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Everything posted by learwbc4

  1. did you figure it out? has anyone figured it out? i am trying to do the same thing. i have an sts osc cart with gift registry installed but it doesn't work.... i didn't know it was a non sts contribution..... gift registry semi-works....it seems like there is just a few more code edits to make it work fully.... can someone provide what those code edits are? would appreciate it very much.
  2. can someone help me with getting gift registry mod to work with sts template mod? i started out with an sts cart, then later added the gift registry mod....only until i finished the installation of gift registry did i find out that it was meant to go on an oscommerce install without sts.... however i think there might just be a few more edits to merge sts and gift registry. am i right? has anyone done it successfully? would anyone be willing to share their experience on this topic?
  3. i also want to know the best solution of simple template system (sts) and an sef/seo urls mod. which two work together the best? thanks.
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