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Posts posted by oxwivi

  1. While adding text to PHP files, I found apostrophes (') needs to be written with backslash (\') so as to not interfere with PHP's syntax. However, that is not likely to help you as the customer's input should be modified.


    There are other input fields in default osCommerce that does not face such problems (product description field in admin, for example), so I think the addon's implementation is wrong. I do not understand PHP beyond following instructions to edit and install addons, so I cannot help.

  2. Hi,


    My osCommerce site registered a successful transaction a few days ago, but today I received 9 debug emails from the server with the same messages mentioned by others.


    How exactly are we supposed to debug using these lacking messages? Has anyone figured out what it means and why they are sent?

  3. None of the modules use HEADING_TITLE, they all set values in the module setup instead. This is easier for most people to set up and removes the problems caused by editing code files with unsuitable programs.

    For additional pages (mostly for the Information box), it will be yet another place where the title must be entered--there's already two different places where you must make sure to mention the page title when manually adding pages.


    Which module lets me set the title for pages I created anyway?

  4. Hello,


    I've installed the latest Modular SEO HT, and I have the following modules activated:

    • All Pages - Store Name in Title
    • Category Meta Keywords - Insert
    • Category Title - Category Name
    • Product Title - Product Name

    After installing the addon, none of the pages displayed any title so I enabled the All Pages - Store Name in Title module. The problem is, this is what the title shows now (assuming the store name is "Name of Store"):



    It only shows at the front page. Other pages displays the store name (or whatever they're supposed to show because of other modules) without any issues.


    By the way, is there any module that will display the HEADING_TITLE as the title header tag?

  5. Hi,


    I use Easy Populate to add products since I've lots of them (672 and counting). Can I ask you to help QPB integrated into EP?


    A few suggestions, if you don't mind:

    • since QPB integrates a quantity box, you could mention what the minimum order quantity is (if it has been set) there as well.
    • And move the add to cart button and quantity box to the left under the available options (I think it would make more sense that way).
    • Use jQuery for the table so it could easily integrate if the jQuery UI themes are changed
    • Display the single quantity's (or the minimum quantity) price as it is done on default osC (big font and everything) within the table, with the rest of the price/quantity differences described below.

    By the way, where is the box to define the price for the first quantity block? Neither adding or editing prodcuts shows that box: products existing before installing the addon retains the original price and creating new products only lists the price as 0.

  6. Ah, looks like SCO has changed a lot since it's younger days. I can no longer find the line you told me to change for static display of product quantity.

    <div class="left wid75 t-center">' . tep_draw_input_field('qty[' . $products[$i]['id'] . ']', $products[$i]['quantity'], 'size="2" data-pID="' . $products[$i]['id'] . '"') . '</div>
    <div class="left wid75 t-center">' . $products[$i]['quantity'] . '</div>

  7. I replaced the bit of code you mentioned with the standard osC heading line:

    <h1><?php echo HEADING_TITLE; ?></h1>


    That did the trick. The whole experience with the Enhanced Contact Us has me wishing for someone kindred soul to upgrade it to 960 grids formathingy. I wish I knew enough to contribute...

  8. It wasn't the div class at fault, but the breadcrumb code itself. Removing the code from template_top corrected the form... I can't fathom the cause of the conflict.


    The following be the entire source code as copied from Firefox after it loaded the page.

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
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  9. I'm sorry but here's something troubling for the brain to burn on again.




    The last thing I changed in osC code was moving the breadcrumb from header.php to template_top.php as described here. I did not change the contact_us.php as provided, and replacing it (from ECU package) again was no help either.


    I did face similar issues with an information page. That was because of an extra </div> tag, but there's nothing similar in contact_us language file. And it did work properly before.


    Does contact_us.php has defined it's div.padding thing or something? That's the only thing I can think of, in relation to my breadcrumb modification.

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