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Everything posted by newburns

  1. Missing the ../catalog/includes/languages/english/tell_a_friend.php language definitions: // Mail Manager define('TEXT_RECOMMEND', 'has recommended'); define('TEXT_FROM', 'from the'); // EOF Mail Manager And the ../catalog/includes/languages/english/checkout_process.php has the wrong definition in step 3 // Mail Manager define('EMAIL_TEXT_CONFIRM', 'New Order from '); // define('TEXT_FROM', 'from'); // EOF Mail Manager
  2. When using the "tell a friend", it does not properly parse the product image url. it only shows "http://store.root/images/" but there is no remaining URL for the images.
  3. Within the status update email template, http://www.css-oscommerce.com/images/mail_manager/divider-invoice.jpg is not a valid image.
  4. Change to ../catalog/admin/mm_responsemail.php Find around line 363: </td></tr></table><table><tr><td class="main"><a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_MM_RESPONSEMAIL, 'page=' . $HTTP_GET_VARS['page'] . '&nID=' . $nInfo->mail_id . '&action=test') . '">' . tep_image_button('button_test.gif', 'test') . '</a> change to </td></tr></table><table><tr><td class="main"><a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_MM_RESPONSEMAIL, 'page=' . $HTTP_GET_VARS['page'] . '&nID=' . $nInfo->mail_id . '&action=test') . '">' . tep_image_button('button_send.gif', 'test') . '</a> The newer and 2.3.4 doesn't have the button_test.gif.
  5. Wow... I really like this addon. Any way to have a different editor to choose from. That way you can toggle source, or WYSIWYG? There is a missing language definition: /* Mail Manager -- http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/topic/397966-mail-manager-for-osc-v23/ */ define('BOX_HEADING_MAIL_MANAGER', 'Mail Manager'); define('BOX_MM_BULKMAIL', 'BulkMail Manager'); define('BOX_MM_TEMPLATES', 'Template Manager'); define('BOX_MM_EMAIL', 'Send Email'); define('BOX_MM_RESPONSEMAIL', 'Response Mail'); should be /* Mail Manager -- http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/topic/397966-mail-manager-for-osc-v23/ */ define('BOX_HEADING_MAIL_MANAGER', 'Mail Manager'); define('BOX_MM_BULKMAIL', 'BulkMail Manager'); define('BOX_MM_TEMPLATES', 'Template Manager'); define('BOX_MM_EMAIL', 'Send Email'); define('BOX_MM_RESPONSEMAIL', 'Response Mail'); define('BOX_TOOLS_MAIL_MANAGER', 'Mail Manager'); This is step number 4. Or, change the array "title" definition in step 9 from 'title' => BOX_TOOLS_MAIL_MANAGER, to 'title' => BOX_HEADING_MAIL_MANAGER, Lastly, when you go into the "Response Mail" option, and hit back, it returns you to the Bulk Newsletter option instead of the root Mail Manager. Not sure what that could be, but you have to select back twice from the "Response Menu" in order to get back to the root "Mail Manager"
  6. Step three of the instructions needs alteration: 3. Open catalog/includes/languages/english/checkout_process.php, add: //Mail Manager define('EMAIL_TEXT_CONFIRM', 'has recommended'); define('TEXT_FROM', 'from'); Should be 3. Open catalog/includes/languages/english/checkout_process.php, add: //Mail Manager definitions define('EMAIL_TEXT_CONFIRM', 'has recommended'); define('TEXT_FROM', 'from');
  7. @@breakbred101 SQL Statement from the downloads is missing the delimiter on line 4 ALTER TABLE `customers` ADD `mmstatus` VARCHAR( 2 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `customers_newsletter` should be ALTER TABLE `customers` ADD `mmstatus` VARCHAR( 2 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `customers_newsletter`;
  8. I cannot figure this out. I am on - Gary Burton Edition The left_column and the text in the header are EXTREMELY Small It's as if something has been altered in the css, but the add-on only adds to the css. It doesn't change anything. PLEASE! PLEASE! Help
  9. Thanks, I see it now. I thought it auto logged in after registering to download the AAS core.
  10. I wanted to get one of the modules, but I don't know how. I went to the website you listed, and I clicked on the Module, but it doesn't look like a store. What do I do?
  11. Well, for everyone that is waiting.... The competition may be a foot in to get the latest BETA for yourselves. It's worth a try... :)
  12. @@Tsimi I know he is running a competition to get a hold of some of the add-on modules for free. http://www.alternative-administration-system.com/aas-needs-a-logo That may get you in to get the latest BETA and add-on
  13. Well I can tell you that the latest changes are beyond AWESOME!!!! I'm not sure when the website will be updated, but the latest BETA was fairly stable with some very, very new features in the add-on modules. As for an eta, I would give it around 2 weeks. If worst comes to worst, I think he will be pushing the updated AAS engine minus some of the more buggy add-on modules. The website generally has up to date info though... http://www.alternative-administration-system.com/
  14. Is it possible to alter this so that the overlay happens based on a specific product attribute instead of a special?
  15. Somewhat... http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/8965/v,23 There are add-ons that will allow you to have a standard gallery page. KissIT is not an image gallery add-on though. KissIT is an image thumbnailer that dynamically creates thumbnail sizes of your images for faster loading.
  16. I am self hosted. How can I remove root write permissions logged in as root? I use chown -R root:apache /catalog find ./catalog -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 644 However when I do ll -h, it shows rwxr--r-- That's neither here nor there, but it's a question I have. The original issue is, what is the proper permission and ownership of .htaccess in order for the code to work? Ideally, apache must be able to write the file, but I was taught that Apache accessible files can be publicly exploited to be changed by public web users, or anyone on the web. That may be false, but I need to be sure, and I have not found contradicting information to that yet.
  17. @@Jack_mcs Understood, but what is the ownership? If root:apache then that means apache will not be able to write to the .htaccess file and the addon will not work properly to manage the .htacess I'm using default CentOS 6.5_x64 and standard Apache install. All of my file ownerships are root:apache 744 (everytime I set 644 it defaults to 744). All folders are 755 and all files are set to 744 for my OSC install (except for the images, pub, etc. folders). Is this not proper?
  18. I feel two steps back and half-a-step closer. This addon is semi working for the admin side, but I am missing images like the Green/Red circles for Active/Inactive. Is it not compatible with .GIF images? osc
  19. I'm not understanding the .htaccess permissions. Right now I am rwxr--r-- root:apache If I make it writeable apache then it will be able to be written by the web server. This makes it "world" writable since the world using the public web will be able to write to my server and/or change files? Do I have the wrong understanding of permissions?
  20. @@gadlol Hope you enjoyed your HOLIDAYS Almost got KISSit working, just need it to be able to create the thumbnails that are not already present for the administration side. Also, would help for a different layout to load new attributes. Drop down for the + or - directly in front of the number. An autocomplete for 2 decimal places on the attribute change amount. I'm not sure what the button does under the Attribute Options selection. It is a toggle. Make it more noticeable the " Filename | Expiry days | Maximum download count" It is hard to remember that when there are a lot of different attributes for a single product. Disallow Duplicate Attributes. When you Add A New Attribute, it auto selects the first attribute available. Causes mistakes when you have 5 attributes and 3 end up being the same Attribute.
  21. I don't understand if I'm missing files or what ... A lot of options result in a non-existent page not-for-use.php Also, all of the tools seem to require .htacess to be Apache writable. I am not keen on having world writable files. Secondly, the htaccess rewrite won't work for me because my web URL is mtrosemedia.org/store/view_counter_trap.php and the rewrite is mtrosemedia.org/view_counter_trap.php Lastly, this is my .htaccess file... how am I supposed to utilize the addon. Any country I select in the Country Blocking does not load into the .htaccess when I have it world writable. <IfModule mod_headers.c> <FilesMatch "\.(js|css|xml|gz)$"> Header append Vary Accept-Encoding </FilesMatch> </IfModule> <FilesMatch "\.(ico|jpg|jpeg|png|gif|js|css|swf)$"> <IfModule mod_expires.c> ExpiresActive on ExpiresDefault "access plus 30 days" </IfModule> Header unset ETag FileETag None </FilesMatch> # compress text, html, javascript, css, xml: AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/plain AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/xml AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/css AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/xml AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/xhtml+xml AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/rss+xml AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/javascript AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-javascript # Or, compress certain file types by extension: <files *.html> SetOutputFilter DEFLATE </files> Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine On # view counter trap anyone trying to access admin RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} \"/admin/\" RewriteRule (.*) view_counter_trap.php [L] # Begin IP deny by View Counter from www.oscommerce-solution.com order allow,deny allow from all # End IP deny by View Counter from www.oscommerce-solution.com
  22. That's what I'm asking about. Extract the DB and rename folder or a certain file? There's a video file in there.
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