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  1. I got the labelprinting function working, but I'm still puzzled about the label measures. define('PAGE_WIDTH', '8.9'); define('PAGE_HEIGHT', '3.6'); $pdf = new Cezpdf(array(PAGE_WIDTH, PAGE_HEIGHT)); My continuous labels are 101,6 x 35,7 mm The vertical space between the labels is 2 mm What are the correct dimensions I need to define (I really don't understand the formula ("I think dimensions are (72 * inches)" :huh:) If someone can do the correct calculation, it would be superb ! Thanks in advance for your help.
  2. How did you define an continuous papertype ? The labels on the endless roll are 101.6 x 35.7 mm with 2 mm inbetween the labels. I've been looking for an answer myself, but I'm really puzzled about it.
  3. Anyone willing to help me with this ? I've been looking for a solution myself, and can't find it. All help appreciated ! Sixten
  4. Hi all, I was wondering if I could get any help about the following: I installed OSC for a friend who is a caterer, and he wants to print sticky labels (101.6 x 35.7 mm) wich should only include : Company First and last name Product Price (incl. VAT) No more information is needed on the label. One question about the labels: He is using a dedicated matrix-labelprinter with continuous computer labels (you know, the ones with tractor pinholes). Is it possible to define continuous papertypes like these ? Is someone willing to do this programming for a fee ? Please contact me, as I am really puzzled about how to get these labels programmed. If someone is willing to get me started on how to define the labels, I'd really appreciate all the help ! Thanks in advance for your kind help, Sx
  5. I was pointed to this contribution because I was looking to a similar script. Perhaps you can help me with this. My friend is a caterer, providing people with sandwiches, breadspread, warm meals, ... and he wants this online shop so people can order from home, so he can deliver the food. But he only wants the people to take orders from 00AM till 10AM, because he needs to prepare the food orders, and do deliveries. So the shop needs to be closed daily after 10AM. Is there a way to do this with this contribution or with some adaptations ? thanks, Sixten
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