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Posts posted by iveo

  1. I am using the resize contribution, and inserted 1 line to html_output.php, but it is hard coded (currently set to https), and I prefer to change it to tep, so it will work faster when I use http and not https:


    $image = '<img src="https://www.MyUrl.com/resize.php?image=http://www.MyUrl.com' . tep_output_string($src) . '&width=' . $width . '" border="0" alt="' . tep_output_string($alt) . '"';


    I tried to change it like this, but it output the title twice instead of once, so I must be doing it wrong:


    $image = tep_image(DIR_WS_HTTP_CATALOG . 'resize.php?image=http://www.MyUrl.com' . tep_output_string($src) . '&width=' . $width . '" border="0" alt="' . tep_output_string($alt) . '"');


    What is the the correct way to revise it?

    this is the function from the html_output.php:


    function tep_image($src, $alt = '', $width = '', $height = '', $parameters = '', $res = 1, $addattribs = 1)



    so you see what you made wrong?



    so if you place an image with that function it looks like this:


    tep_image(>images adress< , >alt-text< , >width< , >height< , >parameters<)




  2. I worked around with the "coolmenu" distribution and still couldn't figure out, why it is not working...



    ...the coolmenu distrib works with a nice JS from:




    this script is very very easy to customize...



    so what the distrib does is, that it builds the menu-content from the the categories database content - same as the normal categories script does - with the only difference that it puts javascript around everything - still shouldn't make a difference


    when i install the coolmenu it even displays a box and a box header which says "categories" - but somehow there is no content in that box - no menu


    maybe there is a problem with the JS code with STS?


    does sts have a problem with JS in the body?



    I hope j0ker can show me what he means soon! :o



    I really need to get this working, because the menu is blowing up my column left at the moment...


    @brian - I even think you should take a look at that contrib, because it would be a great addition to your contrib and I think it would benefit a lot from that! ;)

  3. Hi. I'm posting this for second time... Can somebody please check this out ? thank you.




    I removed the category text ("let?s see what we have here") and changed it to an image (500*40 pixels). How do I center this image (it is aligned to the right) ?


    thank you.


    don't know what this has to do with sts but:


    go to your index.php and look for:


      } elseif ($category_depth == 'products' || isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['manufacturers_id'])) {


    and beneath that find:


                <td class="pageHeading"><?php echo HEADING_TITLE; ?></td>


    and there change to that:


                <td class="pageHeading" align="center"><?php echo HEADING_TITLE; ?></td>



  4. @brian - the capture didn't work - i tried it out - what the menu does is:


    it simply takes the data of the categories like the categories box usually does...


    ...the only thing it does differntly is, that it formats it into javascript instead of tables or breaks...


    ...so it should work, but it does not - somehow - I mean - maybe I made a mistake, but I saw some other people complaining and also that it's a feature request for sts - so I thought it wouldn't be my fault - I don't know what the exact problem is - very strange

  5. I dont know what this menu contrib is, but why dont you just design a menu and install into the catagory box, I havnt a system as a demo but I have tried this and it works great.


    I am working on a site at the moment which I wasnt goin to use this type of menu but hey what the hell, I will install a dhtml menu to the cat box and post here the link k.

    wow - sounds great!



    ...both ideas seem to be very good!



    @brian I'll try to capture it like you mentioned - maybe this will work but I think I'll have to put the whole javascript code in the head of my template.html - bec. otherwhise it wouldn't work - i think





    looking forward to your reply - I'd really liket to see that! :rolleyes: :D



    to both: thanks for fast replys!!!

  6. first you have to add something like this in your includes/column_left.php:


    example comes from a box that i've added:


      require(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'featured.php');
     // STS: ADD
     $sts_block_name = 'featuredbox';
     // STS: EOADD



    then in includes/sts_display_output.php around line 220 find:


      $template['breadcrumbs'] = $breadcrumb->trail(' » ');


    and after that you should place your box-heading definition somewhere - which should look like this:


      $template['featuredboxheading'] = TABLE_HEADING_FEATURED_PRODUCTS;




    then find this code around line 250:


    ////// Create custom boxes


    and after that somewhere place your box definistion which should look like that:


      $template['featuredbox'] = strip_unwanted_tags($sts_block['featuredbox'], 'featuredbox');



    finally around line 330 find:


      // print column_left stuff


    there you specify in which column you box should appear - so under column left or column right you place your code:


     echo $sts_block['featuredbox'];




    and thats it for the STS - stuff - then just call $featuredbox in your template and it should be there - but don't forget that you have to have the right box in your includes/boxes/ folder !!!



    ;) - hope that helps you out



    PS: the heading must be specified in your language --> like in includes/languages/english.php you must have:


    define('TABLE_HEADING_FEATURED_PRODUCTS', 'Featured Products');

  7. Hmmm, a new release.  I wonder if it will fix the problems I have posted here and not gotten resolved.


    1-  I cannot make the "Click to Enlarge" feature work.  Multiple posts in this thread, no solution as of yet...


    2-  I just checked to see if the rest of my website is at least functioning correctly. It was all functioning correctly before adding STS.  But now, since I added a different login image on the home page to replace the one I had on my original site, it takes you to the wrong (original)login page.  When you click on the new snazzy image, you are taken to the old login page.  I have no clue how to tell it to get to the correct login page.  Perhaps this broke an earlier contribution?  Who knows, I certainly don't.


    As far as I am concerned, my website now looks great, but it is broken in multiple places.  STS is leaving a bad taste in my mouth.

    Did you try putting the javascript for the click to enlarge directly in the sts_template.html file? I had that problem and it fixed it.


    Have you tried the debug features? You can turn the sts on and off with the debug on and get quite a bit of info on what is going on with your site.

    same for me - you have to put everything like css and javascript into the header of your template.html - otherwhise you'd have problems - had the same problem - that solved it... ;)

  8. Hi Brian!


    First: great great great contrib!



    I know that sts doesn't work with coolmenu - just found out and then found it on the dynamic-sea page.


    I looked through the code and saw that it would take it's time to figure out how to get coolmenu to work.


    What I wanted to ask, (bec. I don't have that much time to wait for a fix) is:



    Could you give me a hint what the problem is?


    I looked things through - coolmenu generates it's code as it should

    STS puts everything except this code where it should be


    and thats the problem - sts puts everything in it's right place (even the coolmenu environment), except the menudata generated by coolmenu.



    Maybe you can give me a tip what the problem is and I would be much faster to work it out and give it back to you and the community!



    In the meanwhile I have lots of other things to do and am curious to your answer!


    Thanks in advance! STS made things very easy and the shop project I'm working on isn't looking like all the other OSC shops anymore!

  9. in order to get maximum exposure, you should post this in the STS thread itself, at the very end, do an ADD REPLY will make it so more see it and may respond with something similar they have done

    oh - sorry - i must have pushed the wrong button ... my mistake - that often happens to me on this board

  10. Hi Brian!


    First: great great great contrib!



    I know that sts doesn't work with coolmenu - just found out and then found it on the dynamic-sea page.


    I looked through the code and saw that it would take it's time to figure out how to get coolmenu to work.


    What I wanted to ask, (bec. I don't have that much time to wait for a fix) is:



    Could you give me a hint what the problem is?


    I looked things through - coolmenu generates it's code as it should

    STS puts everything except this code where it should be


    and thats the problem - sts puts everything in it's right place (even the coolmenu environment), except the menudata generated by coolmenu.



    Maybe you can give me a tip what the problem is and I would be much faster to work it out and give it back to you and the community!



    In the meanwhile I have lots of other things to do and am curious to your answer!


    Thanks in advance! STS made things very easy and the shop project I'm working on isn't looking like all the other OSC shops anymore!



  11. du hast den inhalt ?berschrieben...


    ...in tep-blablabla-textarea steht auch eine variable mit dem inhalt - die hast du durch nichts ersetzt und damit ?berschrieben... beispiel:


    <?php echo tep_draw_textarea_field('file_contents', 'soft', '100%', '30', $file_contents, (($file_writeable) ? '' : 'readonly')); ?>



    'file_contents' muss drin stehn... ;D

  12. This contrib isn't just good - it simply kicks-ass!


    manymanymany thanks to the guy that posted it here (wouldn't have found it myself somewhere else i think...) and much more to the Mihai Bazon whos responsible for html-area!!!




  13. Try uncommenting this line in sts_display_output.php and see if it helps:




    //$scriptname = getenv('SCRIPT_NAME');




    $scriptname = getenv('SCRIPT_NAME');


    Are you running on a Windows server?


    - Brian

    Uncommenting that line doesn't help...


    I'm running a Windows Apache:


    Server Information


    MySQL 4.0.15-max-debug

    Apache/2.0.48 (Win32) PHP/4.3.4

    PHP 4.3.4 (Zend: 1.3.0)




    It's very strange ... I'm mean the pop-up link seems to be right, in IE the JavaScript debugger opens and says that object couldn't be found...




    Another thing that I found funny about STS was, that I couldn't link a stylesheet in the template - I had to put the whole one in the header... - but thats no problem - just wanted to mention that...



    ... I hope I'll get those popups to work as soon as possible because the deadline for the project is next Monday... so if you have any further Ideas it would be great!






    strange - when i put the popupscript in the head - same as the stylesheet, then it works...


    ... but thats fine!


    BIG BIG THX! great contrib! especially for use with the contrib infobox customizer - together with that you can change the whole design of you site! - I'll post the link when it's done, so that everybody can see what can be accomplished with STS and the Infobox Customization!

  14. After I added the STS contribution, while viewing individual items, my link for "Click to Enlarge" is no longer there. Anyone know how I can display the link and make the link go to a larger picture when viewing a product?


    When I looked at the product_info.php.html file, I did not see a variable for "Click to Enlarge". Do I need to do something to install the link manually?

    I have a similar Problem - I think the answer is to be found somewhere over here:



    // Trying to set the variable for product info pages
    $scriptname = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
    //$scriptname = getenv('SCRIPT_NAME');
    $scriptbasename = substr($scriptname, strrpos($scriptname, '/') + 1);
    // Override if we need to show a pop-up window
    $scriptname = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
    $scriptname = strstr($scriptname, "popup");
    $scriptname2 = strstr($scriptname, "info_shopping_cart");
    // If script name contains "popup" then turn off templates and display the normal output
    // This is required to prevent display of standard page elements (header, footer, etc) from the template and allow javascript code to run properly
    if ($scriptname != false || $scriptname2 != false) {
    $display_normal_output = 1;
    $display_template_output = 0;



    In my case I got the Code right there - but when I click the picture or the link nothing happens... but it also calls for the popup_image.php


    for exemple:


    java script:popupWindow('')


    don't know whats wrong there... :blink:

  15. Is it possible to use the Specials box with this contribution?


    When I put the $specialsbox code in my template it does not work.

    you will have to set it in column_left.php


      // STS: ADD
     $sts_block_name = 'specialsbox';
     // STS: EOADD


    and also in your sts_display_output.php (like other boxes)


    and then place it in your template.html...



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