail: [email protected]
  2. Hello, very useful contribution, thanx!!!! Is it possible to arrange to associate products by model not by products ID? Regards F. Majer
  3. Can you point where to search in configuration, please? I wish you a nice day F. Majer
  4. I install your great contrib, but I still have osCsid in links ... How can I fix that, to have only html in links? Thanx in advance F .Majer
  5. Any help .. plllleeeeeeaaaaseeee?
  6. Anybody help me, please?????? Here is my XML.php code: <?php /* osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions [url="http://www.oscommerce.com"]http://www.oscommerce.com[/url] Released under the GNU General Public License Copyright © 2003 The Internet Foundry (http://www.theinternetfoundry.com) ----------------------------------------------------------------- OSCommerce Product XML Feed - V2.0A - XML.PHP | ALL PRODUCTS VERSION ----------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.0A - 17/04/2005 LAST MODIF for CENEJE by Carlos Yoder - 2007-04-05 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Developed by: Kenny Boyd, Senior Developer, The Internet Foundry, United Kingdom Email & MSN: [email protected] Web: [url="http://www.theinternetfoundry.com"]http://www.theinternetfoundry.com[/url] Version 2 Feature Ideas & Beta Testing provided by: Eyal Shoabi, ([email protected] - [url="http://www.volt.co.il"]http://www.volt.co.il[/url], Israel) ----------------------------------------------------------------- CHANGELOG 2008-05-08 - Carlos Yoder - Added parsing of entities in <MODEL> node too. 2008-01-31 - Carlos Yoder - Parsed < and > in text nodes 2007-04-05 - Carlos Yoder - Allowed & as part of image_url node 17/03/05 v2.0b - Kenny Boyd - Complete rewrite of original All Products addon along with better SQL and improved configuration 17/03/05 v2.0a - Kenny Boyd - Complete rewrite of addon to offer Category based products, better SQL and improved configuration 25/08/04 v1.1 - Kenny Boyd - added more character checks and some code tidied 21/01/03 v1.0 - Created by Kenny Boyd as a rework of Patrick Veverka's great OSC Anywhere addon ----------------------------------------------------------------- OFFICAL SUPPORT FORUM Please visit: [url="http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=146810"]http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=146810[/url] ----------------------------------------------------------------- NEW FEATURES + NEW ALL PRODUCTS BASED system to allow output of all products in your shop + User Re-nameable XML Tag Names + Database Queires entirely rewritten for faster loading + All Product Data available by default + New Configuration Code allows more control over feed and tag output + New Support for displaying Specials Price & TAX/VAT onto products price ----------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALATTION & CONFIGURATION HELP: A COMPLETE HTML HELP GUIDE IS INCLUDED IN THE ADDON ZIP FILE Please read README.HTM before using this addon. ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // THE FOLLOWING OPTIONS MUST BE CONFIGURED! //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 1. Setup OSC Link //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // If you have placed this file in the SAME directory as your OS Commerce shop then // SKIP TO SECTION 2 // If you have placed this file away from your OS Commerce directory please enter the path // to the file "application_top.php" which is in the includes directory of your OSC installation: $osc_path = "includes/application_top.php"; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 2. Configure Site Info //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Enter the url to your website - do not put 'http://' or enter any slashes $domain_name = "www.xxxxx.xx"; // NO SLASHES - EG: www.mysite.com // Enter the folder name of your shop directory, this is normally 'catalog' $catalog_folder = "store"; // default is 'catalog' - NO SLASHES! // If your shop is in your site root (EG: www.mysite.com/index.php) then uncomment the next line. // $catalog_folder = ""; // Enter the folder name of your product images directory, this is normally 'images' $image_folder = "images"; // NO SLASHES! //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 3. Ouput Options: //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // I have rewrote the sql queries to allow easier configuration of which values you wish to be // included in the XML output. These options can easily be turned on or off. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // For each value you wish to be included in the feed change the value to 1 like: // $product_price = "1"; // Include Product's Price - (1 = YES | 0 = NO) // For each value you DO NOT want to be included in the feed change the value to 0 like: // $product_price = "0"; // Include Product's Price - (1 = YES | 0 = NO) //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $show_creation_time = "1"; // Include date and time tag that displays when the xml feed was run. - (1 = YES | 0 = NO) $product_name = "1"; // Include Product's Name/Title - (1 = YES | 0 = NO) $product_price = "1"; // Include Product's Price - (1 = YES | 0 = NO) $product_manufacturer = "1"; // Include Product's Manufacturer Name - (1 = YES | 0 = NO) $product_weight = "1"; // Include Product's Weight - (1 = YES | 0 = NO) $product_model = "1"; // Include Product's Model Number - (1 = YES | 0 = NO) $product_quantity = "1"; // Include Quantity In Stock - (1 = YES | 0 = NO) $product_image = "1"; // Include link to products image? - (1 = YES | 0 = NO) $product_info_link = "1"; // Include link to product_info.php at your website? - (1 = YES | 0 = NO) $product_date_added = "1"; // Include date product was added - (1 = YES | 0 = NO) $product_date_modified = "1"; // Include date product was modified - (1 = YES | 0 = NO) $product_date_available = "1"; // Include date product is available - (1 = YES | 0 = NO) // By default the XML feed will only display products which are set as active // (green light next to product name in OSC Admin) - If you wish to output INACTIVE products then // change the following value to 1 (eg: $allow_all = "1"; ), otherwise leave unchanged. $allow_all = "0"; // By default only products that are in stock and have a quantity of 1 or more will be displayed. // If you wish to output OUT OF STOCK (0 quantity) products then change the following value to 1 // (eg: $allow_no_stock = "1"; ), otherwise leave unchanged. $allow_no_stock = "0"; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 4. XML Element Names //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This section is provided for users who will use xml parsers that require predetermined tag names // or tag names that need to be in other languages apart from English. // DO NOT CHANGE THESE NAMES UNLESS YOU HAVE TO! $xml_tags['master'] = "STOREITEMS"; // Master tag: <STOREITEMS> $xml_tags['time'] = "CREATED"; // Feed creation date/time Tag: <CREATED> $xml_tags['product'] = "PRODUCT"; // Product Container Tag: <PRODUCT ITEM="xxx"> $xml_tags['name'] = "NAME"; // Product's Name/Title in Product Container: <NAME> $xml_tags['price'] = "PRICE"; // Price tag in Product Container: <PRICE> $xml_tags['manufacturer'] = "MANUFACTURER"; // Product Image URL in Product Container: <IMAGE_URL> $xml_tags['weight'] = "WEIGHT"; // Weight tag in Product Container: <WEIGHT> $xml_tags['model'] = "MODEL"; // Model tag in Product Container: <MODEL> $xml_tags['quantity'] = "QUANTITY"; // Quantity tag in Product Container: <QUANTITY> $xml_tags['url'] = "URL"; // Product Info Page URL in Product Container: <URL> $xml_tags['image_url'] = "IMAGE_URL"; // Product Image URL in Product Container: <IMAGE_URL> $xml_tags['added'] = "ADDED"; // Date Product Added in Product Container: <ADDED> $xml_tags['modified'] = "MODIFIED"; // Date Product Modfied in Product Container: <MODIFIED> $xml_tags['available'] = "AVAILABLE"; // Date Product Available in Product Container: <AVAILABLE> //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 5. PRICING //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This section controls pricing options. You can set a TAX rate then activate it so that all // default product prices with have the tax added on to the products price. You can also specify // if you want to disp[lay special discounted prices or not. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // VAT OPTIONS: $pricing_vat_rate = "20"; // Enter Tax Rate to add to Products Price // (e.g: To add 17.5% on all product prices enter "17.5" // NOTE: To activate VAT you must TURN ON the next option below! $pricing_add_vat = "0"; // Activate TAX on all product prices - DEFAULT IS OFF || (1 = YES | 0 = NO) // To activate TAX change the value to 1 (e.g: $pricing_add_vat = "1"; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PRICE SPECIALS OPTIONS: $pricing_show_specials = "1"; // Show products special discounted price instead of normal; product price // when available - DEFAULT IS OFF || (1 = YES | 0 = NO) //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // END OF CONFIGURATION AREA //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // *** IF YOU NEED TO ADD CUSTOM TAGS AND NEED HELP PLEASE SEE ADVANCED.HTM OR VISIT: // *** [url="http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=146810"]http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=146810[/url] *** // *** PLEASE DO NOT EDIT PAST THIS POINT UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING *** //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// require($osc_path); Header( 'Content-Type: text/xml' ); if ($_GET['encoding'] == '') { echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1250" ?>'; } else { echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="'. $_GET['encoding'] .'" ?>'; } echo '<' . $xml_tags['master'] . '>'; if ($show_creation_time == 1) { $timestamp = date("D M j G:i:s T Y"); echo '<' . $xml_tags['time'] . ' value="' . $timestamp . '">'; } $connection = mysql_connect(DB_SERVER, DB_SERVER_USERNAME, DB_SERVER_PASSWORD) or die("OSC XML FEED FAILURE - Couldn't make connection to local database."); $db = mysql_select_db(DB_DATABASE, $connection) or exit("OSC XML FEED FAILURE - Error code: " . mysql_errno($connection) . " Error: " . mysql_error($connection) . "."); $product_query = "SELECT `products`.`products_id`,`products`.`products_quantity`,`products`.`products_model`,`products`.`products_image`,`products`.`products_price`,`products`.`products_date_added`,`products`.`products_last_modified`,`products`.`products_date_available`,`products`.`products_weight`,`products`.`products_status`,`products`.`manufacturers_id`,`products_description`.`products_name`,`products_description`.`products_url`, `manufacturers`.`manufacturers_name` FROM `products` INNER JOIN `products_description` ON (`products`.`products_id` = `products_description`.`products_id`) LEFT JOIN `manufacturers` ON (`products`.`manufacturers_id` = `manufacturers`.`manufacturers_id`)"; if(($allow_all == "0") && ($allow_no_stock == "0")) { $product_query .= " WHERE (`products`.`products_status` = 1) AND (`products`.`products_quantity` > 0)"; } else { if($allow_all == "0") { $product_query .= " WHERE (`products`.`products_status` = 1)"; } if($allow_no_stock == "0") { $product_query .= " WHERE (`products`.`products_quantity` > 0)"; } } $product_query_result = mysql_query($product_query,$connection) or exit("<hr>code: " . mysql_errno($connection) . " error: " . mysql_error($connection) . "."); $product_query_count = mysql_numrows($product_query_result); if ($product_query_count > 0) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($product_query_result)) { //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // START -> insert any custom sql queries for extra tags here //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // END -> insert any custom sql queries for extra tags here //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $row['products_price'] = tep_round($row['products_price'], 2); if ($pricing_show_specials == 1) { $specials_query = "SELECT `specials`.`specials_new_products_price` FROM `specials` WHERE (`specials`.`products_id` = " . $row['products_id'] . ")"; $specials_result = mysql_query($specials_query,$connection) or exit("<hr>code: " . mysql_errno($connection) . " error: " . mysql_error($connection) . "."); $specials_query_count = mysql_numrows($specials_result); if ($specials_query_count > 0) { $specials = mysql_fetch_array($specials_result); $specials['specials_new_products_price'] = tep_round($specials['specials_new_products_price'], 2); $row['products_price'] = $specials['specials_new_products_price']; } } if ($pricing_add_vat == "1") { $temp_tax = ($row['products_price'] / 100) * $pricing_vat_rate; $temp_tax = tep_round($temp_tax, 2); $row['products_price'] = $row['products_price'] + $temp_tax; } // search and replace characters from data which xml will not process if ($product_name == "1") { $row['products_name'] = ereg_replace ("®", "®", $row['products_name']); $row['products_name'] = ereg_replace ("™", "(tm)", $row['products_name']); $row['products_name'] = ereg_replace ("&", "&", $row['products_name']); $row['products_name'] = ereg_replace ("<", "&lt;", $row['products_name']); $row['products_name'] = ereg_replace (">", "&gt;", $row['products_name']); } if ($product_manufacturer == "1") { $row['manufacturers_name'] = ereg_replace ("®", "®", $row['manufacturers_name']); $row['manufacturers_name'] = ereg_replace ("™", "(tm)", $row['manufacturers_name']); $row['manufacturers_name'] = ereg_replace ("&", "&", $row['manufacturers_name']); $row['manufacturers_name'] = ereg_replace ("<", "&lt;", $row['manufacturers_name']); $row['manufacturers_name'] = ereg_replace (">", "&gt;", $row['manufacturers_name']); } if ($product_image == "1") { $row['products_image'] = ereg_replace ("&", "&", $row['products_image']); $row['products_image'] = ereg_replace ("<", "&lt;", $row['products_image']); $row['products_image'] = ereg_replace (">", "&gt;", $row['products_image']); } if ($product_model == "1") { $row['products_model'] = ereg_replace ("&", "&", $row['products_model']); $row['products_model'] = ereg_replace ("<", "&lt;", $row['products_model']); $row['products_model'] = ereg_replace (">", "&gt;", $row['products_model']); } // build nested product element echo "<" . $xml_tags['product'] ." ITEM='" . $row['products_id'] . "'>"; if ($product_name == "1") { echo '<' . $xml_tags['name'] . '>' . $row['products_name'] . '</' . $xml_tags['name'] . '>'; } if ($product_price == "1") { echo '<' . $xml_tags['price'] . '>' . $row['products_price'] . '</' . $xml_tags['price'] . '>'; } if ($product_manufacturer == "1") { echo '<' . $xml_tags['manufacturer'] . '>' . $row['manufacturers_name'] . '</' . $xml_tags['manufacturer'] . '>'; } if ($product_weight == "1") { echo '<' . $xml_tags['weight'] . '>' . $row['products_weight'] . '</' . $xml_tags['weight'] . '>'; } if ($product_model == "1") { echo '<' . $xml_tags['model'] . '>' . $row['products_model'] . '</' . $xml_tags['model'] . '>'; } if ($product_quantity == "1") { echo '<' . $xml_tags['quantity'] . '>' . $row['products_quantity'] . '</' . $xml_tags['quantity'] . '>'; } if ($product_info_link == "1") { if ($catalog_folder == "") { echo '<' . $xml_tags['url'] . '>http://' . $domain_name . '/product_info.php?products_id=' . $row['products_id'] . '</' . $xml_tags['url'] . '>'; } else { echo '<' . $xml_tags['url'] . '>http://' . $domain_name . '/' . $catalog_folder . '/product_info.php?products_id=' . $row['products_id'] . '</' . $xml_tags['url'] . '>'; } } if ($product_image == "1") { if ($catalog_folder == "") { echo '<' . $xml_tags['image_url'] . '>http://' . $domain_name . '/' . $image_folder . '/' . $row['products_image'] . '</' . $xml_tags['image_url'] . '>'; } else { echo '<' . $xml_tags['image_url'] . '>http://' . $domain_name . '/' . $catalog_folder . '/' . $image_folder . '/' . $row['products_image'] . '</' . $xml_tags['image_url'] . '>'; } } if ($product_date_added == "1") { echo '<' . $xml_tags['added'] . '>' . $row['products_date_added'] . '</' . $xml_tags['added'] . '>'; } if ($product_date_modified == "1") { echo '<' . $xml_tags['modified'] . '>' . $row['products_last_modified'] . '</' . $xml_tags['modified'] . '>'; } if ($product_date_available == "1") { echo '<' . $xml_tags['available'] . '>' . $row['products_date_available'] . '</' . $xml_tags['available'] . '>'; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // START -> insert any extra custom tags here //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // END -> insert any extra custom tags here //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo '</' . $xml_tags['product'] . '>'; } } // free resources and close connection mysql_free_result($product_query_result); mysql_close($connection); if ($show_creation_time == 1) { echo '</' . $xml_tags['time'] . '>'; } echo '</' . $xml_tags['master'] . '>'; ?>
  7. A need help again :( I use this contribution OSC XML Feed How can I add option if stock is 0, to have text "on request" if stock= 1, to have text "check stock" if stock= more than 3, to have text "on stock" Any help, please?? Thanx in advance
  8. Anybody, please, I must go online with this shop ... thanx
  9. Sorry, I don't understand you! Where to set this margin? thank you in advance
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