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  1. Thats what I started doing, but there are a lot of files to go through! :) Do you happen to know if there are any unchanged php files in there or in module folders?
  2. Finnish is what I´m looking for. But ofcourse it should not be related to specific language, if upgrading from older version? Still looking for the answer.
  3. There is existing language pack for 2.2 MS2 version, can that be used as basis for creating 2.3.1 pack? Is there any info what files or parts of the file needs to be edited, or does it need to start from fresh?
  4. Thanks, all good now! Had to be only some cashe problem.
  5. Got it working now. Everything is fine, even image uploading. Only thing left is that I can not change the skin or make options & tips for the fonts. As a matter of fact, admin/fckeditor/fckconfig.js file doesn't seem to make any difference. I can even delete that and still everything works normally?! Whats that about?
  6. ^ Ok I only changed 16 to 17 in the first set of rules, so then it all go through. Hopefully correct way. INSERT INTO `configuration_group` (`configuration_group_id`, `configuration_group_title`, `configuration_group_description`, `sort_order`, `visible`) VALUES ('17', 'HTML-Editor', 'HTML-Editor Optionen', 17, 1); All is otherwise good, but I have the same problem than others with welcome message, can not see the edit button or messages to edit. Think it has to do with language that I'm using, finnish, fi. Because when I install IPU into fresh default OSC then it works just great. I use IPUv2.06 and OSC2.2rc2a. I checked that my fi is ID=4, so where that needs to be edited to get the welcome_message to work? Help?
  7. Thats just what I did, downloaded that and unzip into admin folder. But isn't there supposed to be some files modification or how do I get the editor to show in lets say products details? I can not find any installation instructions in the zip file.
  8. I got this error while making the "Dumping data for table `information_group`" in SQL Changes: INSERT INTO `configuration_group` ( `configuration_group_id` , `configuration_group_title` , `configuration_group_description` , `sort_order` , `visible` ) VALUES ( '16', 'HTML-Editor', 'HTML-Editor Optionen', 16, 1 ); #1062 - Duplicate entry '16' for key 1 So like it says in instructions, I changed number 16 (all 4 of them) to next free number that was 17. Was that correct? Then I got this error: INSERT INTO `information_group` ( `information_group_id` , `information_group_title` , `information_group_description` , `sort_order` , `visible` , `locked` ) VALUES ( 1, 'Information pages', 'Information pages', 1, 1, '' ) ; #1062 - Duplicate entry '1' for key 1 What is wrong in there there?
  9. I could not get autoinstaller work also, even I have PHP 5.2.8 so how to do this manual installation? I found this info where it says its basically just uploaded to root and thats it?! So I downloaded old FCK HTML Editor 2.7 27.june2008 and transferred that to root inside fckeditor folder. Then I checked sample data and it all shows so I guess its ok? How do I get editor to work in my product details and information pages? I use information pages unlimited 2.06 and OSC 2.2rc2
  10. I am stuck with this same problem, any help? I only need some contrib that allows adding few extra content pages that can be edited from admin area. I have tried Information Pages Unlimited and Page Editor, but can not get them to work. Edit: I noticed that there might be security issue with Page Editor: read here So any suggestion what would be easy enough contrib to use?
  11. How it can be, I have tested now with 3 computers and different internet connections and I can not get the popup image to load. :blink:
  12. Really? I don't see it working. I mean when you click product image to get bigger popup image? I tried with firefox, IE and chrome and popup image don't load, even the small window do open. Anyone else see it working correctly?
  13. I installed additional images 2.1.1 and all is fine except popup images doesn't work any more. It will open small new window but nothing loads in there. Example here! Where can I start to look for solution? I have renamed my admin folder, so I carefully changed and uploaded those "admin" files accordingly. Is there any paths in the php files that needs changing? My automatic 3 image set is on and popup image width and height are left blank. Thanks for any help!
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