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  1. Awesome! I've changed the crt file and it's working again! Thank you! Will consider upgrading to Phoenix when things get back to normal, and I mean the old normal
  2. Thank you, will look into it
  3. As the title says - when you click PayPal checkout button it just blinks and displays a url with /shopping_cart.php?error_message= I'm using 2.3.4 with several mods running php 5.4 and my host wants me to update to at least 7.2 and I don't blame him My business is not doing all that great due to this...well, you know, so I can't afford to do a full blown re-design, but I need to at least have this checkout issue fixed. I have limited knowledge of the inner workings of Osc and would prefer to hire someone to do it for me. Where should I look? I don't want to go back to freelancer or such...What kind of cost should I expect?
  4. I have my shipping module set up to give a flat rate (based on weight) now for all 3, but it becomes more and more difficult as the rates are so different for different countries and not everybody wants to pay the $44.95 for Express, so I need to set up a flat rate for domestic US orders and USPS express and priority (for customer to choose) and Canada Post Express for Canadian orders. (I'm in Canada on the border with the US and shipping from the USA and Canada :) Is it possible and if so - how would you go about it? Are there any ready contributions that could be used for this? I could switch to USPS priority for domestic, but would much prefer the above scenario, otherwise I'd have to change prices on some 300 products...
  5. I'm using Idevaffiliate and Moneris and Paypal standard as payment options (not counting check & money orders) and have problem with integrating the affiliate script to work correctly. From the Idevaffiliate I get following code to insert into checkout_success.php: $idevtotal = tep_db_query("SELECT value FROM " . TABLE_ORDERS_TOTAL . " WHERE orders_id = '" . (int)$orders['orders_id'] . "' AND class = 'ot_subtotal'"); $idevtotal = tep_db_fetch_array($idevtotal); $idev_osc_1 = (number_format($idevtotal['value'],2)); $idev_osc_2 = $orders['orders_id']; include("/home/xxxx/public_html/xxxx/sale.php"); The parh is correct, yet there is an error when the order comes through and the sale is not credited. Can you find anything that would cause it? Paypal has a different setup, so I don't want to go there now.
  6. I guess changing it to a set of radio buttons would also be fine
  7. I'd like to change font attributes for the e-mails generated after order has been placed - to match the rest of my documents. I think it can be done in catalog/checkout_process.php but I don't know how to approach it. Also - is it possible to somehow highlight (bold, color, etc.) the payment method used - I have 3 payment options and would like to see at glance which order is "send check or money order" and PayPal" as opposed to credit card payments.
  8. It might have been discussed here before, but I can't find the reference. I'd like to display all the product options at once - I found out that if I leave them at default - that's exactly what people tend to buy. Because my options have extra price - I could set it to a higher paid option, but that's not very ethical. Is there a way to display them all at once? I'm not sure if I explain it right, so here's the link to the product in a category that is the most important to me in that regard: http://diviningmind.com/store/blue-moonstone-blue-quartz-sterling-silver-power-pendant-p-835.html By the way - the option sequence reverted to one of the paid options - I have to check the contribution I've added that supposed to control that...
  9. OK, got it solved - found out that register_globals was off... I'm learning, but slowly
  10. Hi! I've moved my website to a new server - everything looked ok, but when I checked the store section - the pictures are not displaying! The logo is there, but not other pictures, like specials, new, also in product descriptions - no pictures! When I check the page source - there is: <img src="image.php?src=images/xxx.jpg&width=248&height=110" When I click on that - I get: <br /> <b>Warning</b>: exif_imagetype() [<a href=function.exif-imagetype'>function.exif-imagetype</a>]: Filename cannot be empty in <b>/home/xxxxx/public_html/store/image.php</b> on line <b>12</b><br /> <br /> <b>Fatal error</b>: Call to undefined function tep_not_null() in <b>/home/xxxxx/public_html/store/image.php </b> on line <b>21</b><br /> Line 9-22 are: $srcsize = getimagesize($_GET['src']); $dest_x = ($_GET['height']); $dest_y = ($_GET['width']); $img_type = exif_imagetype($src); if ($img_type == IMAGETYPE_JPEG) { $src_img = imagecreatefromjpeg($_GET['src']); } // Resize JPG images if ($img_type == IMAGETYPE_PNG) { $src_img = imagecreatefrompng($_GET['src']); } // Resize PNG images if ($img_type == IMAGETYPE_GIF) { $src_img = imagecreatefromgif($_GET['src']); } // Resize Gif images if ($img_type == IMAGETYPE_WBMP ) { $src_img = imagecreatefromwbmp($_GET['src']); } // Resize BMP images $dst_img = imagecreatetruecolor($dest_y, $dest_x); if (empty($width) && tep_not_null($height)) { $ratio = $height / $srcsize[1]; I've checked with the server guys and the GD library is enabled (by default) on my account. Is there a call to it with a specific path? Sorry, I'm completely green where php is concerned
  11. OK, I found it, there were 4 instances of "if (isset($sortOrder['xxxx']))" missing for some reason...
  12. I've seen it answered somewhere, but the search function of this board is quite poor... After installation everything seemed to run fine, now after playing with it for a while I found that both specials and manufacturers display an error: Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Invalid arguments passed in /includes/functions/header_tags.php on line 64 I've ran "fill tags", but that didn't help. I'd appreciate your help, even although it's probably a repeat. I have version 3.1.6 installed
  13. Never mind, figured it out the hard way - added 3 more shipping zones and split the list...
  15. I'm having a problem adding a list of countries I'd like to include in the "Rest of the World" (I ship worldwide). I've compiled a list of countries besides my zone 1+US and zone 2+CA: AF,AX,AL,DZ,AS,AD,AO,AI,AQ,AG,AR,AM,AW,AU,AT,AZ,BS,BH,BD,BB,BY,BE,BZ,BJ,BM,BT,BO ,BA,BW,BV,BR,IO,BN,BG,BF,BI,KH,CM,CV,KY,CF,TD,CL,CN,CX,CC,CO,KM,CG,CD,CK,CR,CI,HR ,CU,CY,CZ,DK,DJ,DM,DO,EC,EG,SV,GQ,ER,EE,ET,FK,FO,FJ,FI,FR,GF,GB,PF,TF,GA,GM,GE,DE ,GH,GI,GR,GL,GD,GP,GU,GT,GG,GN,GW,GY,HT,HM,HN,HK,HU,IS,IN,ID,IR,IQ,IE,IM,IL,IT,JM ,JP,JE,JO,KZ,KE,KI,KP,KR,KW,KG,LA,LV,LB,LS,LR,LY,LI,LT,LU,MO,MK,MG,MW,MY,MV,ML,MT ,MH,MQ,MR,MU,YT,MX,FM,MD,MC,MN,ME,MS,MA,MZ,MM,NA,NR,NP,NL,AN,NC,NZ,NI,NE,NG,NU,NF ,MP,NO,OM,PK,PW,PS,PA,PG,PY,PE,PH,PN,PL,PT,PR,QA,RE,RO,RU,RW,BL,SH,KN,LC,MF,PM,VC ,WS,SM,ST,SA,SN,RS,SC,SL,SG,SK,SI,SB,SO,ZA,GS,ES,LK,SD,SR,SJ,SZ,SE,CH,SY,TW,TJ,TZ ,TH,TL,TG,TK,TO,TT,TN,TR,TM,TC,TV,UG,UA,AE,UM,UY,UZ,VU,VA,VE,VN,VG,VI,WF,EH,YE,ZM ,ZW It gets truncated at about one third and all the countries beside those are not available for shipping. I'm desperate to find a solution as we have customers all over the world.
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