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Posts posted by roopak

  1. If you can access that url, try to "view source" and find:

    • What the value of imageURL? Is that "http: / / localhost/autotech//images/"?

    imageURL: {path:'http://localhost/autotech/images/', relative:'', medium:'http://localhost/autotech/images/thumbs/def/adminpreview/', small:'http://localhost/autotech/images/thumbs/def/adminthumb/', transparent:'images/pixel_trans.gif'},

  2. Hi Thanks for response,



    If I don't mistaken, the image did not show because there is trailling slash before image: "/autotech//images/thumbs/". Maybe that's the problem.

    • Can you try to access below image directly on your browser?
    • If you can access that url, try to "view source" and find:
      var oscProductImageHelper = {
       ajaxURL: ???,
       imageURL: ???,

      What the value of imageURL? Is that "http: / / localhost/autotech//images/"?

    NO that trailing slash is not an issue, I tried removing that extra slash. Value of image url (in admin while editing the product) is the same that I provide you in my earlier post.



    _thumbnail_ is cache folder. Only images that previously loaded will exist in that folder.


    So What to do so that all images should come through _thumbnail_. Currently My system have 100 products which consist of one images each. And all that Images resides in localhost/autotech/images/.


    Please help me out.

  3. Hi,


    I tried to do install manually because I have some other modules already installed on categories.php file. I have updated all files that needs to be.


    When I do edit or create any product & click on upload image popup comes but it always showing progress loader bar nothing else. I am testing in Firefox Browser (6.0.2).

    I read your earlier posts in this thread & I cross checked about the rewrite mod in ini file it also working fine.


    At the very first when I try to edit the product , that product image is being copied to _thumbnail_/adminpreview & adminthumb. & I tries to delete that image its shows image is deleted, but after saving it. Still image is in that folder.

    & When I came back to edit the product its does not showing images but it shows the box of the image. In which path is :



    So I think I missed some configuration kindly help me out.


    One more point I want ask is why its copied only image of one product not all product in _thumbnail_.


    Thanks & regards,

    ROopak Jha

  4. This could be a setup issue with VirtualMerchant. Do you have Internet transactions enabled on your account. Often this error will come up when your account is only setup for MOTO.



    In the function msgResultTests() below the following code segment:



    Put the following code:

    print_r($this->testAry); die();


    So it should read:




    This will print out results.

    Hi Zelf thanks for reply.

    The problem is with "Internet transactions enable" in merchant account.

    After enabling it in merchant account,it gives error :

    "Error Message(s): 4009. Required Field Not Supplied. The field Sales Tax (ssl_salestax) required but not supplied in the authorization request."


    so then I added one lin in chargeit.php

    in function before_process()

    first I add $currencies object in "global $_POST, $order;"


    then I add one line for ssl_salestax

    first I find this code

    $this->submit_data = array (

    // Transaction settings

    ssl_merchant_id => MODULE_PAYMENT_CHARGEIT_ACCOUNT_ID, // The login name as assigned to you by Virtual Merchant

    ssl_user_id => MODULE_PAYMENT_CHARGEIT_USER_ID, // The login name you setup for your automated web transaction user

    ssl_pin => MODULE_PAYMENT_CHARGEIT_PIN, // The pin that was auto assigned to this new user

    ssl_transaction_type => 'CCSALE',

    ssl_show_form => 'FALSE', // Process transaction directly

    ssl_result_format => 'ASCII', // DO NOT CHANGE. The formatting type for result messages from Virtual Merchant


    // Transaction Info

    ssl_amount => number_format($order->info['total'], 2),


    after this I add one line


    ssl_salestax => number_format($order->info['tax'] * $currencies->get_value('USD'), 2, '.',','),



    after that It runs successfully in test mode. Now I will try for production mode.


    So zelf if I have done anything wrong then plz reply me.


    Thanks again for your support.

  5. hi zelf, I mailed you about my problem.

    my main problem is referrer url


    the error I got is :


    Customer ID #7

    [email protected]

    roopak jha



    Error Message(s): 4003. HTTP Referrer Invalid. HTTP POST transactions are not allowed for this HTTP Referrer.

    Address Verification Response:

    CVV2 Verification Response:


    And one more thing:

    when this function calls i tried to see values of response by adding "print_r($response);die;" but its gives empty

    array. I am stuck here please help.


    function cURLDataStream($transaction_data) {

    // concatenate the submission data and put into variable $data

    while(list($key, $value) = each($transaction_data)) {

    $data .= $key . '=' . urlencode(ereg_replace(',', '', $value)) . '&';



    // Remove the last "&" from the string

    $data = substr($data, 0, -1);



    // Post order info data to Virtual Merchant

    // Requires cURL must be compiled into PHP

    $ch = curl_init();

    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $this->virtual_merchant_url); // url set in constructor

    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1);

    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);

    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_REFERER, $this->curl_referer);

    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);

    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1);

    $authorize = curl_exec($ch);


    $response = explode("\n", $authorize); // explode each line of response into an array


    $this->responseAry = array();


    foreach ($response as $line) {

    $codes = explode('=', $line);

    list($key, $value) = $codes;

    $this->responseAry[$key] = $value;



    $this->testAry[] = $transaction_data;

    $this->testAry[] = $authorize;


    $this->msgResultTests(); // Test the results


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