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Everything posted by Kevin.Dallas

  1. no problem, i am almost getting it fixed there are so many issues with a addons
  2. hi kgtee, do you have any issues when you apply coupon, coupon is not being auto created in discount_codes.php
  3. i am still getting the same error, the problem is in here, not in the hook includes/modules/hooks/admin/returns/returns_coupon_action.php
  4. I am getting a error in returns.php?rID=3&oID=&action=edit [22-Oct-2019 12:37:22 America/Los_Angeles] PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class hook_admin_returns_coupon_send in public_html/includes/hooks/admin/returns/coupon_send.php on line 3 ----------------------------------coupon_send.php------------------------- <?php class hook_admin_returns_coupon_send { function listen_returnsAction() { if ( !class_exists('hook_admin_returns_coupon_action') ) { include(DIR_FS_CATALOG . 'includes/modules/hooks/admin/returns/returns_coupon_action.php'); } $hook = new hook_admin_returns_coupon_action(); return $hook->execute(); } function listen_returnsTab() { if ( !class_exists('hook_admin_returns_coupon') ) { include(DIR_FS_CATALOG . 'includes/modules/hooks/admin/returns/returns_coupon.php'); } $hook = new hook_admin_returns_coupon(); return $hook->execute(); } } ?> running edge php 5.6
  5. hello everyone, what comes to discount coupon: shopping_cart using paypal express don't have a place to input the coupon code, i am building a ajax so with paypal express from the shopping_cart will work also. 1. codes gets erased when i go thru the checkout again 2. code Discount Coupon ???? applied: doesn't show in shopping_cart.php ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ if (!tep_session_unregister('coupon')) tep_session_register('coupon'); $coupon = tep_db_prepare_input($HTTP_POST_VARS['coupon']); if (is_array($payment_modules->modules)) { $payment_modules->pre_confirmation_check(); } if( tep_not_null( $coupon ) && is_object( $order->coupon ) ) { $order->coupon->verify_code(); if( MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_DISCOUNT_COUPON_DEBUG != 'true' ) { if( !$order->coupon->is_errors() ) { //if we have passed all tests (no error message), make sure we still meet free shipping requirements, if any if( $order->coupon->is_recalc_shipping() ) tep_redirect( tep_href_link( FILENAME_CHECKOUT_SHIPPING, 'error_message=' . urlencode( ENTRY_DISCOUNT_COUPON_SHIPPING_CALC_ERROR ), 'SSL' ) ); } else { if( tep_session_unregister('coupon') ) tep_session_unregister('coupon'); tep_redirect( tep_href_link( FILENAME_SHOPPING_CART1, 'error_message=' . urlencode( implode( ' ', $order->coupon->get_messages() ) ), 'SSL' ) ); } } } else { if( tep_session_unregister('coupon') ) { tep_session_unregister('coupon'); require_once( DIR_WS_CLASSES.'discount_coupon.php' ); if( discount_coupon::is_recalc_shipping() ) tep_redirect( tep_href_link( FILENAME_SHOPPING_CART1, 'error_message=' . urlencode( ENTRY_DISCOUNT_COUPON_SHIPPING_CALC_ERROR ), 'SSL' ) ); } } ----------------------------------------------------------------- <?php if( MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_DISCOUNT_COUPON_STATUS == 'false' ) { ?> <div class="shippingcoupon container"> <div class="text-left shipsmday"><?php echo ENTRY_SHIPSAMEDAY;?></div> <div class="shipcouon"> <span><?php echo ENTRY_DISCOUNT_COUPON;?></span> <?php echo tep_draw_input_fieldclear('coupon', 'if(this.value == &#39;Enter Promo Code Here&#39;) { this.value = &#39;&#39;; }','if(this.value == &#39;Enter Promo Code Here&#39;) { this.value = &#39;&#39;; }', ''.ENTRY_COUPONS.'', $coupon); ?> <?php echo tep_draw_couponcode(IMAGE_BUTTON_APPLY, 'submit', null, 'primary', null, ''); ?> </div> <?php } ?> <br> <div class="container"> <div class="text-rights"> <?php echo tep_draw_button(IMAGE_BUTTON_CHECKOUTS, 'triangle-1-e', null, 'primary'); ?> </div> <?php $initialize_checkout_methods = $payment_modules->checkout_initialization_method(); if (!empty($initialize_checkout_methods)) { ?> <div class="text-rights"><?php echo TEXT_ALTERNATIVE_CHECKOUT_METHODS; ?></div> <?php reset($initialize_checkout_methods); while (list(, $value) = each($initialize_checkout_methods)) { ?> <p class="text-right"><?php echo $value; ?></p> <?php } } ?> ----------------------------------------------------------------html------------------------------------------------------ //// // Output COUPON function tep_draw_couponcode($title = null, $icon = null, $link = null, $priority = null, $params = null, $style = null) { static $button_counter = 1; $types = array('coupon', 'button', 'reset'); if ( !isset($params['type']) ) { $params['name'] = 'coupon'; } if ( !in_array($params['name'], $types) ) { $params['name'] = 'coupon'; } if ( ($params['name'] == 'coupon') && isset($link) ) { $params['name'] = 'button'; } if (!isset($priority)) { $priority = 'secondary'; } $button = NULL; if ( ($params['name'] == 'button') && isset($link) ) { $button .= '<a href="' . $link . '"'; if ( isset($params['newwindow']) ) { $button .= ''; } } else { $button .= '<button'; $button .= ' name="' . tep_output_string($params['name']) . '"'; } if ( isset($params['params']) ) { $button .= ' ' . $params['params']; } $button .= 'type="button" onclick="ajaxFunction()" id="couponapplyajax" class="couponapply"'; $button .= 'value="apply">'; $button .= $title; if ( ($params['name'] == 'button') && isset($link) ) { $button .= '</a>'; } else { $button .= '</button>'; } $button_counter++; return $button; } // Rewview Button function tep_draw_reviews($title = null, $icon = null, $link = null, $priority = null, $params = null, $style = null) { static $button_counter = 1; $types = array('submit', 'button', 'reset'); if ( !isset($params['type']) ) { $params['type'] = 'submit'; } if ( !in_array($params['type'], $types) ) { $params['type'] = 'submit'; } if ( ($params['type'] == 'submit') && isset($link) ) { $params['type'] = 'button'; } if (!isset($priority)) { $priority = 'secondary'; } $button = NULL; if ( ($params['type'] == 'button') && isset($link) ) { $button .= '<a href="' . $link . '"'; if ( isset($params['newwindow']) ) { $button .= ' target="_blank"'; } } else { $button .= '<button '; $button .= ' type="' . tep_output_string($params['type']) . '"'; } if ( isset($params['params']) ) { $button .= ' ' . $params['params']; } $button .= ' class="btn '; $button .= (isset($style)) ? $style : 'btn-default'; $button .= '">'; if (isset($icon) && tep_not_null($icon)) { $button .= ' <span class="' . $icon . '"></span> '; } $button .= $title; if ( ($params['type'] == 'button') && isset($link) ) { $button .= '</a>'; } else { $button .= '</button>'; } $button_counter++; return $button; }
  6. Good day, Jack

    on the checkout_confirmation.php shows the discount coupon {Discount Coupon ???? applied:}

    in shopping_cart.php


    <div class="shipcouon">
    <?php echo tep_draw_input_fieldclear('coupon', 'this.value=', ''.ENTRY_COUPONS.'', $coupon); ?>

    <button type="submit" onclick="<?php $parameters['discount_amount_1'] =number_format($order->coupon->applied_discount['Unknown tax rate'],2);?>" title="Apply Coupon" class="couponapply" id="couponapply" value="apply">Apply</button>


    upon clicking apply it doesn't show the Discount Coupon ???? applied:


    only way shows is when i go thru the process in checkout_confirmation.php then when i rehash the page it shows the Discount Coupon ???? applied: then i rehash it again it goes away. 


    1. codes gets erased when i go thru the checkout again

    2. code Discount Coupon ???? applied: doesn't show in shopping_cart.php


    anyways you can help me out?


    1. Jack_mcs


      You need to post the question in the support thread for that addon.

    2. Kevin.Dallas


      that's fine, thank you for getting back to me, have a great day buddy

  7. i found the issue, upon adding a item what it does is, add a link on the toolbar for example: ?products_id=1093&sort=10a now you adding another item in the shopping cart the id doesn't change is stays the same and add the same item in the shopping cart, i'll give you guys update once i fix it
  8. good day, I am having issues on popup add to cart, on click add to cart ads second item on click ads the same item qty 2 click on different items still ads same item advanced_search_result.php works fine case 'PRODUCT_ADD_CART': if ($listing['products_quantity']){ $a_cart = '' . tep_draw_button(IMAGE_BUTTON_ADD_CART, 'fa fa-shopping-cart', tep_href_link(basename($PHP_SELF), tep_get_all_get_params(array('action')) . 'action=buy_now' . '', 'SSL'), NULL, NULL, 'btn-success btn-sm listbuy-sm') . ''; } else { $a_cart = '<span class="productSpecialPrice">'.out_a_stocks('','out a stocks','','','') . '</span>'; } break; ---------------------------------------------------------------- case 'PRODUCT_ADD_CART': if (($listing['products_quantity']<>0) and ($listing['products_quantity'] > 0)){ $a_cart = '' . tep_draw_button(IMAGE_BUTTON_ADD_CART, 'fa fa-shopping-cart', tep_href_link(basename($PHP_SELF), tep_get_all_get_params(array('action')) . 'action=buy_now&products_id=' . $listing['products_id'], '', 'SSL'), NULL, NULL, 'btn-success btn-sm listbuy-sm') . ''; } else { $a_cart = '<span class="productSpecialPrice">'.out_a_stocks('','out a stocks','','','') . '</span>'; } break;
  9. i build the addon so i was trying to see how i can get this show up on search thank you for your help i'll get it fixed
  10. did you see that the last post in this topic is from 2007?? Can you please tell us which exact version you refer to and which is your exact store version. I also do not understand what you would like the related products add-on to do with advanced search. Show related products of the products shown in search results?? it's customized i am using 2.3.4 osc addon doesn't have a version
  11. great addon however i try implementing on the advance_search due to id number not bing static i am having issues, has anyone implementing on advance_search ?
  12. Hi Jack, i was getting Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /includes/functions/general.php on line 188 the reason i was getting the error msg because my categories categories_description starts with 0.
  13. to whom it may concern, who hasn't fix the issue, make sure your number on cat and cat des doesn't start with 0
  14. upon installing the addon what it does is, index.php/dvd-man-dvd-man98-c-2_26_120 output should be, something... domain*com/aviator-piloten-sonnenbrille-transparent-p-725.html any ideas?
  15. i am having issues with a addon, XHR finished loading: GET "smartsuggest.php?keywords=w".(anonymous function) @ smartsuggest.js:74 smartsuggest.js:98 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'innerHTML' of null
  16. i am having issues with a addon, XHR finished loading: GET "smartsuggest.php?keywords=w".(anonymous function) @ smartsuggest.js:74 smartsuggest.js:98 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'innerHTML' of null
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