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Everything posted by cizx511

  1. Hi all I have just install Anti Robot Registration Validation 3.1 and it works great until i tested it. The issue is at the create_account.php. For example if a customer forgets to input a require field, the validation code doesn't refresh itself but instead it shows Validated, thankyou where else other error messages appear above. I have attached some screenshots below. Btw I'm using oscommerce v2.2rc2a. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  2. is this thread dead or something? no help at all. oh well nvm.
  3. hi i have installed individual shipping v4.4 on my oscommerce 2.2rc2a but i received this message while testing at checkout_shipping.php Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at C:\xampp\htdocs\mystore\includes\classes\shipping.php:1) in C:\xampp\htdocs\mystore\includes\functions\general.php on line 33 I read some threads that i should remove the whitespace at shipping.php I already did but still have the same issue. Anyone can help me pls? help!
  4. My sincere apology to all. I'm a big noob. I'm using XAMPP to test my site and it seems the images took a while to load up. Now the images are showing up. I dunno what i clicked on the admin panel but now the pictures are there. Next time i'll play around more before posting any dumb post. : p . Anyway this is a real cool addon! Cheers!
  5. Hi again. Actually the above issue has been solved. I dunno how it happen but when add 2 more photos it seems ok. The image can load up. Seems strange. But now i'm facing another issue. When I turned off the Lightbox effect at the admin panel all the images showed very nicely. But when I switched it off, all the additional images are gone except for the main pic. The additional images not showing up. Help me oh yeah!
  6. Hi I'm a newbie and having an issue here. I've just install Lightbox for additional images v2.1.0 - version 2 along with Additional Images v2.1.1. The reason I'm using v.2.1.1 is because i think its compatible with Easy Populate 2.76i-MS2 (with attributes) contribution. Anyway after installing everything seems ok but when i click on the image, the pop-up hanged. I mean the image won't load up. All I see is the loading image keep on swirling. Anyone can help me on this? Thanks!! This forum rocks!
  7. when i click on the +zoom button below the pic on product_info page nothing happens , no pop-pop at all anyone?
  8. the sts beginner's tutorial needs more working examples...
  9. hi its me again. Its working now! Great script!
  10. hi im a newbie here. I have just installed this program and followed every instructions but i got a blank page. Anyone can help?
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