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Everything posted by ecartz

  1. It's worth noting that blogs and forums are simpler beasts than a shopping cart, a blog almost strictly so. A blog has posts; a cart has products. Equal. Products have prices; posts don't. Cart. Prices can be with tax or without tax. Cart. Both blogs and carts have categories. Equal. A blog has comments; a cart has reviews. Equal. Reviews have star ratings; comments don't. Cart. Both have search and browse. Equal. Both have registration and login. Equal. Users put products in their carts; no blog equivalent. Cart. Checkout. Cart. Interaction with external shippers and payment processors. Cart. Both are multilingual. Equal. Carts are multi-currency. Cart. No matter what system of contribution/addon/plugin install you have, I don't think that there is an automated solution for someone who wants to install all of Separate Price Per Customer, Quantity Price Break, Options Price Update, Actual Attribute Price, and MSRP. The fundamental problem is that they all want the same piece of real estate and they want to do incompatible things to it. For example, when you change the selected attribute, should the Options Price Update change the MSRP as well as the regular price? I'm not even sure that it's meaningful to mix Options Price Update with Actual Attribute Price. As a project, osCommerce could do a better job of internal modularity. It's easy to see that just contrasting 2.2 RC2a with 3.0a5. The latter is much improved, although it could be better. For example, getPriceFormated (sic) should not live in Product but outside it somewhere that is easily overridden. Otherwise, every one of the previous contributions will be in there modifying that single function in Product. Not to mention possible template issues. In terms of managing contributions, it's true that the addons area could be a lot better. Ratings for contribution (both functionally and for ease of install); tagging of contribution versions (rc2a compatible, code merge required, update package, specific solution, not multilingual); better handling of contribution forking and merging; so on and so forth. I don't favor mandates though; I favor increasing information. If people don't want to install contributions that don't come with step by step install instructions, then they shouldn't do so. I still prefer whole files, because it is easier for me to diff them than it is to diff an instruction from a text file.
  2. int(1) would be consistent with what the rest of osCommerce does.
  3. checkout_process.php (after buyer confirmation, before success).
  4. If you want to choose the color from a drop down list, Product Attributes are part of the base install. If you want to show pictures of the colors (may appear differently to the customer because of monitor settings), you could look for the Options as Images contribution. If you need inventory tracking, check out QT Pro. An alternative option would be to install Master Products or one of the similar contributions. This would allow you to show multiple products on one product info page. It would offer images and track inventory.
  5. I think that what you want to do is install flat rate shipping to implement Registered Post. Download and install a contribution for Customer Pickup. The link to contributions is in the Community menu at the top of the page. The customer will choose between Registered Post and Customer Pickup during checkout.
  6. Did you install a contribution related to attributes? Perhaps QT Pro? The error is saying that there is code that thinks that there is a column named options_values_model_no in the products_attributes table; however, the database says that the column does not exist. That is not the name of any of the standard osCommerce columns, so it is likely that this is something that you added later. The easiest fix would be to make the database changes that the contribution wants. However, that may not be practical. An alternative would be to undo the code changes from the contribution. That's more complicated though.
  7. Yes. It's called something like ship in cart.
  8. You need to run the .sql file in the root directory of the contribution in something like phpMyAdmin. If you continue to have problems, you may want to post in the contribution's support thread: http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=338661
  9. That's quite possible. It's also possible that they have AllowOverrides set to false. Have you tried going to admin >> Tools >> Server Info? It should tell you how Apache is configured. Look under apache >> Loaded Modules and see if mod_rewrite is listed. If your host has disabled phpinfo so that it doesn't show you this information, then it would be best to ask them how they have things configured and how to implement your rewrite rules.
  10. Try searching for noscript in the file. The code that you want to replace is in a javascript block and is immediately followed by the section for people without javascript, which is in <noscript></noscript> tags. Also look to see if your product_info does an include or a require of a page to display the images. Perhaps you installed a contribution? If your product_info file is just a long series of defines that look like define('TEXT_PRODUCT_NOT_FOUND', 'Product not found!'); define('TEXT_CURRENT_REVIEWS', 'Current Reviews:'); define('TEXT_MORE_INFORMATION', 'For more information, please visit this products <a href="%s" target="_blank"><u>webpage</u></a>.'); define('TEXT_DATE_ADDED', 'This product was added to our catalog on %s.'); define('TEXT_DATE_AVAILABLE', '<font color="#ff0000">This product will be in stock on %s.</font>'); define('TEXT_ALSO_PURCHASED_PRODUCTS', 'Customers who bought this product also purchased'); define('TEXT_PRODUCT_OPTIONS', 'Available Options:'); define('TEXT_CLICK_TO_ENLARGE', 'Click to enlarge'); then you are looking at the wrong product_info file.
  11. Reported spammer

  12. It looks like should be PRIMARY KEY ( `specifications_filters_id` ) ,
  13. Perhaps the Article Manager contribution would work for you?
  14. Order Editor includes that.
  15. Have you verified that the function flash_carousel_product_name() exists in includes/functions/flash_carousel.php? It looks like it is a newer function. Maybe you have an older version of the file?
  16. I don't think that would matter (you did the right thing there). The error it is giving you suggests that you missed step 11, where you were supposed to end up with code like tep_expire_specials(); // auto expire flash carousel products require(DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS . 'flash_carousel.php'); tep_expire_flash_carousel(); in includes/application_top.php
  17. I would expect that that would break things and would not add pull downs where they aren't already. You absolutely should not add a </form> if it is not there already. You may have to do something similar to compensate. In particular, you should make sure that all forms have the session ID somewhere. If you find a </form>, you may need to add the session ID if is a GET form. In the POST forms, I think that the session ID would already be provided by the action URL.
  18. document.write('<?php echo '<a href="' . DIR_WS_IMAGES . $review['products_image'] . '" rel="lightbox" title="' . addslashes($review['products_name']) . '">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . $review['products_image'], addslashes($review['products_name']), SMALL_IMAGE_WIDTH, SMALL_IMAGE_HEIGHT, 'hspace="5" vspace="5"') . '<br>' . TEXT_CLICK_TO_ENLARGE . '</a>'; ?>');
  19. I have the impression that the order of the order total modules matters. If you go into the order total section in admin and change the sort order so that coupons are before shipping, it might fix your problem.
  20. Try changing (in the code I posted previously) '" rel="lightbox" title="' . $product_info['products_name'] . '">' to '" rel="lightbox" title="' . addslashes($product_info['products_name']) . '">' I think that this is a bug in the contribution and that everyone who has apostrophes in their titles will encounter it (not just your modified version).
  21. 'categories_description_front' => tep_db_prepare_input ($categories_description_front_array[$language_id] ); // End Categories images box /*** Begin Header Tags SEO ***/ $sql_data_array = array('categories_name' => tep_db_prepare_input($categories_name_array[$language_id]), I think that the first line should be last, like this (also changed a semicolon to a comma): // End Categories images box /*** Begin Header Tags SEO ***/ $sql_data_array = array('categories_name' => tep_db_prepare_input($categories_name_array[$language_id]), 'categories_description_front' => tep_db_prepare_input($categories_description_front_array[$language_id] ), Don't forget to backup before you try it.
  22. I haven't looked at it in a while, but one of the things that Paul Mathot was doing with the Basic Template Structure contribution was building a CSS/div based template. Even if you don't want to install the contribution, you could still use the template as a guide.
  23. So you just want to know how to replace document.write('<?php echo '<a href="java script:popupWindow(\\\'' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_POPUP_IMAGE_EXTRA, 'pID='.$product_info['products_id']).'&id='.$nb.'\\\')">'. tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES_EXTRA . $product_info[$var_products_image], addslashes($product_info['products_name']), SMALL_IMAGE_WIDTH, SMALL_IMAGE_HEIGHT, 'hspace="5" vspace="5"') . '<br>' . TEXT_CLICK_TO_ENLARGE . '</a>'; ?>'); ? It looks like it would be document.write('<?php echo '<a href="' . DIR_WS_IMAGES_EXTRA . $product_info[$var_products_image] . '" rel="lightbox" title="' . $product_info['products_name'] . '">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES_EXTRA . $product_info[$var_products_image], addslashes($product_info['products_name']), SMALL_IMAGE_WIDTH, SMALL_IMAGE_HEIGHT, 'hspace="5" vspace="5"') . '<br>' . TEXT_CLICK_TO_ENLARGE . '</a>'; ?>'); I did not test nor download the contribution, so don't forget to backup before trying.
  24. I don't know of a contribution that does it at checkout, but the Option Types v2 contribution allows file uploads and selection from previous uploads on the product_info page (before adding to cart).
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