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De Dokta

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Everything posted by De Dokta

  1. @@ce7 1. No idea what went wrong. If you save the message and then generate a new pdf or html invoice/packingslip in the invoice editor the message should be displayed on your new invoice/packingslip. It does not work if you generate an invoice/packingslip in orders.php. 2. This has nothing to do with the invoice Editor, but that you have saved your logo with the "Interlaced" option. FPDF supports no "Interlaced" and for today's high-speed Internet connections, this option is also unnecessary!
  2. Hi 1. Definitions which you don't find in the Sqls you find in the appropriate language files - in this case admin/includes/your language/invoice.php and packingslip.php. 2. Have you entered the tables in admin/includes/database_tables.php? 3. Depends on what you want to change. But in principle correct! J.J.
  3. @@Patty Ok, the version I use is a little bit different: // If all is well, make the changes to the database if ($pass == 1) { tep_db_query("update customers set customers_password='" . tep_encrypt_password ($new_password) . "' where customers_id='" . (int)$customer_id . "'"); // Get the customer's information for the success message $customer_name_query = tep_db_query("select customers_firstname, customers_lastname, customers_guest from customers where customers_id='" . (int)$customer_id . "' and customers_guest = '0'"); $customer_name = tep_db_fetch_array($customer_name_query); tep_mail($customer_name['customers_firstname'] . " " . $customer_name['customers_lastname'], $customer_name['customers_email_address'], EMAIL_PASSWORD_REMINDER_SUBJECT, nl2br(sprintf(EMAIL_PASSWORD_REMINDER_BODY, $new_password)), STORE_OWNER, STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS); } } // End POST section And this part: define('EMAIL_PASSWORD_REMINDER_SUBJECT', STORE_NAME . ' - New Password'); define('EMAIL_PASSWORD_REMINDER_BODY', 'A new password was requested for your account at ' . STORE_NAME . '.' . "\n\n" . 'Your new password to \'' . STORE_NAME . '\' is:' . "\n\n" . ' %s' . "\n\n"); is moved to admin/includes/languages/Your_language/change_password.php - where it belongs to! J.J.
  4. @@ce7 Hi, it's German. :D If you don't understand the meaning of any definition in the files look into invoice_en.sql where you'll find these definitions and their meaning in English. J.J.
  5. Go to Admin -> Configuration -> My Store and enter there under "Store Name" the name of your store.
  6. @@ArtcoInc Hi Malcolm Yes I know that the email validation is a problem: Originally I had it completly taken out from account_pwa.php. Then I got a mail where someone complained, that when a customer logs in as a guest, but does not complete the checkout process (so the data are not deleted), and later wants to register as a customer, an error message comes that the email already exists. So I put back the email validation. Now the same problem appears if a guest leaves before the checkout process is completed: If he comes back later again and wants again to purchase as a guest he gets the same error message that the email already exists. I have thought to build in a routine which checks the DB regularly for guest entries older than e.g. 24 hours and deletes them automatically. It's not that complicated, but at the moment I just don't have time, to do this and especially to test thoroughly. J.J.
  7. Anyone can do with addons what he thinks to be good or properly. For me your changes make no sense: The average user expects when he reads the note "read more", that a click on this note leads him somewhere. No one would think to click on the headline in that case!
  8. @@element3 You were searching in the wrong file for reason for this error. Your code snippets are from catalog/checkout_process, while the error message tells you that there's a mistake in catalog/includes/languages/english/checkout_process.php. There you should find something like: define('EMAIL_WARNING', 'NOTE: This email address has been submitted by a visitor to our online-shop. If you were not this visitor, please send a message to: ' . STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS . 'Thank you for your purchase and have a nice day.'); J.J.
  9. Hi This is indeed a problem: the news rotator has already a built in link <a href> because I wanted to link from the displayed news in the rotator (which may be truncated) to the respective (complete) news in the news module. If you want to use the rotator for something different e.g. to display some new products with a link to the respective product page, you should remove this built in link ( $wrapper_slides .= '<a href="' . tep_href_link('latest_news.php', 'news_id=' . $latest_news['news_id'], $request_type) . '">'; and $wrapper_slides .= '</a>';) from the module! J.J.
  10. If I look at your site it seems that you forgot to add the css settings to your user.css.
  11. What bug? That has nothing to do with Latest news but with ckeditor. May be you use another version of ckeditor than me?! J.J.
  12. @@rubberfashion Thanks for your feedback. You are right! These are bugs! :x I've uploaded a new package where these bugs are fixed. In your case pls. replace \includes\modules\content\index\cm_news_carousel.php and admin\latest_news.php with the files from the new package. J.J.
  13. Hi I made a new version of my Latest News Multilingual Addon (http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/9147) as content module for BS-Gold. It displays news in a sliding or fading carousel which you can install on the index page or in the header area. With the exception of the index.php, which by default has (still) no hook, no core files must be changed. Download here: http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/9314 Demo here: http://www.video-stuff.de/demo/bootstrap Pls. report any problems, bugs etc. here. J.J.
  14. Hi remove the line: require('includes/form_check.js.php'); form_check.js.php is not longer needed in BS J.J.
  15. Hi In 2.3.4BS it's a little bit different: Insert ' <li><a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_LATEST_NEWS) . '">' . MODULE_BOXES_INFORMATION_BOX_NEWS . '</a></li>' . into includes\modules\boxes\templates\information.php. J.J.
  16. Artisan Foundry, on 12 May 2015 - 21:20, said: There's a <div class="form-group"> in address_book_details.php. Change it to <div class="form-group has-feedback"> and the asterix will be in the right place. J.J.
  17. # http://www.lalala.eu= RewriteBase / is wrong. Instead use: RewriteBase /
  18. The "important" field is to decide, whether you want to display a news message on the main page module or not. You may not want to display any news which is enabled on the index page but only the really important. In the admin tool you find for that a field "Display on main page?"
  19. @@Tsimi Hi Lambros Read the code! if(!tep_session_is_registered('customer_is_guest')) means: if NOT a session "customer_is_guest" is registered - no? A guest get no link to an order history, a regular customer get one........ J.J.
  20. @@raiwa You are right, hspace and vspace are obsolete. I've overseen that. Regarding the equal height tag I'm not sure what the best way is. As far as I know none of the modules on product info uses by default the equal height script. So there would be no conflict. But on the index page at least the new products module uses the script and the result looked very strange, when I added it also to the recently_viewed module. For that I added a setting in the user.css. Perhaps it would be possible to add a height setting to your module(s)? BTW: Chris' (ringo667) problem had nothing to do with your add-on. He uses the master/slave addon and for that reason the $listing_sql in recently_viewed.php simply needed an additional "p.products_master, p.products_master_status" :- . We have resolved that in the German forum....... J.J.
  21. @@raiwa Hi Just tested your BS version on BS gold - works really great! :rolleyes: Two small issues: It would be helpful, to add SMALL_IMAGE_WIDTH, SMALL_IMAGE_HEIGHT to content\product_info\cm_pi_recently_viewed.php and to modules\content\index\cm_recently_viewed.php to prevent problems with images of different sizes. $recently_viewed_content .= tep_image (DIR_WS_IMAGES . $products_data[$products_id]['image'], $products_data[$products_id]['name'], SMALL_IMAGE_WIDTH, SMALL_IMAGE_HEIGHT . 'hspace="2" vspace="3"'); It also would be useful to add the equal-height tag to modules\content\product_info\cm_pi_recently_viewed.php: $recently_viewed_content .= ' <div class="thumbnail equal-height">'; J.J.
  22. Hi Chris, your shop is based on an earlier version of bootstrap, not on bootstrap-gold. To get raiwas addon into your product_info you must add the appropriate hook to that file: <div class="row"> <?php echo $oscTemplate->getContent('product_info'); ?> </div> J.J.
  23. I'm sorry that the 2.3.4 version did not work for you. I tested it on a clean local 2.3.4 installation and everything seemed to be ok. But frankly, I do not want to invest too much time in standard Osc. For me the bootstrap osc is simply the better osc. It's responsive which means you can display your shop properly on desktop, tablet and smartphone. It's easy to configure. It's easier to install add-ons. It's easier to add stylings. And it looks better.... There are a lot of threads on BS. Look here: http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/forum/107-oscommerce-online-merchant-v24/ The easiest way to find out what it's all about, is to download the version and install on a PC under xampp. You find the latest version here: https://github.com/gburton/osCommerce-234-bootstrap. J.J.
  24. Do you use bootstrap-gold? If not, this version of PWA is for bootstrap-gold only and can NOT be used with standard osc 2.3.4. If you use BS-gold, then there must be the Datepicker Jquery - installed or not! If you do not have bs-gold, but standard osc 2.3.4, you can use the previous package from 16 Oct 2014 which contains versions for both BS and default osc. J.J.
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