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Everything posted by raiwa

  1. Hello Jason @@rabon33, Had a time to have look on this now and found maybe the easiest way would be to add to mobile_stylesheet.css under: #headerLogo { text-transform:uppercase; text-align:center; line-height:11px; } this: #headerLogo img { max-width: 100%; } no need to add anything in the header kind regards Rainer
  2. Hello Raphael @@rafhun, We could also change the data-theme for the selected item: while (list($key, $value) = each($currencies->currencies)) { $currencies_array[] = array('id' => $key, 'text' => $value['title']); if ($currency == $key) { $icon = 'check'; $datatheme = 'b'; } else { $icon = 'plus'; $datatheme = 'a'; } echo tep_button_jquery($value['title'], $path . $key , $datatheme , 'button' , 'data-icon="'.$icon.'" data-iconpos="right" ' ); } What do you think? regards Rainer
  3. Hello Raphael,@@rafhun, Very good idea, will be added to the next update if you agree. Here the snippet for the currencies: while (list($key, $value) = each($currencies->currencies)) { $currencies_array[] = array('id' => $key, 'text' => $value['title']); if ($currency == $key) { $icon = 'check'; } else { $icon = 'plus'; } echo tep_button_jquery($value['title'], $path . $key , 'a' , 'button' , 'data-icon="'.$icon.'" data-iconpos="right" ' ); } and here for the styles: foreach ( $css as $value ) { if (CSS == $value) { $icon = 'check'; } else { $icon = 'plus'; } echo tep_button_jquery( $value , tep_mobile_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT,'style='.$value, 'NONSSL') , 'a' , 'button' , 'data-icon="'.$icon.'" rel="external" data-iconpos="right" ' ); } Thank you and kind regards Rainer
  4. Hello @@Papanco, Yes, this support needs update, will do it asap. You need to modify the section for the additional images too: in mobile/product_info.php line 185: find: $pi_entry .= '" target="_blank">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . $pi['image'], $product_info['products_name'], MOBILE_IMAGE_WIDTH, MOBILE_IMAGE_HEIGHT) . '</a>'; change to: $pi_entry .= '" target="_blank">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'thumbs/def/display/' . $pi['image'], $product_info['products_name'], MOBILE_IMAGE_WIDTH, MOBILE_IMAGE_HEIGHT) . '</a>'; Thanks for the report Rainer
  5. Hello Jason @@rabon33, http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/8504 is an obsolete support for iosc 3 To use discount coupon add-on: http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/4269 with iosc mobile 7.3.1 you need to do your own integration. Just try to apply all modifications of the catalog page files to the mobile page files. See also the Add-On Support.doc Kind regards Rainer
  6. @@MountainMan, some payment modules need some modifications to work with mobile. So the ones in mobile/ext.. are modified and will be used in mobile, the modules in catalog/ext are the originals and used in classic. Just use the installation instructions in the newest version 7.3.1.
  7. Hello @@MountainMan, You can find jquery mobile specific information, demos and coding examples here: http://demos.jquerymobile.com/1.3.2/ regards Rainer
  8. Hello Scott @@greasemonkey, adding your 404 support to the package would be great. You can upload it yourself or send me the files and instructions and I'll add it to the next update. You got my mail? thanks a lot and kind regards Rainer
  9. Hello @@MountainMan, This is correct. The mod in catalog/includes/application_top.php refers to the core configure.php: catalog/includes/configure.php It's the mobile configure.php to be deleted: catalog/mobile/includes/configure.php For all the other trouble, please try this: Recheck all modifications in the core oscommerce files using the installation instructions for a new installation included in iosc mobile vers. 7.3.1. In particular check the modifications in the following files: - catalog/includes/configure.php - catalog/includes/application_top.php - catalog/includes/functions/general.php - catalog/includes/functions/html_output.php - the classic_site URL definition in catalog/mobile/catalog_mb.php - the classic link in catalog/mobile/incudes/footer.php Make sure you are using the newest versions of the redirect files: - catalog/mobile/includes/classes/mobile_redirect.php - catalog/mobile/includes/classes/mobile_redirect_subdomain.php If you are using SEO URLs, you need to update the SEO URL support files and the mobile rewrite rules in .htaccess. See the last version of the add-on support package. Kind regards Rainer
  10. Fix for the missing SEO URL support (Url correction to classic site URLs in iosc mobile 7.3.1). I'll add it to the next update. Here the change: In mobile/includes/modules/product_social_bookmarks.php: find: } } echo str_replace(urlencode(HTTP_MOBILE_SERVER . DIR_WS_HTTP_MOBILE), urlencode(HTTP_SERVER . DIR_WS_HTTP_CATALOG), $data); replace with: $str_replace_from = array('-mc-', '-mi-', '-mby-', '-mpr-', '-mpri-', '-mp-', '-mm-', 'catalog_mb.php', 'about.php', 'search.php', 'options.php', urlencode(HTTP_MOBILE_SERVER . DIR_WS_HTTP_MOBILE), '?redirectCancelled=true', '&redirectCancelled=true'); $str_replace_to = array('-c-', '-i-', '-by-', '-pr-', '-pri-', '-p-', '-m-', 'index.php', 'index.php', 'index.php', 'index.php', urlencode(HTTP_SERVER . DIR_WS_HTTP_CATALOG)); $data = str_replace($str_replace_from, $str_replace_to, $data); } } echo $data;
  11. Hello Scott @@greasemonkey, Do you think you need both, Header Tags SEO and core Header Tags? I only could imaging that it may be related to the image path definition in ht_apple_touch.php: if( file_exists( DIR_FS_CATALOG . MODULE_HEADER_TAGS_APPLE_TOUCH_ICON_FILE ) && is_file( DIR_FS_CATALOG . MODULE_HEADER_TAGS_APPLE_TOUCH_ICON_FILE ) ) { return tep_image(HTTP_SERVER . DIR_WS_CATALOG . MODULE_HEADER_TAGS_APPLE_TOUCH_ICON_FILE, '', '48', '48' ); But this is a specific issue of this file and I would ask @@Gergely for help. Regards Rainer
  12. Hello Katherine @@casof, I'm very sorry for the very late reply, hope you got a response meanwhile. Here for any case the fix: In includes/modules/payment/payment_express.php, make the following change in the pre_confirmation_check() function: // if ($response_array['AMT'] == $this->format_raw($order->info['total'])) { // tep_redirect(tep_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_PROCESS, '', 'SSL')); // } else { tep_redirect(tep_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_CONFIRMATION, 'do=confirm', 'SSL')); // } (all credit to @@Harald Ponce de Leon) regards Rainer
  13. Hello Scott @@greasemonkey, I just rechecked on my test and livestore and Google + share works without any problem. Try to check installation.
  14. Hello @@gvv, The Header tags mobile support is for version HeaderTags_SEO_V_3.3.0, not 3.3.1. There are a lot of changes in the latest version. regards Rainer
  15. Hello Scott @@greasemonkey, For point 1, the language files are included individually in each social bookmark. Try switching on the bookmarks one by one to check which one produces the error. For pont 2: yes I forgot to mention that this is alternative, or upload the new file or modify the old one, sorry. regards Rainer
  16. Hello Scott @@greasemonkey, Now we come closer, I didn't know that this is a standard Header tags module. I downloaded the add-on and had a look on it. This line is ok: <?php $oscTemplate->buildBlocks(); echo $oscTemplate->getBlocks('header_tags'); ?> Just do the mods explained in the install doc. What you should do is to update to Mobile osc 7.3.1., in 7.3.0. there are some mods missing and it didn't work correct with all header tag modules (title tags etc). @@Gergely, I would like to add your mobile header tags to the iosc mobile core package, is it ok for you? regards Rainer
  17. Hello Scott @@greasemonkey, Try this, it works for me: RewriteRule ^mobile/mobile/(.*?)([a-z0-9/-]+).php$ mobile/ [R=301,NC,L] Put it in the SEO URL part, it will redirect all mobile/mobile/... URLs to the mobile root. Hope this helps for now, but I would like to find the root of this problem. kind regards Rainer
  18. Hello @@Gergely, There is a mod. included in the iosc mobile installation for the PayPal express module since Mobile OSC 7.2.1. It adds the link rel="external" tag to the PayPal express button in mobile shopping cart, if you mean this. regards Rainer
  19. Hello Scott @@greasemonkey, The instructions for the google analytics support in the contribution support package are for the case someone uses the generic intructions given in the google analytics support page (In google). For the core support included in OsCommerce since 2.3.1 it is not necessary to add any additional code. It is all done including the new code in the mobile header and footer: <?php $oscTemplate->buildBlocks(); echo $oscTemplate->getBlocks('header_tags'); ?> <?php echo $oscTemplate->getBlocks('footer_scripts'); ?> The mistake is to call it for OsC 2.3.x.x..Sorry, I'll change the instructions to explain this better in the next update.
  20. Hello Raphael @@rafhun, Just uploaded Mobile OsC 7.3.0. which inludes support for the product title and image resize.
  21. Hello Scott @@greasemonkey, Just uploaded version Mobile OsC 7.3.0. with support for all OsC 2.3.x header tag modules.
  22. Just thought the robots.txt is not a good aproach since the directory /mobile/mobile/ doesn't really exist.
  23. Hello Scott @@greasemonkey, For the first: I never observed this in my stores. Maybe you could check the installation (includes/configure.php, includes/functions/html_output.php, includes/functions/general.php, SEO URL modifications). Otherwise you could try to add this to robots.txt: Disallow: /mobile/mobile/ or exclude it in Google Webmaster Tools / Google Index / remove URLs For the second I will have a look on it and do the update, thank you. regards Rainer
  24. sorry the MOBILE_SESSION definition should be added at the very beginning to mobile/includes/application_top.php before calling the standard application_top.php
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