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Posts posted by Pronux

  1. Hello Pronux!


    Everything is working fine, but I wonder if it's possible to move where the text is?

    I was thinking about moving the text a little more to the upper left..


    Thanks in advance!


    Great :thumbsup: What have you done?


    To change the text position in the content section you have to change the padding in the your stylesheet.css:


    .pronuxContentBox {
    padding: 20px;

    Hope it helps.

  2. Received the following E-Mail:




    I was recently looking at adding your tab addition to a site I'm running OSC on. I happen to come across your demo http://oscommerce.pronux.ch/shopping_cart.php and I was wondering if you would be able to explain or shed some light on how you went about making the My Account, Cart Contents, and Checkout buttons CSS instead of actual images.


    Thank you,


    Short Answer: These are the standard buttons of osCommerce 2.3.1

  3. Thanks for your answer!


    I've got another problem now:




    How do I remove the space between the content box and the tabs marked in white? (Maybe move tabs down or move box up?)

    How do I remove the white/blue lines that the arrow is pointing at?


    Thanks in advance!



    Try to make some changes to includes/TMS/Conf.php (section "General Definitions") f.e. change the colors, change the width/noOfTabs etc.

  4. Hello everybody!


    First of all: Pronux, this is a great contrubition and just what I've been looking for.

    It works just fine, but I have a few questions:


    1. I also get strange letters when inputting non-english letters.

    I tried changing '$convertTabNamesToHTMLEntities = true' to false, but still strange letters.


    2. Can you input pictures into the tabs? If yes, how?


    I am a little beginner at this so please forgive if I have some strange questions!

    Thanks in advance, any help from anybody will be much, much appriciated.




    1. In osCommerce 2.3.1 go to products_info.php and change:




    $TMS->generateTabMenuSection(true, false);


    If you are using an older osCommerce version, try:

    $CONF['tabs']['en'][3]  = utf8_decode('Test: üöäęóąśłżźćń'); 


    2. If you have made the mentioned change, you can add your image(s) to the tab-names in /TMS/Conf.php:

    $CONF['tabs']['en'][3] = '<img src="this_is_your_pic.jpg" />';





    This should not be a problem of TMS. What happens if you put:

    <span class="buttonAction">' .tep_draw_button(IMAGE_BUTTON_WRITE_REVIEW, 'comment', tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_REVIEWS_WRITE, tep_get_all_get_params()), 'primary'). '</span>


    include DIR_WS_INCLUDES.'TMS/Conf.php';

  5. just fixed it. Now I find out that the tabs names being converted (private function convertTabNamesToHTMLEntities()).


    I have just removed that function from TabMenuSection.php and a few lines below also removed '$convertTabNamesToHTMLEntities = true' and statement if($convertTabNamesToHTMLEntities).



    ok, great :thumbsup:

    instead of removing the parameter '$convertTabNamesToHTMLEntities = true', you could also set this parameter simply to 'false'


    Is your shop already online, what's the url?

  6. Hello,

    thanks for the contribution, really great job.

    I've installed it successfully and almost everything works fine.


    Almost because: I have a polish language store encoded in UTF8 and I have a problem with special chars like ę ó ą ś ł ż ź ć ń etc. In the content it shows it correctly but in the title of a (for example 3rd) tab it shows something like that (it should be 'Dostępność'):




    When I encode special chars in utf8 ( ex. ę -> ę ; ) it will show ę ; instead of ę.


    Please help.


    try htmlentities('your string with ę ó ą ś ł ż ź ć ń etc')


    The layout issue is gone and the tab shows correctly (last tab is still selectable though!)

    Am I concatenate the strings uncorrectly? Does $reviews['count'] need to be cast in some way?

    Problem is easily reproducible just adding the above code.


    Please let me know if you have any idea?


    At the demo site it seems to work: http://oscommerce.pronux.ch/product_info.php?products_id=28


    Try to make some changes to the TMS Conf.php -> f.e. reduce the no of tabs, change the width of tab 2 etc.

    Or install the demo app from the zip package and test if it works on your domain.

  8. 3 Issues:

    1) Just below the tabs before the content there is a white section....not sure where that come from

    2) The last tab on the right (horizontal alignment) is missing the right border

    3) If you have an empty tab as last tab, this is still selectable.



    Sounds weird. I'm also using a clean install of osc 2.3.1 and the uploaded TMS-files should be the same as on my demosite.

    Can you provide me a link to your site?

  9. farbor asked:



    Hi Pronux,


    Thanks for the great work behind TMS, I really love it.

    Can I ask you which image contribution are you using in the live demo Tab Menu Section (TMS)? I really would like to have something similar.

    Could you point me out to the right contribution?

    Thanks in advance for the info.


    Kind Regards



    Answer: It's not a contribution, it's the new picture module of osCommerce 2.3.1

  10. Another Alpha ?


    Unless they have made significant progress since Alpha 5, it won't even be worth looking at. IMO, Alpha 5 should not have been released and only served to confuse users who were lead to believe it was 'Ready for Use'


    I am not holding my breath on the release date or the stability of v3.x



    Harald and his team is working day and night on the final version of OSCOM 3.0 and it will be great.

  11. Another year passed. still no OSCOM 3.0.


    Hopefully 2011 is a lucky year for OSCOM fans.


    OSCOM 3.0 is now in right track. It has jQuery, jQuery UI and very interesting backend with ajax search and the product details user interface is phenomenal.


    Hopefully if it is released soon next year, we will see many new innovative addons and some books about OSCOM.


    OSCOM will rule again!!??!!


    According to Harald, the release of OSCOM 3.0 is imminent: http://bit.ly/ef45Nm

  12. @andyn


    Two tips:

    1. What happens when you add the code from http://www.oscommerce.com/forums... to products_info.php BEFORE


    $TMS->tab[1]['content'] = $product_info['products_description'];
    $TMS->tab[2]['content'] = $reviewTabContent;
    $TMS->tab[3]['content'] = $contentTab3;


    2. In PHP you can put text (string) into a varaible:

    $thisIsAVarialbe = 'this is a text string';

    Now put all the generated review HTML-strings (that means all the review-content which is on the bottom of your products_info.php at the moment) into the variable $reviewTabContent. Do this BEFORE:


    $TMS->tab[1]['content'] = $product_info['products_description'];
    $TMS->tab[2]['content'] = $reviewTabContent;
    $TMS->tab[3]['content'] = $contentTab3;


    If it doesn't help, maybe StreamMan can post his solution here in this thread.

  13. @andyn


    If you have added the styles from TabMenuSectionStyles.css to your osCommerce stylesheet.css, you can simply ignore line 33 in TabMenuSection.php ($path = $this->CONF['pathtms'].'TabMenuSectionStyles.css'), it doesn't do anything.


    Reviews: I've provided an example in this thread how you can add the reviews to a tab. Insert the code on products_info.php before you add the content to the tabs:


    $TMS->tab[1]['content'] = 'content for tab 1...';

    $TMS->tab[2]['content'] = $reviewTabContent;

    $TMS->tab[3]['content'] = 'content for tab 3...';

  14. Is there anyway where I could just show the product_reviews.php page? As I won't need it anymore and I could take the photo, product name, etc... out of the page.


    You have to add the additional code on products_info.php. The inclusion and display of an entire file is not possible with TMS 1.0


    Try the following code which I've taken from product_reviews.php after line 71. As I mentioned in my previous post, it does nothing else than putting the generated content into a temp variable ($reviewTabContent) and then adding it to tab 2.


    Important: I've not tested the following code, it's only an example how it could work......



      $reviewTabContent = '';
     $reviews_query_raw = "select r.reviews_id, left(rd.reviews_text, 100) as reviews_text, r.reviews_rating, r.date_added, r.customers_name from " . TABLE_REVIEWS . " r, " . TABLE_REVIEWS_DESCRIPTION . " rd where r.products_id = '" . (int)$product_info['products_id'] . "' and r.reviews_id = rd.reviews_id and rd.languages_id = '" . (int)$languages_id . "' and r.reviews_status = 1 order by r.reviews_id desc";
     $reviews_split = new splitPageResults($reviews_query_raw, MAX_DISPLAY_NEW_REVIEWS);
     if ($reviews_split->number_of_rows > 0) {
       if ((PREV_NEXT_BAR_LOCATION == '1') || (PREV_NEXT_BAR_LOCATION == '3')) {
           $reviewTabContent = '
             <div class="contentText">
               <p style="float: right;">'. TEXT_RESULT_PAGE . ' ' . $reviews_split->display_links(MAX_DISPLAY_PAGE_LINKS, tep_get_all_get_params(array('page', 'info'))) .'</p>
               <p>'. $reviews_split->display_count(TEXT_DISPLAY_NUMBER_OF_REVIEWS) .'</p>
             <br />';
       $reviews_query = tep_db_query($reviews_split->sql_query);
       while ($reviews = tep_db_fetch_array($reviews_query)) {
    $reviewTabContent .= '
       <span style="float: right;">'.sprintf(TEXT_REVIEW_DATE_ADDED, tep_date_long($reviews['date_added'])) .'</span>
       <h2><a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_REVIEWS_INFO, 'products_id=' . $product_info['products_id'] . '&reviews_id=' . $reviews['reviews_id']) . '">' . sprintf(TEXT_REVIEW_BY, tep_output_string_protected($reviews['customers_name'])) . '</a> </h2>
     <div class="contentText">
       '. tep_break_string(tep_output_string_protected($reviews['reviews_text']), 60, '-<br />') . ((strlen($reviews['reviews_text']) >= 100) ? '..' : '') . '<br /><br /><i>' . sprintf(TEXT_REVIEW_RATING, tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'stars_' . $reviews['reviews_rating'] . '.gif', sprintf(TEXT_OF_5_STARS, $reviews['reviews_rating'])), sprintf(TEXT_OF_5_STARS, $reviews['reviews_rating'])) . '</i>
     } else {
    $reviewTabContent = '
     <div class="contentText">
       <?php echo TEXT_NO_REVIEWS; ?>
    $TMS->tab[2]['content'] = $reviewTabContent;

  15. But also display all html characters as well as below:

    Would that be because = htmlentities($product_info[ in the code?


    @blr044: Jep, that's because of htmlentities....


    I think that your text has the same color as the background of the tab content section and because of that you can't see it. Please try to change the background color and the color of the text and see if it works.


    And: Can you look into the HTML source code of this page in your browser ("View Page Source") and search for the content of $product_info['products_description3'], it must be there somewhere.


    Hope it helps.

  16. I love this add on, I can't wait until you get it where we can add the info in the tab's in are admin.


    I have a question, Can you lead me in the right direction in showing reviews of the product in a tab? Do I need to add the review field in the product_description, Is so how should I write it?


    Should not be too hard:


    1. You have to generate the reviews for the specific product (and store it into a temp variable), see how osc makes it on catalog/products_reviews.php after line 71 (osCommerce 2.3.1)


    2. Load the content into a tab, for example:

    $TMS->tab[2]['content'] = $reviewTabContent;

    3. Go to catalog/includes/TMS/Conf.php and change the name of the second tab:

    $CONF['tabs']['en'][2] = 'Reviews';

  17. @blr044: Please insert the following code and see if it shows the text:


    include DIR_WS_INCLUDES.'TMS/Conf.php';
    $TMS->tab[1]['content'] = $product_info['products_description'];  
    $TMS->tab[2]['content'] = $product_info['products_description2'];
    $TMS->tab[3]['content'] = 'This is the third tab and this is the content START-|'.$product_info['products_description3'].'|-END';
    $TMS->setLanguage('', $_SESSION['language']);



    And please try also:

    $TMS->tab[3]['content'] = htmlentities($product_info['products_description3']);

  18. @blr044:

    You have to locate the problem, f.e. does the third tab show text when you do this:

    $TMS->tab[3]['content'] = 'hello world 2';

    If yes, echo the new db-field:

    echo $product_info['products_description3'];

    does it show the data?





    I'm sorry but there is no option to insert the text for the new fields (tabs) in the admin, which means you have to insert the content for the tabs manually via database at the moment. The reason for this missing feature is simple: We made this add-on for our customers which has a lot of article data already in the database but no place to show it on the product_info.php page. Their article data come from an ERP system (we are specialized in end-to-end integration between osCommerce and Microsoft Dynamics NAV ERP System -> About Pronux), so they had no need for such an admin input feature.


    But we will release a new version of TMS in late January which will have an admin part for inserting content to specified tabs. If you can't wait, you can do it by your own, should not be tot hard: Just clone and alter the products_decription fields/code on catalog/admin/categories.php




    Thanks for the tip. For testing purpose the php error handling in our demo shop is currently set to:

    ini_set("display_errors", 1);

    I think this may cause the described problems.




    Upload the demo folder included in TMS to your root directory of the shop (f.e. www.yourshow.com/demo) and look if it works.

    ->If it doesn't work: I think you have a problem with your PHP configuration or an old version of PHP...

    ->If it works: Reinstall the TMS add-on in your shop. If it doesn't work, go through the 5 steps mentioned at the beginning of this thread

  19. It's quite simple:

    1. Add the new field to your database, to the table products_description, for example name the new field "new_field".

    2. Add the new field to the sql-query on product_info.php, near line 37, for example change

    $product_info_query = tep_db_query("select p.products_id, pd.products_name,.........


    $product_info_query = tep_db_query("select p.products_id, pd.new_field, pd.products_name,......

    3. Add the new field f.e. to the second tab:

    $TMS->tab[2]['content'] = = $product_info['new_field'];


    merry christmas! :thumbsup:

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