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  1. So, i've pinpointed it. The issue is that kiss_thumbnailer is very strict on the is_file request. "X" is different than "x" when looking up the file name. Is there a way to have the query be case insensitive when looking for the file.
  2. I've got this block of code coming back false when it definatley should be coming back true. It only comes back false when the check is looking for a file 4 subdirectories deep ex. images/inventory/books/action/thalastfive.jpg if ( !is_file ( $this->src ) ) { $this->src = $this->default_missing_image; } If its looking for an image with less directories it finds it. I've checked my directory permissions and they're all the same. Directories are 755 while the images themseleves are 604. Am i missing something here
  3. Never mind, it was because i had line breaks in both my template html and email html. No line breaks people when using bulk mail manager!!!
  4. So i thought it was fishy a couple days ago that our local cable providers have banned our ip from sending server side emails to there accounts claiming spamy characteristics. So im getting this error thrown, which is preventing my mail manager from sending out emails on the admin side and think this is maybe the reason for the spamy email characteristics.. mail(): Multiple or malformed newlines found in additional_header in /***/admin/includes/classes/email.php on line 523 I found this link explaining why http://stackoverflow...ditional-header... but unsure about implementation of the fix. The specific url when the error reports is ****.com/admin/mm_bulkmail.php?page=1&nID=15&action=test
  5. Maybe im missing a configuration value in opi_thumbnail.php. So my server has many folders within the root with many domains and sites linked to each one. for this site its folder is called test_site. The opi: absolute path within the admin configuration table is /....ges/1/.....345166/htdocs/test_site/images/ With ModRewrite enabled, when viewing source on the front end of products_info.php <div id="piGal" style="float: right;"> <a href="http://myswebsite.com/images/thumbs/def/large/matrox/mg200mms.gif" target="_blank" rel="fancybox"><img src="images/thumbs/def/display/matrox/mg200mms.gif" alt="Matrox G200 MMS" title="Matrox G200 MMS" hspace="5" vspace="5" /></a> </div> when viewing source on admin side var oscProductImageHelper = { sessionLife: 1440000, cleanup: false, ajaxURL: 'http://subdomain.mywebsite.com/ceo/opi_productimage.php', imageURL: {path:'http://subdomain.mywebsite.com/images/', relative:'products/', medium:'http://subdomain.mywebsite.com/images/thumbs/def/adminpreview/', small:'http://subdomain.mywebsite.com/images/thumbs/def/adminthumb/', transparent:'images/pixel_trans.gif'}, privileges: {directory:1,deletes:1}, language_id:'1', products_images: 'gt_interactive/unreal_tournament.gif,products/unreal-tournament.png', opi_thumnails.php settings //NO APACHE REWRITE, remove/commented below line if (basename($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) == basename(__FILE__)) imageScale404(); //preventing direct access to this file //disable custom mode: crop,auto,clip,width and height request define('OPI_ENABLE_CUSTOME_MODE', false); //if you disabled it, also edit .htaccess and remove rewriteRule that command customMode define('OPI_ENABLE_ADVANCED_REWRITE', true); //deprecated define('OPI_DISABLE_UPSIZE', true); // auto or prop mode required - if original image is smaller than required thumbnail, do not upsize - white background will be added to reach requested size and image centered define('DIR_FS_OPIFILE_HERE', dirname(__FILE__)); // absolute path to this file define('OPI_FS_CHMOD', 0755); // some servers required 0775 or 0777 define('OPI_FS_IMAGES_OPI_PATH', DIR_FS_OPIFILE_HERE . str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/'.DIR_WS_IMAGES) ); // OSC_PRODUCT_IMAGE_ABSOLUTE_PATH define('OPI_FS_IMAGES_OPI_THUMB', OPI_FS_IMAGES_OPI_PATH . str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '_thumbnail_/')); // OSC_PRODUCT_IMAGE_ABSOLUTE_PATH + OSC_PRODUCT_IMAGE_THUMBNAIL_DIRECTORY define('OPI_FS_IMAGES_WATERMARK', OPI_FS_IMAGES_OPI_PATH . str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '_hidden_/watermarked.png') );
  6. Maybe im missing a configuration value in opi_thumbnail.php. So my server has many folders within the root with many domains and sites linked to each one. for this site its folder is called test_site. The opi: absolute path within the admin configuration table is /....ges/1/.....345166/htdocs/test_site/images/ //deprecated after modrewrite setting is very confusing. //NO APACHE REWRITE, remove/commented below line if (basename($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) == basename(__FILE__)) imageScale404(); //preventing direct access to this file //disable custom mode: crop,auto,clip,width and height request define('OPI_ENABLE_CUSTOME_MODE', false); //if you disabled it, also edit .htaccess and remove rewriteRule that command customMode define('OPI_ENABLE_ADVANCED_REWRITE', true); //deprecated define('OPI_DISABLE_UPSIZE', true); // auto or prop mode required - if original image is smaller than required thumbnail, do not upsize - white background will be added to reach requested size and image centered define('DIR_FS_OPIFILE_HERE', dirname(__FILE__)); // absolute path to this file define('OPI_FS_CHMOD', 0755); // some servers required 0775 or 0777 define('OPI_FS_IMAGES_OPI_PATH', DIR_FS_OPIFILE_HERE . str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/'.DIR_WS_IMAGES) ); // OSC_PRODUCT_IMAGE_ABSOLUTE_PATH define('OPI_FS_IMAGES_OPI_THUMB', OPI_FS_IMAGES_OPI_PATH . str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '_thumbnail_/')); // OSC_PRODUCT_IMAGE_ABSOLUTE_PATH + OSC_PRODUCT_IMAGE_THUMBNAIL_DIRECTORY define('OPI_FS_IMAGES_WATERMARK', OPI_FS_IMAGES_OPI_PATH . str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '_hidden_/watermarked.png') ); // watermark file
  7. @@raiwa Should it not plug over a fresh install of The instructions are pretty cut and dry. Copy all of advanced.htaccess to the htaccess in the root directory. I removed every htaccess from the entire store except that one so as not to conflict. Overwrite files and append your chosen define to all tep_image references. I could get images loaded to the products subdirectory but not display them. Nothing happens with (_thumbnails_) folder what so ever and the front end images are a never ending spinner. Also, on the frontend, if ModReqwrite is off and your only appending /def/small/whatever/ to the tep_image() references, then how would any of those image calls know that opi_thumbnailer.php is the image handler without a modification to the tep_image() function in html_output.php. Correct me if im wrong, but im understanding it does rely on the native tep_image function. The only way i could get it to work was buy turning off modRewrite and letting the opi.thumnailer handle the images. Even then, couldnt get them to show up on the front end because the tep_image function doesnt see a /def/small/whatever directory. I'm at a loss, and really don't know where to go from here. Any direction would be helpful.
  8. I'm tired of wasting hours on this. So I did a fresh install of OSC and overwrote everything with this module and this module only. Modrewrite does not work and it does not create thumbnails in a virtual anything. FYI for anyone else!!! USELESS waist of time.
  9. @@raiwa I've been trying to get OPI to work on the mobile version front end for days now. It seems you may have uploaded the wrong product_info.php for the mobile directory. It still references template_top, template_bottom rather than header and footer and as @quinzou mentioned, the products_images table is not needed for the opi mobile version. Contrary to your statement and included instructions, there are currently many edits to be made in products_info.php not mentioned in the docs. My intentions where to make these edits and repackage all the necessary front end changes as a new update but I got to situate this image display issue first. I cant seem to get any of the images on the mobile front end to show up for the life of me on my store. Had a feeling changing my images handler would be much more pain than it was worth.
  10. @@raiwa, I know that an auto thumbnailer is addressed in the contributions documentation but how about this one. http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/8104 I'm getting an error of Warning: Division by zero in /.....com/includes/functions/html_output.php on line 130 when instantiating any tep_image function. The entire site wont display any image and automatically resorts to the allocated no_image.jpg even though the $src variable is correct. // The HTML image wrapper function // "On the Fly" Auto Thumbnailer using GD Library, servercaching and browsercaching // Scales product images dynamically, resulting in smaller file sizes, and keeps // proper image ratio. Used in conjunction with product_thumb.php t/n generator. function tep_image($src, $alt = '', $width = '', $height = '', $parameters = '', $zc='') { if ( (empty($src) || ($src == DIR_WS_IMAGES)) && (IMAGE_REQUIRED == 'false') ) { return false; } // if no file exists display the 'no image' file if (!is_file($src)) { $src = "images/no_image.jpg"; } // Set default image variable and code $image = '<img src="' . $src . '"'; // Don't calculate if the image is set to a "%" width if (strstr($width,'%') == false || strstr($height,'%') == false) { $dont_calculate = 0; } else { $dont_calculate = 1; } // Dont calculate if a pixel image is being passed (hope you dont have pixels for sale) if (!strstr($image, 'pixel')) { $dont_calculate = 0; } else { $dont_calculate = 1; } // Do we calculate the image size? if (CONFIG_CALCULATE_IMAGE_SIZE == "true" && !$dont_calculate) { // Get the image's information if ($image_size = @getimagesize($src)) { $ratio = $image_size[1] / $image_size[0]; // Set the width and height to the proper ratio if (empty($width) && tep_not_null($height)) { $ratio = $height / $image_size[1]; $width = intval($image_size[0] * $ratio); } elseif (tep_not_null($width) && empty($height)) { $ratio = $width / $image_size[0]; $height = intval($image_size[1] * $ratio); } elseif (empty($width) && empty($height)) { $width = $image_size[0]; $height = $image_size[1]; } // Scale the image if not the original size if ($image_size[0] != $width || $image_size[1] != $height) { $rx = $image_size[0] / $width; $ry = $image_size[1] / $height; if ($rx < $ry) { $width = intval($height / $ratio); } else { $height = intval($width * $ratio); } $image = '<img src="' . tep_href_link('product_thumb.php', 'src=' . tep_output_string($src) . '&h='.$height.'&w='.$width) . '"'; } } elseif (IMAGE_REQUIRED == 'false') { return ''; } } // Add remaining image parameters if they exist if ($width) { $image .= ' width="' . tep_output_string($width) . '"'; } if ($height) { $image .= ' height="' . tep_output_string($height) . '"'; } if (tep_not_null($parameters)) $image .= ' ' . $parameters; $image .= ' border="0" alt="' . tep_output_string($alt) . '"'; if (tep_not_null($alt)) { $image .= ' title="' . tep_output_string($alt) . '"'; } $image .= '/>'; return $image; }
  11. I figured out the redirect loop... Debugging can be so frustrating sometimes. Simple, easily overlooked syntax error. : In. includes/application_top.php change: //BEGIN : MOBILE REDIRECT_SCRIPT require(DIR_FS_MOBILE . 'includes/functions/devicelist.php'); if ( MOBILE_SITE=='True'&& !defined('MOBILE_SESSION') ) { require(DIR_FS_MOBILE . 'includes/classes/mobile_redirect.php'); if ( !strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'checkout') ) $mobileRedirect = new mobileRedirect; } elseif ( !strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'checkout') ) { require(DIR_FS_MOBILE . 'includes/classes/classic_redirect.php'); $mobileRedirect = new classicRedirect; } //END : MOBILE REDIRECT_SCRIPT TO: //BEGIN : MOBILE REDIRECT_SCRIPT require(DIR_FS_MOBILE . 'includes/functions/devicelist.php'); if ( MOBILE_SITE=='true'&& !defined('MOBILE_SESSION') ) { require(DIR_FS_MOBILE . 'includes/classes/mobile_redirect.php'); if ( !strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'checkout') ) $mobileRedirect = new mobileRedirect; } elseif ( !strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'checkout') ) { require(DIR_FS_MOBILE . 'includes/classes/classic_redirect.php'); $mobileRedirect = new classicRedirect; } //END : MOBILE REDIRECT_SCRIPT The specific mix up is "if ( MOBILE_SITE=='true'&& !defined('MOBILE_SESSION') ) {" with the capitalized T in "True", needs to be all lowercase. @@raiwa
  12. For three hours now I have been trying to handle this redirect loop issue, now im throwing in the towel. If I Enable the Use of the mobile set I get a redirect loop despite what device I try to access it from. From each computer/device the url will read /?MredirectCancelled=true/ I'm working on OSC and Mobile OSC 7.5.7. I have cleared cookies, cache, forced reload and reinstalled from scratch twice. I cant decipher this one and could really use some assistance please @raiwa
  13. More specifically, the error is being thrown because of the table editing of the customers table, so remove the code below from the sql query and then manually create the field with PHPMyadmin <code> -- -- Add a new field to existing table 'customers' -- ALTER TABLE `customers` ADD `mmstatus` VARCHAR( 2 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `customers_newsletter` -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- </code>
  14. I opted not to waist my time with troubleshooting this and deleted it from the sql update. Then inserted it manually, should go smoothly after that. Great contribution too, loveing the templates. Only problem im having is it wont send these templates out in html format. I've tried enabling MIME HTML sending of emails to no avail. If anyone has the solution to this that would be nice. Judging by the code it doesnt take into account any configuration settings which is A Ok with me.
  15. Ok, After doing the flot thing and removing the code still same results. So on catoriges.php in relation to the product tabs not wokring correctly. Specifically the left menu wont extend when trying to navigate to other pages and it loads an entire index page into my top most page. The error in console is Uncaught Error: Time mode requires the flot.time plugin. As for Php.info im not sure what driver reference im suppose to be looking for. Screenshots to follow this post in a little bit. The sources panel does show that admin/js/order_handler.js is loading display: none is also in css file, for some reason the browser isnt respecting it
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