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Everything posted by alexflasher

  1. Hi! I have Dynamenu installed. When I turn 'use cache' option on my tree menu is not working properly, it became like categories cloud and not a tree. I found this code: if ((USE_CACHE == 'true') && empty($SID)) { echo tep_cache_categories_box(); } else { include(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'dm_categories.php'); } $sts->restart_capture ('categorybox', 'box'); And tried to modify it to: /*if ((USE_CACHE == 'true') && empty($SID)) { echo tep_cache_categories_box(); } else {*/ include(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'dm_categories.php'); //} $sts->restart_capture ('categorybox', 'box'); Now menu is working properly, but it's not caching. :( Can somebody help me? Here is tep_cache_categories_box function (in includes/functions/cache.php file): function tep_cache_categories_box($auto_expire = false, $refresh = false) { global $cPath, $language, $languages_id, $tree, $cPath_array, $categories_string; $cache_output = ''; if (($refresh == true) || !read_cache($cache_output, 'categories_box-' . $language . '.cache' . $cPath, $auto_expire)) { ob_start(); include(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'dm_categories.php'); $cache_output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); write_cache($cache_output, 'categories_box-' . $language . '.cache' . $cPath); } return $cache_output; }
  2. Thank you! But it hasn't helped me, because i'm using STS. I've just removed it from table, and now it appears in pages listing!
  3. Hi. There is no contact_us.php and privacy.php page in page listing, but db table has it. How can I set title for that pages?
  4. Hi. I want to add some code to head-tag of one of the my store's pages, but STS captures it and replaces it. How can i get round it?
  5. Found this code (!there are two instances of it!): <?php $date_query = tep_db_query("select distinct month_date from " . TABLE_NEWS . " order by month_date asc"); while ($date = tep_db_fetch_array($date_query)) { ?> <?php echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_NEWS, 'date=' . $date['month_date']) . '"><u>' . $date['month_date']; ?></u></a> <?php } ?> And replace it with <?php $date_query = tep_db_query("select distinct month_date from " . TABLE_NEWS . " order by month_date asc limit " . NEWS_MONTH_ROWS); while ($date = tep_db_fetch_array($date_query)) { $arrr = explode(" ", $date['month_date']); switch($arrr[0]) { case 'January': $month_date = 'Январь'; break; case 'February': $month_date = 'Февраль'; break; case 'March': $month_date = 'Март'; break; case 'April': $month_date = 'Апрель'; break; case 'May': $month_date = 'Май'; break; case 'june': $month_date = 'Июнь'; break; case 'July': $month_date = 'Июль'; break; case 'August': $month_date = 'Август'; break; case 'September': $month_date = 'Сентябрь'; break; case 'October': $month_date = 'Октябрь'; break; case 'Novermber': $month_date = 'Ноябрь'; break; case 'December': $month_date = 'Декабрь'; break; default: $month_date = $arrr[0]; } $month_date .= ' ' . $arrr[1]; ?> <tr> <td class="main"><?php echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_NEWS, 'date=' . $date['month_date']) . '">' . $month_date ?></a></td> </tr> <?php } ?>
  6. There is missing } here: <?php if ($HTTP_GET_VARS['article'] == true) { $id = (int)tep_db_prepare_input($HTTP_GET_VARS['article']); $news_query = tep_db_query("select n.date_created, nd.name, nd.content from " . TABLE_NEWS . " n, " . TABLE_NEWS_DESC . " nd where nd.news_id = '" . (int)$id . "' and n.id = '" . (int)$id . "' and nd.language_id = '" . (int)$languages_id . "'"); $news = tep_db_fetch_array($news_query); ?> Should be like this: <?php if ($HTTP_GET_VARS['article'] == true) { $id = (int)tep_db_prepare_input($HTTP_GET_VARS['article']); $news_query = tep_db_query("select n.date_created, nd.name, nd.content from " . TABLE_NEWS . " n, " . TABLE_NEWS_DESC . " nd where nd.news_id = '" . (int)$id . "' and n.id = '" . (int)$id . "' and nd.language_id = '" . (int)$languages_id . "'"); $news = tep_db_fetch_array($news_query); } ?>
  7. Oh, now I see that there's special css style class for subitems of Horizontal Drop-Down Menu and Vertical Fly-Out Menu. But I'm using Tree Menu and there's no style class for subitems in that type :(
  8. Hi. Nice contribution! Is it possible to make own style for root categories?
  9. Thank you, Jack_mcs! I've found what a pseudo page is! )) Now it works! I've added article_info.php?articles_id=2 page. But my article's url is article-name-a-2.html, so i need to know id's of each articles - it is uncomfortably.. When I try to add article-name-a-2.html page I have error
  10. Mmm.. I don't understand you. What is pseudo page? Can you give fully instructions or screenshots how to do it, please? I checked Category and Product. I thought Category equals topic name and Product equals article name, does it? And I see only "test" in title.. (
  11. I've installed it too, but have a problem.. In articles info page I only see title and keywords metatag with the value of "Article Info ". The description metatag is empty. And I want to see an article name or description in metatags. Need help!
  12. I've installed it too, but have a problem.. In articles info page I only see title and keywords metatag with the value of "Article Info ". The description metatag is empty. And I want to see an article name or description in metatags. Need help!
  13. Thanks again, now it's ok! I tryied USU5 some time ago, but had serious problems with product/category page display (it was blank with only some part of text)....
  14. Thanks! Here is all cyrillic symbols conversions (all i need): а=>a,б=>b,в=>v,г=>g,д=>d,е=>e,ё=>e,ж=>zh,з=>z,и=>i,й=>i,к=>k,л=>l,м=>m,н=>n,о=>o,п=>p,р=>r,с=>s,т=>t,у=>u,ф=>f,х=>h,ц=>c,ч=>ch,ш=>sh,щ=>sh,ъ=>j,ы=>y,ь=>j,э=>e,ю=>u,я=>ja,А=>a,Б=>b,В=>v,Г=>g,Д=>d,Е=>e,Ё=>e,Ж=>zh,З=>z,И=>i,Й=>i,К=>k,Л=>l,М=>m,Н=>n,О=>o,П=>p,Р=>r,С=>s,Т=>t,У=>u,Ф=>f,Х=>h,Ц=>c,Ч=>ch,Ш=>sh,Щ=>sh,Ъ=>j,Ы=>y,Ь=>j,Э=>e,Ю=>u,Я=>ja This field is too long and is cut when i try to save it. Can you prompt me what field needs to be longer in database (or where?)?
  15. Men, thanks for your help! I've installed Ultimate Seo Urls 2.1d STABLE FINAL r164 and it's resolved my problem! But..... I have one more problem.. :) I have cyrilic symbols in my category and products names, so i set "Remove all non-alphanumeric characters" to true. And now when i click the category or product with the name consist of only cyrilic symbols the page url becomes like .../--c-30_23.html and "Page not found" :( Please help me again!!
  16. Yes, it does. When i'm clicking "add to cart" the page url becomes like .../shopping_cart.php?osCsid=94a443bb4284dc834d0e87f17767756d But when i'm clicking "buy now" the page url becomes like .../shopping_cart.php?sort=2a&osCsid=94a443bb4284dc834d0e87f17767756d I think problem in "amp;" :) How can i fix it?
  17. Hello. I've installed "Ultimate SEO 2-2.2d-7" When I clicking "buy now" in product listing my shopping cart is clearing. But it's ok when I clicking "add to cart" in product info.. How can I fix this problem? Thanks.
  18. Hi All! I've installed Product Extra Fields 2.1, following installation instructions. I can create extra fields in admin panel, but it's not showing in new product page (caregories.php with action=new_product), and when i click product preview (caregories.php with action=new_product_preview) it's showing with empty values (for example, Size:). What can be wrong? Please, help!
  19. This is not working with STS :( Its just displaying the image in a new window.
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