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Everything posted by Tsimi

  1. @tttim6575 I highly doubt you'll get an answer here from the previous people. This is an old topic with the last answer dating back to 2012. There are however 2 config files. catalog/includes/config.php (front store side) catalog/admin/includes/config.php (admin side)
  2. @Shoppertroppen Download the zip package from my post here.
  3. @LeeFoster Sorry for chiming in late. Wasn't there an issue about product stock not being subtracted?
  4. @odracirjf No need to download and use the EDGE version. Frozen is just fine. Read the post about the php 7.2 error in the following thread. You can either use my solution or the one offered by raiwa. https://www.oscommerce.com/forums/topic/408478-horizontal-categories-menu-bs/?page=12
  5. No, it does not. You might wanna take a look at @raiwa 's website.
  6. Thanks @raiwa The error has been corrected I think. I had something mixed up with the data inside the database and the data shown in the shop. I emptied the database table and now the error is gone and I cannot recreate it either. 🤔 So the only code that needs fixing to be PHP 7.2 compatible is the code fix Omar posted above. Thanks again for looking into it.
  7. Thanks @Omar_one That took care of one of the errors. Now only one error is left Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/xxx/www/shop/xxx/includes/classes/object_info.php on line 21 Must have something to do with this code here I guess (around line 455) if ((!isset($_GET['uID']) || (isset($_GET['uID']) && ($_GET['uID'] == $pending_points['unique_id']))) && !isset($uInfo)) { $uInfo = new objectInfo($uInfo_array); } I tried to copy code structures from other file which also have the objectInfo code in it but none of my tries worked thus far.
  8. @raiwa Have you looked at this add-on with PHP 7.2 recently? I get these errors and I know why it happens but I could not find a fix for it. customers_points_referral.php file PHP 5.6 and 7.1 Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/xxx/www/shop/xxx/includes/classes/object_info.php on line 21 PHP 7.2 Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/xxx/www/shop/xxx/includes/classes/object_info.php on line 21 Warning: sizeof(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /home/xxx/www/shop/xxx/customers_points_referral.php on line 451 All the other points related pages work just fine even with PHP 7.2
  9. @raiwa Man I am glad to hear/read that. What a great timing. Thanks
  10. @raiwa Do you have this app running on PHP 7.2?
  11. That did the trick. Thanks for the quick support. Change mine to this echo tep_draw_button(IMAGE_DELETE); echo tep_draw_button(IMAGE_CANCEL, NULL, tep_href_link('faq_manager.php', '', 'NONSSL')); Something else, isn't this following line echo tep_draw_form('faq_manager','faq_manager.php', 'faq_action=DelSure&faq_id='.$val[faq_id]); suppose to look like this? echo tep_draw_form('faq_manager','faq_manager.php', 'faq_action=DelSure&faq_id='.$faq_id); When I look at the form using "Inspect Element" on my Firefox browser the faq_id= within the form is empty but when I change the line from faq_id='.$val[faq_id] to faq_id='.$faq_id the id is passed on and shows fine. However no matter which one I use the FAQ gets deleted correctly so not sure if it is a major issue.
  12. Thanks for your reply Jack. The URL does have the "faq_action=Delete" in it. (.../admin/faq_manager.php?faq_action=Delete&faq_id=3) Once I click on the X in the listing page I get redirected to the "Delete confirmation" page where the title says for example "Delete Confirmation FAQ ID= 3" Then on that page when I click the X again I get redirected back to the listing page (faq_manager.php) and the entry, in my example ID=3, is still there. Running PHP 5.6.31 at the moment. I did however get 2 error messages after the initial install. I fixed those by removing the $_GET variables from the lines mentioned in the error messages.
  13. Hi Jack I had a look at this FAQ app of yours and I got all up and running thus far. I have no issues adding or editing Questions/Answers in the admin area except for the delete function. I cannot delete any of the created Questions/Answers. Running this in an Edge test shop.
  14. You can keep the code in there. It shouldn't matter if you use later the horizontal menu or not.
  15. @ce7 Open your ..includes/classes/category_tree.php file FIND: if ( ($this->follow_cpath === true) && in_array($category_id, $this->cpath_array) ) { $link_title = $this->cpath_start_string . $category['name'] . $this->cpath_end_string; } else { $link_title = $category['name']; } REPLACE WITH: if ( ($this->follow_cpath === true) && in_array($category_id, $this->cpath_array) ) { $link_title = $this->cpath_start_string . tep_image('images/' . $category['image'], $category['name'], SMALL_IMAGE_WIDTH*0.5, SMALL_IMAGE_HEIGHT*0.5, 'style="display:inline-block;"') . ' ' . $category['name'] . $this->cpath_end_string; } else { $link_title = tep_image('images/' . $category['image'], $category['name'], SMALL_IMAGE_WIDTH*0.5, SMALL_IMAGE_HEIGHT*0.5, 'style="display:inline-block;"') . ' ' . $category['name']; }
  16. That was like that from the very beginning it has nothing to do with BS or add-on version. The person who coded it, Zappo, mentioned something like this in the past that only one checkbox value can be passed on to the cart.
  17. If you need only one selection then why not use radio buttons instead?
  18. @LeeFoster I had a quick look at this and the thing is, if you want to make this without core code changes then all the files or better say the categories.php file needs to be modular like we did with the product_info.php file on the front end. The admin area at this point is not that modular yet.
  19. Just had a look with Chrome (v67.0.3396.99), no issues either. I can select items. 6.5 inch base plate?? That is not a vanilla osC product. Did you try it with regular osC products like DVDs? However I do get an error inside the Builder box on the catalog side. My guess would be another PHP 7.2 related issue.
  20. Firefox 61.0.1 PHP 7.2.1 Clean Frozen shop no other apps or mods installed running on XAMPP local server.
  21. @LeeFoster I cannot recreate that problem. I can select products without any issues.
  22. Ah I see. I was using PHP 7.0.21 when I was working and it didn't throw any errors. I quickly swapped to 7.2.1 and I can see the same errors now. I'll have a closer look asap.
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