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Everything posted by twocats_us

  1. I didn't see anyone respond to this question. Apparently the image does not have enough time to load to the page and that is why it does not appear. You can preload the image on the checkout.php page before that page loads so it will appear. Here is the javascript code: <script language="javascript"> <!-- if (document.images) { pic1= new Image(32,32); pic1.src="http://yoururl...etc/ajax-loader.gif"; } //--> </SCRIPT>
  2. I didn't see anyone respond to this question. Apparently the image does not have enough time to load to the page and that is why it does not appear. You can preload the image on the checkout.php page before that page loads so it will appear. Here is the javascript code: <script language="javascript"> <!-- if (document.images) { pic1= new Image(32,32); pic1.src="http://yoururl...etc/ajax-loader.gif"; } //--> </SCRIPT>
  3. Hi Steve, thank you for the reply. The above issues were not related to paypal express checkout, they were just in general to the one page checkout. After hours of investigation I realized that the error messaging for paypal_wpp.php which is what I use, is setup to work with the checkout_payment.php page, it redirects there so when using the one page checkout it goes there and then back to the checkout.php losing all the data being returned. If I change the file name for the old checkout to point to the new checkout.php everything works fine but this does defeat the purpose of being able to turn on and off the one page checkout. In addition, to keep the payment module from duplicating I had to remove the update of the payment methods in the javascript when you update the cart or change the billing address. Suffice to say it has taken more than a few modifications to get this to work with my setup but it seems to work well now. Thank you. Salina
  4. Okay, so with PayPal Express Checkout it does seem they would have to have an account then. That answers that, will create an account and try it out, thank you. But do you have any idea why the payment fields would duplicate on the checkout.php page after you sign in and change the billing address to use? And should error messages appear to users at all if the payment is declined? Do you know where this is at in the code so I could look at it? Thanks again Salina
  5. NEED HELP I had broken this myself so I put all the code back and my problem was that the fields for the PayPal Direct Payment module were not appearing on the page, just titles and not all of them... so I found this line "$confirmation = $GLOBALS[$payment]->selection();" in the classes/onepage_checkout.php file and uncommented it, it started working for me. I can even place an order. But now I have the following problems: 1. If a credit card number is not valid it goes back to the checkout.php page with no error messages. 2. How can PayPal Express checkout work with this? I have the paypal express checkout option on the shopping cart page and if you go through paypal you are then redirected back to login.php not the checkout.php, is the one page checkout not meant to work with paypal express or do you need to have an account? 3. If you sign-in to an account, the payment fields appear on the screen twice (so its duplicating) Would appreciate any help! Thank you. Salina
  6. Has anyone been able to get this One Page Checkout to work with just one payment method? I have PayPal Direct Payment and only want that one to appear but it only works if I have a second method enabled like Google checkout. Not sure what I need to do to get this to work with just one. Basically if it has just the one it gets stuck on Updating Payment information and never displays the shipping options and etc. Thanks.
  7. This has been extremely frustrating as I have seen several other people post about this same issue with no resolution! I don't know enough to figure this out so I am hoping that some OS Commerce developers will help out. The scenario is: A customer puts an item into the shopping cart and they click on the paypal logo icon to checkout with paypal express. They login to paypal and eventually get redirected to the shipping page on my site, they are able continue all the way to the Confirmation page. When they click to confirm their order they are redirected back to the payment page with the error message "Please select a payment method for your order." This is an endless loop. If the customer logins to the site before they go through this process everything works completely fine. It would appear that when the checkout_process.php code is run through the payment object appears to no longer exist. I don't know if it clears the session or what, the difference seems to lie in whether they logged into the site themselves or if Paypal logged them in. Does anyone know how to fix this? Please Help! Thank you.
  8. It would appear that I have not entirely fixed the problem. There is another line of code that checks to see if the modules are installed, as well as making sure the payment object exists, which it should. Here is that original code: (around line 71) if ( ( is_array($payment_modules->modules) && (sizeof($payment_modules->modules) > 1) && !is_object($$payment) ) || (is_object($$payment) && ($$payment->enabled == false)) ) { tep_redirect(tep_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_PAYMENT, 'error_message=' . urlencode(ERROR_NO_PAYMENT_MODULE_SELECTED), 'SSL')); } Have not tried it yet but will be testing out this changed code: if ( (!is_object($$payment) ) || (is_object($$payment) && ($$payment->enabled == false)) ) { tep_redirect(tep_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_PAYMENT, 'error_message=' . urlencode(ERROR_NO_PAYMENT_MODULE_SELECTED), 'SSL')); } As for the other code that was changed in addition: if (!tep_session_is_registered('payment')) { tep_redirect(tep_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_PAYMENT, '', 'SSL')); } What I would really like to do is to find out how to fix it so that it sees that payment modules are in fact installed. That would be the proper way to fix it I believe. I just haven't found any thing any where to help with this. AND the weird part about all of this is that if the customer logs in before they go to paypal to use the express checkout it does not happen! Hope that helps, let me know if you figure it out.
  9. Fixed! Just in case anyone out there runs into this problem and would like to know how to fix it. I located another topic finally through google search that indicated that the MODULE_PAYMENT_INSTALLED was coming back null even though there is more than 1 payment module installed. So around line 31 in the checkout_process.php file there is a redirect to the payment page with an if statement. Remove the "tep_not_null(MODULE_PAYMENT_INSTALLED)" from that if statement and it works just fine. If someone has a better way of fixing this please do tell. Thank you!
  10. I was hoping that someone might be able to shed a light on this problem some of my customers have had. They click on the PayPal icon to complete the Express Checkout Option but once they click confirm order they are redirected back to the payment page. It thinks that they have not selected a payment option at all. I am using OSCommerce v2.2 with the Direct PayPal Payment module. Has anyone seen this and know what changes or fixes I need to make? Thank you.
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