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MortenKippRungePaaske's Achievements

  1. I have added categories_link_url to my categories_description table and would like to get data the same way as categories_name, but I can't see how this is done. Hope someone in here can help :-) $result = tep_db_query('select c.categories_id, cd.categories_name, cd.categories_link_url, c.parent_id from ' . TABLE_CATEGORIES . ' c, ' . TABLE_CATEGORIES_DESCRIPTION . ' cd where c.categories_id = cd.categories_id and cd.language_id="' . (int)$languages_id .'" '.$parent_query.'order by sort_order, cd.categories_name'); while ($row = tep_db_fetch_array($result)) { $table[$row['parent_id']][$row['categories_id']] = $row['categories_name']; $link[$row['parent_id']][$row['categories_id']] = $row['categories_link_url']; } $output .= tep_make_cat_dmbranch($rootcatid, $table, 0, $maxlevel); return $output; } // Create the branches off the category list function tep_make_cat_dmbranch($parcat, $table, $level, $maxlevel) { global $cPath_array, $menu_use_titles, $menu_icon_file, $divide_subcats, $divide_subcats_text, $pic; $lvl_adjust = 1; $list = $table[$parcat]; // Build data for menu while(list($key,$val) = each($list)){ if (isset($cPath_array) && in_array($key, $cPath_array)) { $this_expanded = '1'; $this_selected = 'dmselected'; } else { $this_expanded = ''; $this_selected = ''; } if (!$level) { unset($GLOBALS['cPath_set']); $GLOBALS['cPath_set'][0] = $key; $cPath_new = 'cPath=' . $key; } else { $GLOBALS['cPath_set'][$level] = $key; $cPath_new = 'cPath=' . implode("_", array_slice($GLOBALS['cPath_set'], 0, ($level+1))); $this_subcat_count++; } if ($menu_use_titles) { $this_title = $val; } else { $this_title = ''; } if ($menu_use_links) { $this_link = $link; } else { $this_link = ''; }
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