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Everything posted by JustinS

  1. Oh my God I'm such a retard. That was it. LOL Copying these instructions for the next site so I don't derp again. Thanks a lot. You're always super helpful and the input you provide on threads here is greatly appreciated - not only by me I'm sure, many others as well. @@joli1811
  2. Sure didn't, I had it in /admin only, someone told me that admin/ext is if you want your customers to be able to use it, is that wrong? I'll try to install again for like the 10th time with it in ext... think I've already tried though.
  3. @@joli1811 Now I have it added, with ckeditor turned on in "my store" in the administration side and there's no error, but nothing is changed. It's still default. Here is my code. nothing changed in template_top.php: <?php if (!defined('USE_CKEDITOR_ADMIN_TEXTAREA')) { tep_db_query("insert into " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " (configuration_id, configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, date_added, set_function) values ('', 'Use CKEditor', 'USE_CKEDITOR_ADMIN_TEXTAREA','true','Use CKEditor for WYSIWYG editing of textarea fields in admin',1,99,now(),'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),' )"); define ('USE_CKEDITOR_ADMIN_TEXTAREA','true'); } if (USE_CKEDITOR_ADMIN_TEXTAREA == "true") { ?> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo tep_href_link('ext/ckeditor/ckeditor.js'); ?>"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo tep_href_link('ext/ckeditor/adapters/jquery.js'); ?>"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { var $editors = $('textarea'); if ($editors.length) { $editors.each(function() { var editorID = $(this).attr("id"); var instance = CKEDITOR.instances[editorID]; if (instance) { CKEDITOR.remove(instance); } CKEDITOR.replace(editorID); }); } }); </script> <?php } ?> </head> and changes to html_output.php: //// // Output a form textarea field // The $wrap parameter is no longer used in the core xhtml template function tep_draw_textarea_field($name, $wrap, $width, $height, $text = '', $parameters = '', $reinsert_value = true) { global $HTTP_GET_VARS, $HTTP_POST_VARS; $field = '<textarea name="' . tep_output_string($name) . '" id="' . tep_output_string($name) . '" cols="' . tep_output_string($width) . '" rows="' . tep_output_string($height) . '"'; if (tep_not_null($parameters)) $field .= ' ' . $parameters; $field .= '>'; if ( ($reinsert_value == true) && ( (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS[$name]) && is_string($HTTP_GET_VARS[$name])) || (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS[$name]) && is_string($HTTP_POST_VARS[$name])) ) ) { if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS[$name]) && is_string($HTTP_GET_VARS[$name])) { $field .= tep_output_string_protected(stripslashes($HTTP_GET_VARS[$name])); } elseif (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS[$name]) && is_string($HTTP_POST_VARS[$name])) { $field .= tep_output_string_protected(stripslashes($HTTP_POST_VARS[$name])); } } elseif (tep_not_null($text)) { $field .= tep_output_string_protected($text); } $field .= '</textarea>'; return $field; } Gosh I need to get this added so bad =X I'm out of ideas to make it work personally
  4. @@joli1811 Ok I just tried it. I will link my changes. In template_top.php added: <?php if (!defined('USE_CKEDITOR_ADMIN_TEXTAREA')) { tep_db_query("insert into " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " (configuration_id, configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, date_added, set_function) values ('', 'Use CKEditor', 'USE_CKEDITOR_ADMIN_TEXTAREA','true','Use CKEditor for WYSIWYG editing of textarea fields in admin',1,99,now(),'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),' )"); define ('USE_CKEDITOR_ADMIN_TEXTAREA','true'); } if (USE_CKEDITOR_ADMIN_TEXTAREA == "true") { ?> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo tep_href_link('ext/ckeditor/ckeditor.js'); ?>"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo tep_href_link('ext/ckeditor/adapters/jquery.js'); ?>"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { var $editors = $('textarea'); if ($editors.length) { $editors.each(function() { var editorID = $(this).attr("id"); var instance = CKEDITOR.instances[editorID]; if (instance) { CKEDITOR.remove(instance); } CKEDITOR.replace(editorID); }); } }); </script> <?php } ?> </head> notice its right above the </head> Then in html_output.php changed: function tep_draw_textarea_field($name, $wrap, $width, $height, $text = '', $parameters = '', $reinsert_value = true) { global $HTTP_GET_VARS, $HTTP_POST_VARS; to: $field = '<textarea name="' . tep_output_string($name) . '" id="' . tep_output_string($name) . '" cols="' . tep_output_string($width) . '" rows="' . tep_output_string($height) . '"'; { global $HTTP_GET_VARS, $HTTP_POST_VARS; Is that the correct way to add that in the html_output.php file? If so, I have an error when I go to my /admin and try to edit a product. it shows: Products Description: Fatal error: Call to undefined function tep_draw_textarea_field() in/home/content/example/example/html/mystore/admin/categories.php on line 573 I think I am adding it wrong in the template_top, when I replace the code with the original, I don't get any error. Also, on categories.php on line 573, the line only has a } on it. Thanks again.
  5. With your way I don't have to mess with categories.php at all? I will try this when I get home from my day job, hope it works! Thanks as always joli you're awesome =D
  6. Still haven't figured out how to code this to work with what I have =X
  7. Hmm okay I think i found it, I added the <script type="text/javascript" src="ckeditor/ckeditor.js"></script> after <script type="text/javascript" src="includes/general.js"></script> And then I found what I'm supposed to look for here in categories.php: <td class="main"><?php echo tep_draw_textarea_field('products_description[' . $languages[$i]['id'] . ']', 'soft', '70', '15', (isset($products_description[$languages[$i]['id']]) ? stripslashes($products_description[$languages[$i]['id']]) : tep_get_products_description($pInfo->products_id, $languages[$i]['id']))); ?></td> If I replace it with tep_draw_textarea_field('products_description[' . $languages[$i]['id'] . ']', 'soft', '70', '15', (isset($products_description[$languages[$i]['id']]) ? stripslashes($products_description[$languages[$i]['id']]) : tep_get_products_description($pInfo->products_id, $languages[$i]['id'])),' class="ckeditor"'); It gives an error in my /admin/categories side. How can I integrate?
  8. @@Chris This is the closest thing to the first code given: <script type="text/javascript" src="includes/general.js"></script> It's script type though instead of script language... The second piece it asks you to change is no where near anywhere in my admin/categories.php... it doesn't even have anything that has tep_draw_textarea_field in the entire file
  9. I'm just wanting to install CKEditor. I've had it before and ran in to this problem, and don't remember where I obtained the correct instructions for 2.3.1. Here's the instructions I have: Step 1 ------- Go to ckeditor.com and download the latest Editor Release (CK Editor, which has superseded FCK Editor)... _______ Step 2. ------- Unzip it all, then upload the fckeditor folder and all it's contents to your admin directory. _______ Step 3. ------- Amend /public_html/admin/includes/template_top.php __________ FIND THIS: ---------- <script language="javascript" src="includes/general.js"></script> _____________ ADD AFTER IT: ------------- <script type="text/javascript" src="ckeditor/ckeditor.js"></script> _______ Step 4. ------- Amend /public_html/admin/categories.php __________ FIND THIS: ---------- tep_draw_textarea_field('products_description[' . $languages[$i]['id'] . ']', 'soft', '70', '15', (isset($products_description[$languages[$i]['id']]) ? stripslashes($products_description[$languages[$i]['id']]) : tep_get_products_description($pInfo->products_id, $languages[$i]['id']))); ___________ CHANGE FOR ----------- tep_draw_textarea_field('products_description[' . $languages[$i]['id'] . ']', 'soft', '70', '15', (isset($products_description[$languages[$i]['id']]) ? stripslashes($products_description[$languages[$i]['id']]) : tep_get_products_description($pInfo->products_id, $languages[$i]['id'])),' class="ckeditor"'); _______ Step 5. ------- Upload it and refresh the category (prodcut adding/editing) page. You should see the newly installed Editor. Enjoy! Neither of the codes it tells you to find to replace exist in either of those files. Anyone have the correct install for this? Addon is here: http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/7112
  10. Thanks a lot a.forever. Downloaded and going to install soon.
  11. Just wondering what the best USPS addon for using product weights to calculate shipping cost based on area/weight is? If someone could link me to it, it would be super amazing and I'd really appreciate very very much. Thank youuu a lot.
  12. I have 2.3.1. I can NOT figure out how to get this addon to work at all... One of the downloads has instructions... and then the "full" download doesn't give you any information whatsoever. How can I get this working with 2.3.1? Does anyone have any sort of instructions and know which one I need to download for it? Wasting so much time with this.
  13. What causes easy populate to not properly place products being added in the folders that are supposed to be created when uploading the easy populate file? When I upload the easy pop file with 700 products on it, it adds about 3 or so folders each time and places some of the products in them, but the rest are just created and dumped without being in any folder at all. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
  14. What causes easy populate to not properly place products being added in the folders that are supposed to be created when uploading the easy populate file? When I upload the easy pop file with 700 products on it, it adds about 3 or so folders each time and places some of the products in them, but the rest are just created and dumped without being in any folder at all. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
  15. I started a new database for a new domain name, and was trying to upload all of the products at once using product model, name, description, price and categories name. This is a completely fresh install of oscommerce. When I use easy populate to import the file, it uploads only a few of the products in to the categories... the rest of the products are placed out of folders, and the other category names are not created. Also, I have some duplicate titles that are supposed to go in to separate folders, however, due to the files not going in to folders like they're supposed to the duplicate titles are not made; one title is made and then instead of creating the duplicate title it just "updates" the one that it created first. If someone could help me out with this situation I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.
  16. Ahhhhhhh still cannot figure it out, and I leave for the river boat in 3 days D=
  17. Any idea? I have 500 products sitting out of folders and it would be a nightmareeee to sort them lol. Any help is greatly appreciated. I basically did all of my products in an excel sheet with only product model, name, description, price and categories name and transferred it over in to the correct fields on an easy populate document... when I uploaded to a blank store, only a few of the folders were created with parts in them. Not sure how else to explain it.
  18. I started a new database for a new domain name, and was trying to upload all of the products at once using product model, name, description, price and categories name. There is a little over 500 products. When I use easy populate to import them all, it uploads only a few of the products in to the categories... the rest of the products are placed out of folders, and the other category names are not created. If anyone has had this happen to them before, what do I need to do in this situation? I deleted/reinstalled oscommerce and changed how many characters are allowed in the title of the product and category name to ensure it wasn't an issue with that, still didn't work. I get a few folders made from the easy products file, then the rest dumps under them not being in any folders.
  19. /facepalm. Boy am I a smart one. Wow. Lol... embarassing. Thanks again toy.
  20. Sorry for the bump, but anyone know where I can get this rewrite code?
  21. Hmm... Not sure how to code the rewrite. Is there some code I can grab to make it work or do I need to try to google and code it myself? Thanks @@toyicebear
  22. The settings I want to use are attached as an edited screen shot: The problem is whenever I enable this, I get this error: Not Found The requested URL /my-url-removed-c-1.html was not found on this server. Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. Apache Server at "mywebsiteremoved".com Port 80 Any help would be greatly appreciated. Going to turn it back off for now, hopefully someone has had this problem fixed before that can help me out. Thank you very much in advance for your time.
  23. I did all of the instructions and when I click to go to Multiple Product Manager it will not let me see any of my products that I need to move. I do not use "Manufacturers" for my products, I read that may be a problem... I tried a fix on the contribution page, but it didn't do anything. Anyone know how I can fix this?
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