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Everything posted by web2dev

  1. I'm having the same problem. Can anyone please help me? The information on weather gift wrap is selected or not doesn't appear anywhere in the e-mail, or order details (orders.php) or invoice or packing slip. However the addon readme file says it should appear in "Customers Order Invoice and Packing Slip". I'm using OSC v. 2.2 RC2 and Giftwrap v2.0. thanks George
  2. Hi again :) Can someone please help me on something else as well? I'm still a novice in php. :( I want the product_reviews_info.php and the product_reviews.php to be able to show the image popup using lightbox. I don't want to create sts template for these two pages. How do I edit the following code (which is the same for both files) in order to view the big image when click to enlarge or the thumbnail is clicked? <script language="javascript"><!-- document.write('<?php echo '<a href="javascript:popupWindow(\\\'' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_POPUP_IMAGE, 'pID=' . $product_info['products_id']) . '\\\')">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . $product_info['products_image'], addslashes($product_info['products_name']), SMALL_IMAGE_WIDTH, SMALL_IMAGE_HEIGHT, 'hspace="5" vspace="5"') . '<br>' . TEXT_CLICK_TO_ENLARGE . '</a>'; ?>'); //--></script> <noscript> <?php echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link(DIR_WS_IMAGES . $product_info['products_image']) . '" target="_blank">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . $product_info['products_image'], $product_info['products_name'], SMALL_IMAGE_WIDTH, SMALL_IMAGE_HEIGHT, 'hspace="5" vspace="5"') . '<br>' . TEXT_CLICK_TO_ENLARGE . '</a>'; ?> </noscript> I have already added the js and css declarations in the head section. thanks in advance George
  3. Oo, really sorry then, since that's the case, because after so many times reading the files to see if anything was wrong when I copied the lines I never noticed that. But, since this whole mixed-addons addon is for additional images on sts with lightbox why don't you set default behavior for the Product Info: Product Image behavior to be product_info? Just saying as an idea, but please be lenient with me, since I'm not an advanced programmer in php and maybe my idea is not applicable. thanks again george
  4. Hi again, just to clarify... You ask: 3) What do you see on the screen instead of the images? The tag name? I answer: 3. I see the tags $imageblock1$, $imageblock2$, $imageblock3$ and $imageblock4$. Only these tags appear, the rest tags work fine ($additionalpopsmall$, $mainimagepop$, $additionalpopsmall$, $additionalpopmed$, $mainimagebig$, $mainimagemed$, $mainimagesmall$ <-- these work fine). You ask: 4) What tag do you use to get the first product image into the template I answer: 4. I guess you mean the $additionalpopsmall$ tag? This is the first I see. So you probably mixed my answers for 3 and 4. :) AND YES...THANK YOU that did the trick...changed it to Product Info: Product Image behavior product_info and it now works fine thank you very much again!! george
  5. Hi, thanks for the reply. 1. yes, I copied both changes from installation.txt and I just checked product_info.php from the addon folder and from the eshop folder and they are the same. 2. I used all tags $imageblock1$, $imageblock2$, $imageblock3$, $imageblock4$ to see how they appear and to test it and I used it on includes/sts_templates/full/content/product_info.php.html 3. I see the tags $imageblock1$, $imageblock2$, $imageblock3$ and $imageblock4$. Only these tags appear, the rest tags work fine ($additionalpopsmall$, $mainimagepop$, $additionalpopsmall$, $additionalpopmed$, $mainimagebig$, $mainimagemed$, $mainimagesmall$ <-- these work fine). 4. I guess you mean the $additionalpopsmall$ tag? This is the first I see. 5. Automatically create 3 image set true Background color Pre-fill upload dir w/ Category names true Pre-fill starting with this sub-dir products Use image size restrictions false Product Info: Show Additional Images true Product Info: Product Image Behavior popup Product Info: Group parent with sub-images false Product Info: Restrict parent image size true Product Info: Table alignment center Product Info: Table location below Product Info: Number of columns 3 Product Info: Number of rows 2 Popup: Show Thumbnail Menu true Thumb Menu: Show parent image true Thumb Menu: Use image size restrictions false Thumb Menu: Table alignment center Thumb Menu: Table location below Thumb Menu: Number of columns 3 Thumb Menu: Number of rows 2 Lightbox effect true These are the settings you want, right? In general I haven't changed anything in the original product_info.php.html from sts 4.6.1 except the addition of the Additional images tags. thanks again. george
  6. anyone? I thought this addon was better supported. :(
  7. Hello, I have a problem with the modified contribution Additional Images for STS content pages - Version 1. I see the tags $imageblock1$, $imageblock2$, $imageblock3$, $imageblock4$ instead of the images. I installed, as the setup txt file instructs the addons Additional Images version 2.1.0 and STS version 4.5.8 (and I used these older versions just because they were tested). I followed all instructions in all addons very carefully. Everything works fine except of course the imageblocks. Lightbox is working fine, I can add more than one image in products but I can see only the first image. I read in previous pages in this thread that someone had the same problem, but there wasn't any solution. Can someone please help me? Thanks in advance George
  8. thank you very much for the help. yes what I want is exactly that: "a textarea where you can add a category description and have that description show up on the category page" Sorry for the misunderstanding, I mentioned products textareas and pages just to give an example of what I want...what happens in products to happen in categories as well. Thanks again George
  9. thank you very much for your answers, but I'm not sure that my question was well put or my knowledge on oscommerce and header tags seo is limited, but what I want is this. I want an addon so in product categories to have a textarea where I can add text, so when a user clicks on the categories in the menu to open a page where this text in the textarea will appear. In other words when you add a product there is a description textarea that appears on the products page...I want the same thing for the category of the products. header tags seo has built in code for that? thanks again George
  10. Hi, Can someone please advice me on which addon to use for categories description? I found only a few addons with not very good description which makes me think there isn't any addon a de-facto solution for what I want. I have already installed: STS version 4.5.8 Additional Images version 2.1.0 Fancy lightbox popup Additional Images for STS content pages - Version 1 I'm planning to install HeaderTags SEO and Article Manager soon. I'm mentioning the installed addons in hope of the category description addon to be compatible with them. Thanks in advance George
  11. Thank you very much for your input. The Additional Images contribution you're saying is that http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/1032 ? Because contributions search is not very accurate, since the module I link above was on the second column near the bottom... Thanks again George
  12. Hi, Can anyone please advice me on what is the best order to setup contributions in a new osCommerce setup? I'm interested in the following contributions and I would like to know if can anyone advice me what would be the correct order of installing these contributions so the minimum changes/overwrites to files can occur. Simple Template System (STS) - http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/1524 Header Tags SEO V 3.0 - http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/5851 Article Manager v1.0 - http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/1709 UltraPics - MS2 Image Addon Pack! - http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/1642 or Simple Multi Image Add-on (Un-Limited) with FancyBox Popups http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/7008 ... which is better btw? Order Editor - http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/1435 ... what exactly does this contribution do? the description doesn't explain anything optionally these contributions maybe handy, but I'm not sure if setting up so many contributions is a wise thing to do. Optional Related Products 1.0 - http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/2293 Wishlist 2.0 - http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/1682 Discount Coupon Codes - http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/4269 Purchase Without Account - http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/355 thanks in advance George
  13. hi thanks for the reply. Ok, since the readme.txt and the instructions are accurate and I followed them to the point then it must be some coding error or perhaps some admin settings for the header tags seo that I didn't do. Because article manager was the main contribution that I wanted and as soon as header tags seo was successfully installed and setup in the php files I didn't play much with it in the admin. Maybe something I had to do and didn't...don't know. Since these lines do what I thought they would do too it won't cause any critical errors to the whole site if the pseudo pages for articles wouldn't be inserted automatically to header tags seo, right? I can safely comment out these 3 lines for the time being, right? thanks George
  14. I found what was causing the problem. I don't know why exactly and I hope it won't mess up other things but this loop in admin/articles.php was not executed more than once because of the pseudocode pages for header Tags SEO. for ($i=0, $n=sizeof($languages); $i<$n; $i++) { All I had to do was to comment out these 3 lines in around line numbers 112 and 295. (first line is already a comment) and everything worked fine. /***************** ADD AS PSEDUO PAGE FOR HEADER TAGS SEO ****************/ //$psedudoPage = sprintf(FILENAME_ARTICLE_INFO . "?articles_id=%d", $articles_id); //require_once(DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS . 'header_tags.php'); //require(DIR_WS_MODULES . 'articles_pseudo.php'); Something in header_tags.php or articles_pseudo.php was not working properly either due to coding problems or header Tags SEO general contribution or setup from admin for header tags seo and prevented the original "for" loop to be executed more than once (it should have been executed so many times as the languages installed in the store). I hope I helped anyone else having this problem and the developer to search more about this problem. One last thing that I remembered now is that the readme file had a change for a header tags seo file (probably header_tags.php) that was saying to be applied only for versions earlier than Header Tags SEO V 3.2.3, which confused me a bit since the latest Header Tags SEO version is 3.2.2. So I wasn't sure if I had to apply that change or not but I made the change and maybe that caused the problem, but right now I can't test it anymore. Maybe the developer can correct me about the readme file and about if commenting out these lines will cause major problems or just the fact that I won't be able to have header tags seo for article pages (which I can leave with that until it's fixed). Thanks again George
  15. Still no luck. All the changes are correct, I get no errors from the database when it updates. If you can please have any clues on why this happens please let me know. thanks George
  16. ok I'm looking the whole process from the beginning and I realised that following step by step the readme.txt some changes on files that are in the catalog folder are not in the txt file. The two files in the catalogs folder are the refirect.php and product_info.php and there are no instruction in the readme regarding these two files. Of course these files probably have nothing to do with the admin files that was changed and my problem, but I'm confused in general about whether I should apply these changes as well or not since they are not in the read me file. Also it makes me wonder if the readme file may have more problems. I'll better check all files to be changed with win merge or something to make sure. George
  17. I did some more testing and I added manually from navicat the 2nd record with language_id 5 and some text. The article in the admin had then the fields with the text I added. Then I made some changes from the admin adding some more text in Greek and updated the form. The record was updated correctly and the greek characters had no problem. But in the eshop the articles box still didn't the article listed. When I was in english viewing the article and changed language to greek tha article was shown, but still the articles box didn't have the article listed. I'm guessing something else except admin/articles.php is wrong too. :( thanks george
  18. The authors_info table, which also has fields for both languages in the admin and updates correctly, has 2 records in the database. one with language_id 1 for english and one with language_id 5 for greek. So I guess articles_description should have had 2 records. maybe it's something wrong in admin/articles.php that doesn't update the database properly?? thanks george
  19. Hi, thanks for the reply. The articles_description table in the database has only one record [articles_id=1, language_id=1, articles_name=<text>...]. I'm not sure how to check the languages id in the admin. When I go to admin languages I see that English is sort order 1 and Greek is sort order 4 (other languages were removed in the beginning of the building of the store). Greek is set as default. I'm not sure if that sort order is the language id but in the url when I select English I see the url http://.../eshop/admin/languages.php?page=1&lID=1 for English and http://.../eshop/admin/languages.php?page=1&lID=5 for Greek. So maybe language id is 1 for english and 5 for greek from that last part lID=5. What does that mean?? thanks George
  20. Oh ok. thanks again. However if I didn't missread the installation and guide txt files I think it said not to have any of the checkboxes in include checked when we set the default values for the tags. Maybe I missread it. Nevermind since it's all ok. Thank you George
  21. Thanks for the fast reply. Yes it's true I can edit a product page in both languages and appears correctly. The installation went extremely good, I didn't get any errors in the sql file or in new files/edit files changes and uploads. Everything seems very good except of course the Greek characters not saved in the database. My only guessing right now is the sql file installation, that I installed using Navicat. In the "execute SQL file" it had an option under the file selection for the encoding where I left it in the default encoding 65001 (UTF-8). My store uses Windows-1253 pages encoding which is for Greek and English as I had a lot of troubles in the beginning with the UTF-8 encoding. I wasn't sure if I had to change that setting in navicat to windows-1253 or not. On the other hand I don't understand how the web pages encoding in html is related to database encoding. If they are not then utf-8 that surely supports Greek characters why isn't working. I'm out of ideas. Please if anyone has any idea on where to look to correct this I would be grateful. thanks george EDIT: the problem may not be with greek encoding. I tried writing English in the greek title and the update wasn't saved with english characters as well. any ideas now? :S
  22. Hi and congratulations for the addon. Can you please help me on why the Greek version of the article is not saved (my store has greek and english as languages). It must be a database problem because when I go to articles or topics from the admin I see all fields with the Greek text (titles or descriptions) to be blank. That must means that they are not saved in the database. Correct me if I'm wrong and please help me on how to fix that. thanks in advance George
  23. never mind. I am not sure why or how, but it works now. Only thing I did was in the admin page control where I checked category in include in the default tags hoping that at least for now the category pages will have the default title instead of nothing, but all of a sudden they work properly with the correct titles and tags. anyway... thanks for the help and the addon. Geogre
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